属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-帝国野心 马克扎克伯格的下一个计统治地位(下)
1 | 长春藤缠绕着柱子 | The ivy entwined the column. | |
2 | 将到汪家,高松年眼睛好,在半透明的夜色里瞧见两个人扭作一团,直奔上去。 | Just before reaching the Wangs, the sharp-eyed Kao Sung-nien caught sight of two figures entwined in the semitransparent evening light and rushed up to them | |
3 | 露丝的母亲的形象闪入了他的心里:见面时的亲吻,两人手挽手向他走来的情景。 | There flashed into his mind the picture of her mother, of the kiss of greeting, and of the pair of them walking toward him with arms entwined | |
4 | 你会看到一根被常青藤缠绕的柱子。 | You will see a pillar entwined with ivy | |
5 | 欧洲进一步统一的计划可以尚未定案,可是从赫尔辛基到罗马的人在最近几星期得到一个时常令人痛苦的教训:他们各国的经济已经如何地牵扯在一起了。 | Europe’s plans for further unification may be up in the air,but people from Helsinki to Rome have been learning an often painful lesson in recent weeks about how entwined their economies have already become. | |
6 | 人群后面,有一辆大轱辘车子,车辐和车辋都雕刻成一条条并列交叉的毒蛇,车上有一尊面目狰狞的女神像。车子的前面套了四匹蒙着华丽彩披的驼牛。 | while behind them was drawn a car with large wheels, the spokes of which represented serpents entwined with each other | |
7 | 他们手牵手走着 | They walked along with their fingers entwined . | |
8 | 他们挽着胳膊走去. | They walked along with(their)arms entwined . | |
9 | 藤蔓缠住那根棒子。 | A vine entwined the rod. | |
10 | 橡树被常春藤缠绕着。 | The oak was entwined with ivy. | |
11 | 小女孩挽着老太太的手给她领路。 | The young girl entwined her hand with the old woman’s and led the way | |
12 | 一根攀缘植物缠绕在柱子上。 | A creeper was entwined round the pillar. | |
13 | 由于还需要表现出通常的尊敬态度,他那恩赐的态度对他们也就不很明显了。 | His patronage, entwined with the ordinary deference, was not plain to them | |
14 | 最后一点是中国人的历史感,中国人也许是历史观念最强烈的民族。古人把历史和神话混在一起,纠缠不清。结果是神下地人上天。读书人从来没有系统整理神话传说的念头,直到本世纪情况才为之一变。 | Fourth, Chinese are probably the most historically conscious; even in ancient times early history and mythology were already entwined . As a result, gods became historical figures, and historical figures became gods. No scholars ever thought of systematically recording myths and legends until this century. | |
15 | 不难想象,在未来,社会地位与汽车拥有权之间的联系将会减少。 | It is easy to imagine a future in which status is less entwined with car ownership. | |
16 | ||既能和数十亿人的生活更紧密地交织在一起,又可借此获得巨额利润并且避免强烈反对,如何在其间取得平衡将成为本世纪最大的商业挑战之一。||即便是在古罗马,帝王们也会发现民众会突然转而反抗他们。所以为扎克伯格鼓掌,也为他担忧吧。 | ||Striking a balance between becoming ever more intimately entwined in billions of peoples’ lives, making huge profits as a result and avoiding a backlash will be one of the biggest business challenges of the century.|| Even in ancient Rome, emperors could find that the crowd suddenly turned against them. So applaud Mr Zuckerberg—and fear for him, too. | |
17 | ||印度变得越来越富,乡下人和国家经济的联系越来越紧密。农村借贷机构马辛德拉 & 马辛德拉金融服务的总经理拉梅什?||伊艾现在有200万名客户,这一数量是他在2008年的客户数量的两倍,"当他们在产业链上向上移动的时候,信贷的需求就随之增加"他说道,"他们现在雄心勃勃" | ||As India gets richer, rural folk are becoming more entwined with the national economy.|| Ramesh Iyer, the managing director of Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services, a rural lender, now has 2m customers, twice as many as he had in 2008. "As they move up the chain, the demand for credit will only get higher," he says. "They are getting aspirational." | |
18 | 更重要的是,美国智囊团与政府紧紧联系在一起。 | More importantly, American think-tanks are closely entwined with government. | |
19 | 她的巡展继续走入新加坡和印度,同样是前殖民地,他们的现代史与暴力的毒品贸易不可分割。 | Her tour continued onto Singapore and India, also former colonies whose modern histories were entwined in the violent drug trade. | |
20 | 她尖叫,她哭泣。“我崩溃了。我如果不知道该多好。我们俩的生活有着很深的羁绊。” | She screamed. She cried. "I was devastated. How did I not know? Our lives were so entwined . " | |
21 | 纠缠在一起是非常危险的。 | There is a danger the two could get entwined . | |
22 | 巨大的抛光大理石雕像呈现的是缠绵相拥的一对裸身爱侣。 | The vast sculpture of polished marble shows two naked lovers entwined in an embrace. | |
23 | 然而,美国和中国经济相互交织,深入相连,因此任何破环这种依存关系的企图都会导致毁灭性的灾难。 | The American and Chinese economies are so entwined , however, that any attempt to separate them will end in calamity. | |
24 | 若是要把和它缠绕在一起的记忆分开,我不知道它将如何感染读者。 | I do not know how it will appeal to the reader apart from the memories with which it is entwined . | |
25 | 设计让AIG与银行业之间息息相关的保险合同的初衷是为了让银行提高自己的资本充足率。 | The insurance contracts that made AIG so entwined with the banking system were designed to help banks boost their capital ratios. | |
26 | 他缠握着她的手指,注视着她。 | He entwined his fingers with hers and looked into her eyes. | |
27 | 他们被承包商困住,将敏感的材料转交给他们,邀请他们与自己的员工一起工作。 | They become entwined with their contractors, handing over sensitive material and inviting contractors to work alongside their own staff. | |
28 | 他们一家人都是好人,他们的个人往事和现代捷克的历史紧密相关。 | The Kopold’s were nice people whose personal history was closely entwined with that of modern Czechoslovakia. | |
29 | 他同时还指出,社会化媒体服务如Twitter和Facebook越来越和商业交织在一起了。 | And he notes that social media services like Twitter and Facebook are becoming more and more entwined with business. | |
30 | 塔尖由三只龙尾缠绕而成,分别代表丹麦、瑞典和挪威。 | Its spire is formed from the entwined tails of three dragons. They represent Denmark, Sweden and Norway. |