属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-小儿麻痹症 扶轮社计划
1 | 等性高潮被最终根除… | When the orgasm has been finally eradicated .. | |
2 | 封建主义的思想必须彻底肃清。 | Feudal ideas must be eradicated . | |
3 | 改善煤矿安全综合配套技术在平顶山矿区应用示范,极大地提高了该矿区瓦斯治理水平,1997年以来基本杜绝了重大瓦斯事故。 | The application of the integrated mining security system in the Pingdingshan Mining Area has greatly improved its gas control level and basically eradicated major gas explosion accidents since 1997 | |
4 | 建设和谐社会必须大力消除分配不公 | Unfair Distribution of Incomes Must Be Eradicated to Construct a Harmonious Society | |
5 | 近代文明中的某些赘疣,如摩门教之类,不过是古老的蒙昧文化留在人们的脑海中尚未被清除的残余而已。 | Some of the excrescences of modern civilization, such as Mormonism, are seen to be relics of the old savagism not yet eradicated from the human brain | |
6 | 慢性胃炎根除HP前后固体胃排空临床相关性研究 | The Clinical Relationship Investigation of Stomach Solid Evacuation before and after Eradicated H. Pylon in Chronic Gastritis | |
7 | 虽然,严刑峻法也不可能完全杜绝罪案的发生。 | Of course, crime cannot be eradicated even with tough laws and severe punishment | |
8 | 疼痛可因不治之症而引起,例如,广泛性癌。 | Pain may occur as a result of disease that cannot be eradicated , as in widespread carcinoma | |
9 | 天花几乎已消灭. | Smallpox has almost been eradicated . | |
10 | 新疫苗三个月内就使该病绝迹了。 | The new vaccine eradicated all traces of the disease within three months | |
11 | 许多国家实际上已消灭了牛结核菌。 | A number of countries have virtually eradicated bovine tuberculosis from cattle | |
12 | 有死菌和活菌疫苗市售,但由于成本高一般没有用于控制大规模爆发,并且不主张在疾病已消灭的地区使用疫苗。 | Vaccines, using either killed or live bacteria, are available, but are not often used to control large outbreaks because of the cost, and are not recommended for use in areas where the disease has been eradicated . | |
13 | 在提拨青年干部上,要摒弃论资排辈的旧观念 | The outmoded idea that seniority must be given top priority should be eradicated in the promotion of the promotion young cadres | |
14 | 在新的世纪里,中国政府将在全国深入持久地开展禁毒斗争。毒品一日不绝,禁毒一刻不停。 | During the new century, the Chinese government will wage an unremitting, thoroughgoing struggle against drugs nationwide and will not stop its efforts until drugs are eradicated | |
15 | 在以前曾经根除了埃及伊蚊的地区,现在这种蚊子正在大量孳生。 | This mosquito is infesting regions where it was previously eradicated . | |
16 | 这就是菲律宾贪污问题难以根除的主要原因之一。 | This is a key reason why rampant corruption in Philippine cannot be eradicated . | |
17 | ||1:股市更是将一些结果赤裸裸地摆在我们面前。||2:美国股票市值在雷曼兄弟2008年9月垮台之后的一个月下降了25%。||3:股票是当时家庭养老基金的重要组成部分,而在那一个月里,近五年的积蓄毁于一旦。||4:从那以后,各大主要指数得到明显提高:标准普尔指数回到了其峰值的90%,但也只是达到了20世纪90年代末的水平,所以一些投资商将在未来13年内将没有资本收益。||5:希腊股票1992年的市值要远比现在高:20年的时间就这么白白被抹去了。 | ||1:Stockmarkets give some of the starkest results.||2:American equities lost a quarter of their value in the month after the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008.||3:Shares are an important component of households’ pension-fund wealth, and in that month alone five years of gains were eradicated .||4:The main indices have improved markedly since then: the S&P 500 is back to around 90% of its peak value.But they were at these levels back in the late 1990s, too, so some investors will have made no capital gains in 13 years.||5:Greek stocks were higher in 1992 than today: 20 years have been wiped away. | |
18 | ||1999年,三类小儿麻痹症之一的消除证明了小儿麻痹症实际上可以根除。||但是根治小儿麻痹所需要的资源财力是否可以在别处更好的支配是一个值得讨论的问题。一些人更希望看到一个改善全民健康的政策的转变,包括像样的环境卫生和干净的水。 | ||That polio can actually be eradicated is suggested by the elimination, in 1999, of one of the three strains.|| Whether the resources needed to do so might be better spent elsewhere, though, is a matter of debate. Some would prefer to see a shift to policies that improve overall health, including investing in decent sanitation and clean water. | |
19 | 骄傲自满通常是危险的行为。1977年,人类宣称消灭了天花(若将一年后英国实验室发生的一次偶然天花感染排除在外的话),这份声明经历了时间的考验。 | HUBRIS is always dangerous. In 1977 smallpox was eradicated and—an accidental infection in a British laboratory a year later aside—that claim has stood the test of time. | |
20 | 如果接下来的三年内无病例发生,那就证明该疾病被彻底根除了。 | If no cases are seen for three years after that, the disease will be certified as eradicated . | |
21 | 唐纳德·亨德森医生曾领导消灭全世界天花的斗争,他预测即使有天脊髓灰质炎被消灭了,免疫工作仍要继续以确保万无一失。 | Donald Henderson, the doctor who led the campaign to rid the world of smallpox, predicts that even if polio is deemed eradicated , vaccination will have to continue, just in case. | |
22 | “他的罪行及其涉及面反映出,在我国的商业文化中存在必须根除的病毒,”他表示。 | "His crimes and the scope of his crimes reflect a virus in our business culture that needs to be eradicated , " he said. | |
23 | 阿富汗政府最近几周曾宣称,今年迄今为止清除的罂粟数量超过了2006年的总和。 | The Kabul government has claimed in recent weeks to have eradicated more poppy crops so far this year than in all of 2006. | |
24 | 草莓脱毒苗组培快繁技术研究 | Fast Tissue Culture Technique of Virus-eradicated Strawberry Seedlings | |
25 | 但是圭亚那和世界上其它国家一样,要彻底消除这种疾病还有很长的路要走。 | But Guyana still has a long way to go before the disease is eradicated , as does the rest of the world. | |
26 | 但是如果他们被最终消灭了,人类发展最主要的一部分也即将中止。 | But where they’ve been eradicated , a key part of human development has been thrown off. | |
27 | 该发现为研究和治疗癌症打开了了新思路:如果肿瘤的干细胞可以被根除,那么它本身也会随即死去。 | This opens new ways of thinking about and treating the cancers. If its stem cells are eradicated , the rest of a tumour may die off. | |
28 | 该公司认为是国际性旅游使得臭虫在60年后重新泛滥,臭虫在美国曾一度被认为灭绝了。 | The company blamed international travel for the bugs’ return 60 years after they were thought to have been eradicated in the U. S. | |
29 | 各种社会弊病,如腐败,犯罪和暴政,还远远没有根除。 | Various social evils, such as corruption, crime and tyranny, are far from being eradicated . | |
30 | 宫入菌对小儿幽门螺杆菌根治后舌苔改变的临床意义 | Clinical effective of Clostridium butyricum in the fur on the tongue of children with Helicobacter pylori eradicated |