1 | 但当我怀着羡慕之心,双眼顾盼 | But when my wond’ring eyes and envious heart | |
2 | 当时我几乎撞了车,我不是出于妒忌,我没有剥夺别人酣睡的权力,但是我实在是羡慕,他是怎样才能做到的呢? | I wasn’t jealous - I’d never want to deprive anyone of their sleep - but I was definitely envious . How on earth did he do it? | |
3 | 当我听到一对夫妻自夸他们从未争吵过时,我感到怀疑而不是羡慕。 | When i hear a couple boast that they never fight, i don’t feel envious , i feel suspicious. | |
4 | 德国经济的强劲复兴激起了法国对自身定位的忧虑,以及对莱茵河对岸(译者注:即德国)的嫉妒目光。 | Concerns about its positioning, and envious gazes across the Rhine, have been spurred by a strong revival in Germany’s economy. | |
5 | 而羡慕你的朋友想要你所拥有的,但会把你作为对她的激励或是一个榜样,然后与你竞争来超越你。 | An envious friend will want what you have, but will look to you as her inspiration or role model, and compete with you to get in the lead. | |
6 | 高盛对手长期以来对其的高超技艺嫉妒不已,而相信不少对手很快将会同情高盛的困境。 | Goldman’s rivals have long been envious of its prowess. Some of them may soon be empathising with its plight. | |
7 | 工业中的企业联盟让约翰.D.洛克菲勒都感到羡慕。 | Industry is cartelized to a point that would make John D. Rockefeller envious . | |
8 | 故此,不要妒忌隔邻跑道的参赛者,只要专注于完成你的赛程。 | Don’t be envious of the runner in the lane next to you; just focus on finishing your race. | |
9 | 哈姆雷:很多美国人都眼睁睁看着中国生龙活虎,我们表示很羡慕。 | Hamre: There are many Americans who look at what China can do and we are envious . | |
10 | 怀有恶性嫉妒的人们愿意花更多的钱去买类似的其他商品。 | Maliciously envious people were more likely to pay more for related but different products. | |
11 | 怀着一种崇高的敬意,小雏菊抬头望向那只能飞能唱的鸟儿,却没感到一点妒忌。 | With a sort of reverence the daisy looked up to the bird that could fly and sing, but it did not feel envious . | |
12 | 尽管如此,Web交互设计者仍不能不对开发桌面软件的同僚们感到一丝妒忌。 | Despite this, Web interaction designers can’t help but feel a little envious of our colleagues who create desktop software. | |
13 | 据报道,这让韩国之前的最大外交中心国——美国感到分外眼红。 | That was also unprecedented and reportedly even made the US desk, previously the center of South Korean diplomacy, envious . | |
14 | 来到你的百度空间,看到那么多的朋友给你留言,真的挺羡慕你的; | Baidu came to your room, seeing so many friends to your message, really quite envious of you; | |
15 | 每当我为一些琐事而抱怨时,为别人的好运而妒忌时,当我自己缺乏“善心”时,我就会想起我的父亲。 | I think of him when I complain about trifles, when I am envious of another’s good fortune, when I don’t have a "good heart" . | |
16 | 你的配偶认为你很聪明,你的邻居羡慕你。 | Your spouse thinks you’re clever, and your neighbors get envious . | |
17 | 你感到嫉妒,也许是因为害怕失去,继而感到绝望。 | Perhaps you are feeling envious because you are afraid of losing something and feel that if you do then you have hit rock bottom. | |
18 | 你是不是在偷偷羡慕你那些超级英雄般似乎从来不生病的同事和朋友们呢? | Are you secretly envious of your co-workers and friends who, like superheroes, never seem to get sick? | |
19 | 你有没有嫉妒过那些有着豪车,美墅再加漂亮女朋友的人呢? | Have you ever been envious of other people who had that flashy car, nice big house or attractive partner? | |
20 | 你这把剑是按图索得,还是偶然碰到的,运气真是好呀,小弟我羡慕不已~。 | I’d like to know whether you took them according to the picture or by chance. You were so fortune. I’m so envious . | |
21 | 其中一个打工者甚至说她的一个朋友都有点嫉妒她了,因为她可以免费的住在公厕里面。 | One of the migrant workers even said that a friend of hers was a little envious of her, as she could live in the toilets rent-free. | |
22 | 然而,成千上万的伊朗民众可以自由的走上街头发出他们的诉求让阿拉伯人嫉妒不已。 | Yet, as they saw the pictures of hundreds of thousands of people taking to the street, they will have been envious too. | |
23 | 然后你就会明白他们多么嫉妒你精致的家,你美味的食谱,还有你有品味的物件。 | And then you’ll understand how envious they are of your well-kept home, you delicious recipes and your tasteful s sessions. | |
24 | 然后研究人员让志愿者花费时间给那些潜在的嫉妒者提一些建议。 | Then the volunteer was asked to give time-consuming advice to a potentially envious person. | |
25 | 人们是如此羡慕旁人所拥有的东西,以至于我们也想买同样的东西来达到平衡,或觉得这样就可以提高自己的地位。 | We are so envious of what others have, that we try to level the playing field in our minds, by buying our way up to their "status" . | |
26 | 如今,过度消费不再招来妒忌的眼光,而是成为了嘲笑的对象。 | Examples of excessive consumerism no longer draw envious sighs; they are now a cue for laughter. | |
27 | 他的话似乎是说他艳羡不已。但我从他盯着我老二的眼睛里可以看得出来,他一点都不羡慕我。 | His words seemed to be saying he was envious , but I could see in his eyes, as they looked at my penis, that he wasn’t envious at all. | |
28 | 他们发现只有怀有良性嫉妒的人愿意多花钱购买他们所渴望拥有的商品。 | They found that only benignly envious people were willing to pay more for products that they coveted. | |
29 | 他们很少质疑你的忠诚,也没有那么强的占有欲,不会嫉妒。 | He will rarely doubt your integrity and will be the last person to get overly possessive and envious . | |
30 | 他们中有人已向东方艺术家投来羡慕的眼光,而敦煌艺术,正在王道士手上。 | Some of the Western artists were casting envious glances at Eastern art, and the Dunhuang art was then at the hands of Taoist Wang. |