属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-听起来很美 Sounds wonderful
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-乡村饲蜜 城市居民培养出乡村嗜好
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-充气式宇宙飞船 在轨道上运行时充气膨胀
1 | Jim Kelly是一位40多岁的咨询人员,同时也是一位摇滚乐的爱好者。他在尝试这个新的搜索引擎时被这些新技术深深的吸引。 | Jim Kelly, a 40-year old consultant and rock music enthusiast , was quite impressed with the technology when he took part in the trials. | |
2 | 保罗是个狂热的信徒。 | Paul was an enthusiast | |
3 | 但是这位长老并没有因听众稀少而难受。他依然罗里罗嗦地详细介绍下去:史密斯在1837年如何破产,那些被他拖垮了的股东如何把他身上涂满了沥青然后强迫他在羽毛上打滚 | But this did not disconcert the enthusiast , who proceeded with the story of Joseph Smith’s bankruptcy in 1837, and how his ruined creditors gave him a coat of tar and feathers | |
4 | 酷爱各种流行音乐的人. | An enthusiast for/about all kinds of pop music | |
5 | 狂热爱好者;热心人 | A fan;an enthusiast . | |
6 | 迷:强烈的热爱者;狂热爱好者. | Fan:an ardent devotee; an enthusiast . | |
7 | 迷强烈的热爱者;狂热爱好者 | An ardent devotee;an enthusiast . | |
8 | 他是个热衷于政治的人。 | He is an enthusiast about politics. | |
9 | 他是一个激情昂扬的人,也热中于唤起他人心中的激情。 | He was an enthusiast and loved to evoke enthusiasm in others. | |
10 | 他只是思想上有些古怪而已--他老是孜孜不倦地在研究某些学科。 | He is a little queer in his ideas-an enthusiast in some branches of science. | |
11 | 我是武术爱好者,武术或功夫已成为影视作品的热门题材。武术有多少门派呢? | a:I am a martial art enthusiast , and martial arts, or kung fu, have become one of the most popular story lines for screens of all sizes. I just wonder how many different schools there are in the martial arts. | |
12 | 我想,你也许是个积极分子。 | I thought you might be an enthusiast | |
13 | 一位热心者说:“电话将成为你整个生活的遥控器。” | Said one enthusiast : "Your phone will be your remote control for life." | |
14 | 影迷热衷于电影的人 | A film or movie enthusiast . | |
15 | 在这些事情上,奥林匹阿斯是个内行,是个热衷的人。 | In these matters Olympias was an expert and an enthusiast | |
16 | 这些漂亮精致的 1:43 比例车模带有展示架,是给任何 Volvo 发烧友的最好礼物 | Coming complete with a display stand, these beautifully detailed 1:43 scale models are the perfect gift for any Volvo enthusiast | |
17 | 蒸汽机火车爱好者. | A steam train enthusiast | |
18 | ||1: 认知心理学家Steven Pinker因作品“语言的本能”而出名,他将音乐称为“听觉上的奶酪蛋糕,一份精心制作的高级甜点,至少能对六种心理官能的敏感点有所刺激。” ||2:他说,如果人类突然失去音乐,“我们的生活方式将几乎一成不变。”||3:有人争论认为,与此相反,音乐及艺术和文学是人之所以为人的一部分;没有音乐恐怕会使人更具兽性。||4: 英国科学作家及音乐的狂热爱好者Philip Ball在其中有所领悟。 ||5:他认为音乐根植于人们的听觉、知觉和运动技能之中。||6:人类的音乐禀赋同语言不相上下,摆脱音乐可谓欲罢而不能。 | ||1: Steven Pinker, a cognitive psychologist best known for his book “The Language Instinct”, has called music “auditory cheesecake, an exquisite confection crafted to tickle the sensitive spots of at least six of our mental faculties.” ||2: If it vanished from our species, he said, “the rest of our lifestyle would be virtually unchanged.” ||3: Others have argued that, on the contrary, music, along with art and literature, is part of what makes people human; its absence would have a brutalising effect. ||4: Philip Ball, a British science writer and an avid music enthusiast , comes down somewhere in the middle. ||5: He says that music is ingrained in our auditory, cognitive and motor functions. ||6: We have a music instinct as much as a language instinct, and could not rid ourselves of it if we tried. | |
19 | ||1:他固定和修复自己的玻璃所需要的技术几乎没有什么变化。||2:他伸展H型铅条,或卡梅斯,消除柔软韧性金属的脆性; 熟练地用他的钳子把它们弄直,这样当镶嵌上玻璃后就不会产生空隙;用滚烫的带凿头的焊接烙铁刚好溶化焊条,当把两个条焊接起来时不会化掉铅条。||3:起初这种在涂色中几乎不留线条的双层镀金属的工艺对他来说是全新的,而且技术性很强。||4:但是随着达赫姆项目的进行,他对此越发痴迷,一直到他从那里坠落。 | ||1:The techniques needed to lead and fix his own glass had barely changed.||2:He would stretch the H-section lead strips, or cames, to stop “creep” in the soft, ductile metal; cut them expertly straight with his pliers, so as to leave no gaps between them when they were moulded round the glass pieces; apply the hot chisel-tip of the soldering iron just long enough to melt the solder, not the lead, when joining the strips together.||3:The double-layered and plated technique of leading Mr Denny’s glass, with the lines almost lost in the painting, was at first new to him, and correspondingly tricky.||4:But by the time of the Durham project he had become an enthusiast , and all was going well until he fell. | |
20 | ||1:眼下,养蜂业十分火热。2008年至今,英国养蜂协会(BBKA)会员已增加一倍,达到24000人。且有1500会员来自伦敦。||2:安吉拉.伍兹(Angela Woods)是蜜蜂爱好者,他曾调侃道:首都的大道常常嗡嗡作响。||3:尽管人们对传统养蜂人的印象还停留在是满脸胡子的怪大叔上,许多,但实际上许多新会员都是年轻一代,且女性尤为钟情。||4:养蜂潮的兴起,在某种程度上正是由人们对蜜蜂的担忧和意识到蜜蜂巨大经济利益的双重作用下而促成的。||5:自2006年起,英联邦国家一直受莫名的坍塌事故所困扰。||6:城市生态卫士发现,养蜂恰是解决当下困扰的好对策,且可行性强。||7:商业界渴望得到世界对其绿色行为的褒奖,同样也抓住时下潮流。||8:伦敦顶级百货商店——福特纳姆和梅森,就在屋顶设有蜂巢(但它的邻居,报社集团却未如此) | ||1:Apiculture is fashionable. Since 2008 membership of the British Beekeepers Association (BBKA) has almost doubled, to 24,000 people. Around 1,500 are in London.||2:Courses in the capital are always buzzing, says Angela Woods, an enthusiast .||3:Despite the stereotype of beekeepers as luxuriantly bearded eccentrics, many newbies are young—women are particularly keen.||4:The boom was partly a by-product of worries about bees and awareness of the huge benefits they bring.||5:Colonies in many countries have been suffering mysterious sudden collapses since 2006.||6:Urban eco-warriors found beekeeping an appealing practical outlet for their angst.||7:Businesses, keen for green plaudits, also leapt on the trend.||8:Fortnum & Mason, London’s poshest department store, has hives on its roof (this newspaper, a neighbour, does not—yet). | |
21 | 该公司由航海爱好者Jackie Baumgarten成立。公司共筹到了一千七百万美元的创业投资基金并创下了高达两万六千多例租赁记录。 | Founded by a sailing enthusiast , Jackie Baumgarten, it has raised $17m of venture-capital funding and notched up over 26,000 rentals. | |
22 | 美国酒店企业家罗伯特·毕格罗是一位太空爱好者,多年来一直在劝人们接受这样的想法—构建空间站应该用织物而不是金属。 | Robert Bigelow, an American hotel entrepreneur and space enthusiast , has for years been pushing the idea that space stations should be made not of metal but of fabric. | |
23 | AynRand的粉丝们几乎被视作财富之神。 | The Ayn Rand enthusiast was nearly branded the God of Money. | |
24 | iPhone粉丝网站Modmyifone.com是最早报道该事件的媒体,随后专业安全公司F-Secure也确认了这一发现。 | The first reports came from iPhone enthusiast site Modmyifone. com and were later confirmed by security research company F-Secure. | |
25 | 不过他曾经帮助自己的妹妹进行语言治疗的练习,作为一个技术狂热派,他认为应用程序潜力无限。 | But he did help his younger sister with speech therapy exercises, and he is a tech enthusiast who sees no limit to the potential of apps. | |
26 | 布罗迪·贝塔又叫做@iPhonegirl,是个科技发烧友,尤其钟情小玩意、媒体以及任何与网络有关的事物。 | Brodie Beta is a technology enthusiast with a passion for gadgets, media and anything related to the Web. | |
27 | 此前它曾和现年60岁的主人、跳伞迷库利科夫绑在一起从800米高空纵身跳下。 | Earlier, it made a parachute jump tied to its master, 60-year-old enthusiast Kulikov, from a plane at a height of 800 meters. | |
28 | 大多数人会发现我还是一个枪械爱好者,我还在一个我们本地的射击场工作。 | Most people also find out that I am a gun enthusiast , and work at a local shooting range. | |
29 | 但对于Linux爱好者,任何新发行版都是好消息,也是摆弄、学习和探索的机会。 | But for the Linux enthusiast , any new distro is good news and an opportunity to play, learn, and explore. | |
30 | 的确,在更火热的市场里,事情并非如此。 | Granted, in the more enthusiast parts of themarket that wasn’t the case. |