属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-打折心理学 就是算不对
1 | 这名妇女继续诱惑她,不知不觉地慢慢走开,脸上仍保持着微笑,装出一副博爱的样子。 | The woman continued to entice her, but moved imperceptibly away, still smiling and feigning generous love | |
2 | 正如法官在先前案例中所说的,著作权保护是通过给予人们一段有限的时间获取相关的利益,以鼓励人们创作出更加有用的作品。 | As the court has said in previous cases, copyright protection was designed to entice people to create original works by giving them a limited period to reap all of the benefits. | |
3 | ||1:分析人士对今年快餐业的适度增长有所期待。||2:但是衰退的形势却不容乐观,他们重新考虑了他们的分析结果。||3:现在许多商家推出一些稍高价格的商品试图将消费者从1美元的特价商品中吸引回来。||4:拥有塔可钟和必胜客的百胜餐饮集团,其旗下品牌肯德基已经推出了一款售价约5美元的鸡肉三明治。||5:五月份汉堡王适时推出了7到8美元的烤猪排。 | ||1: Analysts expect the fast-food industry to grow modestly this year. ||2: But the downturn is making them rethink their strategies. ||3: Many companies are now introducing higher-priced items to entice consumers away from $1 specials. ||4: KFC, a division of Yum! Brands, which also owns Taco Bell and Pizza Hut, has launched a chicken sandwich that costs around $5. ||5: And in May Burger King introduced barbecue pork ribs at a hefty $7 for eight. | |
4 | ||1:葛兰素史克公司的一位中国主管出现在中国国家电视台解释中国政府所说的运营中行贿的细节。||2:四个主管被指控贿赂医药人员怂恿其销售葛兰素史克的产品。||3:葛兰素史克表示其中国员工应该遵守法律,并且其对贿赂持零容忍态度。 | ||1:A Chinese executive at GlaxoSmithKline appeared on state television giving details of what the government alleges to be graft at the drugmaker’s operations in the country.||2:Four executives are accused of paying bribes to medical staff to entice them to sell GSK’s products.||3:GSK said its Chinese staff are expected to abide by the law and it had "zero tolerance" for bribery. | |
5 | 零售商想吸引顾客购买某种特别商品时,典型做法就是打折促销了。 | WHEN retailers want to entice customers to buy a particular product, they typically offer it at a discount. | |
6 | 零售商想吸引顾客购买某种特别商品时,典型做法就是打折促销了。但是,一项发表在《市场营销杂志》的新研究则说明了他们并未统揽全局,掌握所有窍门。 | WHEN retailers want to entice customers to buy a particular product, they typically offer it at a discount. According to a new study to be published in the Journal of Marketing, they are missing a trick. | |
7 | 日本软银以15亿美元的高价收购位于芬兰的游戏开发商Supercell,这成为了移动游戏里最大规模的交易。Supercell公司成功开发了两款最热门的游戏,并且可供智能手机和平板电脑免费下载;但是,随后如果玩家想加快游戏升级的速度,就需要支付一定的费用。 | In the biggest deal yet in mobile gaming, Japan’s Softbank acquired a 51% stake in Supercell, which is based inFinland, for $1.5 billion. Supercell has had success with two bestselling games that are free to download on smartphones and tablets, and then entice users into paying a fee if they want to quicken the pace of play. | |
8 | QE2专注于买国债,试图诱使投资者们买进风险较大的资产,比如说股票。 | QE2 focused solely on Treasurys in an attempt to entice investors into buying riskier assets like stocks. | |
9 | SJM公司7月上市后,屡次削减发行价以刺激市场关注,目前它的估价已经折半。 | SJM, which went public in July after repeatedly cutting its offering price to entice a sceptical market, has seen its valuation cut in half. | |
10 | 毕竟,这也许会是一场有趣的争执,而且也许会让我站在他这一边或者另一边。 | After all, this could be an interesting disagreement that might entice me to take one side or the other. | |
11 | 财政部希望借助这一方案吸引私人投资者购入“有毒资产”,并承诺为其提供数十亿美元的低息贷款。 | The initiative is seeking to entice private investors to participate by offering billions of dollars in low-interest loans. | |
12 | 仇恨和暴躁通常都不会让你的情人回头,可为什么要因爱转恨呢? | Hate and rage don’t generally entice a lover to return. Why does love turn to hate? | |
13 | 大部分银行都在以接近票面价值的价格出售资产,并没有表现出吸引买方购买的意图。 | Most banks that are selling assets have priced them close to face value, providing little to entice buyers. | |
14 | 大多数病毒都使用类似垃圾邮件的策略来尝试访问组织,并诱使用户打开电子邮件。 | Most viruses use spam-like tactics to gain access to your organization and to entice users to open an e-mail message. | |
15 | 大多数病毒都使用类似垃圾邮件的策略来尝试访问组织,并诱使用户打开邮件。 | Most viruses use spam-like tactics to gain access to your organization and to entice users to open a piece of mail. | |
16 | 但很少有人质疑制造商利用技术和样式上的变化引诱我们购买的做法。 | But fewer question the way manufacturers use technological and stylistic changes to entice us to buy. | |
17 | 但是,经济的不稳定性使得员工更倾向于留在原地的,其他企业想聘用他们却难以吸引把他们吸引过来。 | But economic uncertainty makes workers more inclined to stay put, and firms that want to hire find it harder to entice people to move. | |
18 | 但是这位印度的家庭主妇却用大多数人想不到的招数,吸引她四岁的孩子Nandika来到了餐桌前… | But the Indian housewife has gone to greater lengths than most to entice her four-year-old, Nandika, to the dinner table. . . | |
19 | 当回报太小不足以吸引大公司的时候,比如对热带疾病的研究,一个开放系统就可以派上用场。 | An open system would also work when the payback is too small to entice Big Pharma, as in the case of tropical diseases. | |
20 | 到现在为止,O利用滑板让孩子们享受到非正式的课程心里咨询课程。 | For now, Percovich uses the skateboards to entice children into informal lessons and counseling sessions. | |
21 | 第二个问题是如果竞争成本高,银行能吸引多少存款。 | The second question is how much money banks can make if they are having to compete so hard to entice savers. | |
22 | 对于还没有注册的3亿1千万专业人士,他会说些什么呢? | What would he say to entice the roughly 310 million professionals who still haven’t signed up for the service? | |
23 | 而且,甚至巴西大型企业可能仍欠缺必要的国际知名度去吸引雄才大略者加入。 | And even big Brazilian companies may lack the international renown needed to entice the most ambitious. | |
24 | 而为吸引收藏者们,Mattel公司不时推出价格昂贵的基于电影角色和流行文化的限量版芭比。 | To entice collectors, Mattel regularly releases pricey limited-edition dolls based on characters in films and popular culture. | |
25 | 而西部滑雪场正在提供一些能吸引滑雪者和滑雪板玩家坐上飞机的项目。 | And resorts out West are offering a flurry of deals to entice skiers and snowboarders to get on a plane. | |
26 | 服务域服务域通过购物清单的方式招集有资格的服务提供者,然后用服务菜单吸引用户去使用。 | Service domain uses a shopping list to enlist qualified service providers, and a service menu to entice service requestors. | |
27 | 该法案的提出者希望这将吸引有一技之长的海地侨民返回家园。 | The bill’s proponents hope it will entice skilled members of the Haitian diaspora to return home. | |
28 | 攻击者可能首先发送一封电子邮件,或诱使您访问恶意的Web站点。 | The attacker would first have to send you an e-mail message or entice you into visiting a malicious Web site. | |
29 | 好莱坞的制作人们都希望请到这位27岁北京土生土长中国演员来加盟他们的美国大片。 | Hollywood producers are falling over themselves to entice the 27-year-old Beijing-born actress into a major US production. | |
30 | 赫尔曼的举措之一是通过扩展配饰系列来吸引人们购买YSL产品。 | One of Ms Hermann’s initiatives was to entice people to buy YSL products by building up its accessory collection. |