属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-黑白的希望 The black white hope
1 | 阿兹海默型失智症老人之事件记忆的知感研究 | Episodic Memory Feeling-of-Knowing in Early Demented Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease | |
2 | 沉积作用通常是周期性的而不是平稳连续的。 | Deposition is usually episodic rather than smoothly continuous | |
3 | 出血可以是持续的,但常是间歇的。 | Bleeding may be continuous but is usually episodic | |
4 | 基于股票市场交易数据流的场景记忆模型 | Episodic Memory Model Based on Trade Data Stream in Stock Market | |
5 | 莱州湾凹陷层序地层格架及幕式油气成藏 | Sequence Stratigraphy Model and Episodic Generation and Accumulation of Oil-gas Reservoirs in Laizhouwan Sag, Bohai Gulf Basin | |
6 | 南秦岭古生代盆地演化中幕式流体过程及成岩成矿效应 | Episodic -Fluid Process and Effect of Diagenesis and Mineralization in Evolution of Paleozoic Basins in South Qinling | |
7 | 年龄、焦虑与情节记忆之内容和来源的关系 | Age, Anxiety in Relation to Episodic Memory: Item Memory and Source Memory | |
8 | 年龄测定数据表明,铀矿物有着不同期的结晶。 | Age determination data indicate episodic crystallization of uranium minerals | |
9 | 石油幕式运移实验研究 | An Experimental Study of Episodic Oil Migration | |
10 | 事件相关脑电位在情节记忆的研究进展 | Remembering Past Events: A Review of Event-Related Potential Studies of Episodic Memory | |
11 | 小鼠海马神经网络对情景体验进行实时编码的功能单元的发现与鉴别 | Identification of Network-level Coding Units for Real-time Representation of Episodic Experiences in the Hippocampus | |
12 | 心理时间之旅-情景记忆的独特性 | Mental Time Travel: Uniqueness of Episodic Memory | |
13 | 这本书是以一种松散的形式写成的。 | The book is written in an episodic format. | |
14 | 阵发性紧张型头痛最为常见,一般为头颅两边轻度到中度的疼痛。肇因于面部和颈部肌肉的持续紧缩,通常是因过度劳累、压力和挫折而产生。 | Episodic tension headaches are the most common, usually causing mild to moderate pain on both sides. They result from sustained contraction of face and neck muscles, often due to fatigue, stress, or frustration. | |
15 | ||1:William Gildea在Gans的这本情节式自传中回忆到,1906年,Gans在历经重重困难后终于变不能为可能,大获成功。||2:Gans退出拳击圈时还是个炙手可热的拳击好手,当时他在内华达州戈德菲尔德市击败了丹麦籍美国选手Battling Nelson,成功卫冕。||3:这场堪称20世纪历时最长的冠军卫冕赛,在进行到2小时48分钟时,Nelson因故意腰下攻击被判下场,这时就连头发花白的勘探者看客都呐喊欢呼起来。 | ||1:Against enormous odds, as William Gildea recalls in his episodic biography, Gans had by 1906 achieved the seemingly impossible.||2:He actually left the ring a popular winner in successfully defending his title against Battling Nelson, a Danish-American, in Goldfield, Nevada.||3:Even grizzled prospectors whooped when, after two hours and 48 minutes, the longest championship fight of the 20th century, Nelson was disqualified for a deliberate low blow. | |
16 | ||1:多彩而偶发的“波梅兰斯基”把它的故事自由地散布开来。绕道去牙买加金斯敦的路途吊了读者的胃口,但没有让他们看到在这座岛屿定居已久的犹太社区。||2:这可能从对少数人的密切关注中获益,比如悲惨的山姆“棒子”戈卢布在童年时就成了跛子,是“不断追求复仇”的目标使他向前。||3:最终,这本书对伯莎鄙视的“小偷小摸和以政治立场之名来威胁别人”的“一派胡言”表示赞同。||4:尽管如此,雅各布斯先生还是以平和的心态完成了这个故事。||5:他的阿斯托利亚人故事把犹太人的热闹添加到了“布里克斯顿永恒的戏剧”中。 | ||1:Colourful and episodic , "Pomeranski" scatters its stories liberally. A detour to Kingston, Jamaica, gives readers a tantalising glimpse, but no more, of the island’s long-settled Jewish community.||2:It might have benefited from a tighter focus on fewer figures, such as near-tragic Sam "the Stick" Golub, crippled in childhood and driven by a "constant quest for revenge".||3:Ultimately, the book endorses Bertha’s scorn for the "nonsense" of treating "petty thieving and threatening people as a sort of political stance".||4:Mr Jacobs, though, keeps the mood genial and the yarns flowing.||5:The wheezes of his Astorians add an exuberant shot of yiddishkeit to "the everlasting drama that was Brixton". | |
17 | ||1:威廉吉尔迪亚在传记里回忆到,虽然困难重重,但是甘斯在1906年做到了似乎不可能做到的事情。||2:他挫败了来自内华达州金矿市的美裔丹麦选手贝特林纳尔逊,成功地捍卫了自己世界第一的称号,以最受拥戴的胜者姿态告别了拳击场。||3:这场耗时两小时四十八分钟的比赛是20世纪最漫长的拳击赛,当纳尔森因蓄意打在甘斯的腰下部位而被判出局时,就连头发花白的老矿工也大声呐喊起来。 | ||1:Against enormous odds, as William Gildea recalls in his episodic biography, Gans had by 1906 achieved the seemingly impossible.||2:He actually left the ring a popular winner in successfully defending his title against Battling Nelson, a Danish-American, in Goldfield, Nevada.||3:Even grizzled prospectors whooped when, after two hours and 48 minutes, the longest championship fight of the 20th century, Nelson was disqualified for a deliberate low blow. | |
18 | 不像繁荣、萧条和武装冲突那样断断续续,但它们的影响更大, | which does not have the episodic quality of booms, busts and armed conflict, is larger, | |
19 | 而当前的清洁制度带来的是间歇性的减少。这样每年则可节省4000公吨石油, | as opposed to the episodic reductions brought about by current cleaning regimes. This translates into a saving of 4,000 tonnes of oil a year, | |
20 | “改变不会简单的同漂亮的年度报告一同出现”他说,“因此对战略工作的需求是偶发性的,而非年度必须的。” | "Changes don’t come along in nice annual packages, " he said, "so the need for strategy work is episodic , not necessarily annual. " | |
21 | “我们讨论的不是暂时性的行为,”Zucker说。 | "We’re not talking about transient, episodic behaviors, " Zucker says. | |
22 | 测老庙盆地层序地层格架与其幕式构造演化 | Sequence Stratigraphic Framework of Celaomiao Basin and Its Episodic Tectonic Evolution | |
23 | 大多数华莱士的回忆录都是情景记忆式的口述回忆片段。 | Much of Wallace’s memoir is told in snippets of memory that take on an episodic structure. | |
24 | 但炸弹爆炸事件时有发生,比如去年12月发生的一起爆炸就造成了年仅20岁的法蒂玛•穆哈森•阿齐兹四肢瘫痪。 | Yet episodic bomb blasts continue, such as the one last November that left 20-year-old Fatima Muhassen Aziz a quadriplegic. | |
25 | 到目前为止,章节游戏开发的效率看似传统游戏的四倍之多。 | So far, he says, developing episodic games seems to be about four times more productive than developing traditional games. | |
26 | 断-压双控流体流动与油气幕式快速成藏 | Overpressure-fault controlled fluid flow and episodic hydrocarbon accumulation | |
27 | 多极脑反射治疗阵发性面肌痉挛 | Multipolar brain reflection in treating episodic facial spasm | |
28 | 而叙述则倾向于使用章节化结构,故事刻意地由多个互不关联的事件组成。 | Narratives tend to employ episodic structure, in which the story consists of a collection of causally unrelated incidents. | |
29 | 二氧化碳是通过偶然的地球火山爆发散发到金星的大气层中,但是永远不会重新固定到地壳中。 | Carbon dioxide is pumped into Venus’ atmosphere by episodic global volcanic outbursts, but never locked back into the crust. | |
30 | 基于情节能力系统的LCP交际模型--兼谈跨文化交际能力提高策略 | LCP Communicative Model on Episodic Competence System--Strategies on the Improvement of Intercultural Communication Competence |