属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版- Facebook和专制统治者(1)
属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-科学家开发出全息远程呈现系统
1 | 指数据一旦写入就不能被擦除与重写新数据的介质,如纸卡、纸带等。 | Medium on which data, once written, cannot be erased to permit re-writing, e.g., card, paper tape, and so on | |
2 | 重写本尤指纸莎草纸或羊皮纸的底稿,已被写了不止一次,以前写的东西已被不完全擦掉,通常是清晰易读的 | A manuscript,typically of papyrus or parchment,that has been written on more than once,with the earlier writing incompletely erased and often legible. | |
3 | ||1:暴乱者还没有威胁到北爱尔兰的和平进程。||2:联合党的政治家,即使是来自曾经强硬的民族联合党,谴责这些暴乱行为,同时支持悬挂英国国旗。||3: 此次抗议其文化意义远大于政治意义,他们反映了贝尔法斯特可怜的新教徒的一种情绪,即天主教徒能得到他们一切所需的并且联合党的历史遗迹正在被抹除。||4:反对者似乎除了要求恢复悬挂国旗外,没有其他要求,虽然一个性情鲁莽的人号召威斯敏斯特规则的回归,其实质是粉碎这个国家脆弱的平静。||5:联合党领导者开设论坛讨论悬挂国旗和其它保皇派埋怨的问题,但是反对者不愿意配合。 | ||1:The riots have not yet threatened the peace process.||2:Unionist politicians, even from the once-hardline Democratic Unionist Party, have condemned the violence while defending the flying of the union flag.||3:The protests are less political than cultural—they reflect a sense among poor Belfast Protestants that Catholics are getting everything they want and that unionist heritage is being erased .||4:The protesters appear to have no demands other than restoring the flag, though one hot head has called for a return to direct rule from Westminster—in effect, tearing up the country’s fragile peace.||5:Unionist leaders have set up a forum to talk about flags and other loyalist complaints, but the protesters are not co-operating. | |
4 | ||1:萨里塔·阿尔·比塔尔是一名建筑师,生活在叙利亚的一个饱受战乱蹂躏的城市伊德利卜市,对于他来说,这则消息骇人听闻。||2:“您的账户因不遵循我们的Facebook社群标准而被永久禁用,”这家社交媒体巨头在留言中写道。“不幸的是,我们无法以任何理由重新激活它。”||3:14年以来的家庭相片、回忆和他关于叙利亚内战的日记,连同他3万名追随者的名单都被抹去了。||4:比塔尔试图小心点。||5:他没有称呼叛军为殉道者(烈士),也没有发布残暴词汇。||6:他怀疑Facebook禁用自己的账户的原因是自己纪念了一位叙利亚足球明星,这位足球明星在抗议数月后拿起了武器,被巴沙尔·阿萨德政权杀害。 | ||1:For Sariya Al-bitar, an architect in Syria’s war-torn city of Idlib, the message was devastating.||2:“Your account has been permanently disabled for not following our Facebook Community Standards,” read the note from the social-media giant.“Unfortunately, we won’t be able to reactivate it for any reason.”||3:Fourteen years of family photos, reminiscences and his diary of Syria’s civil war—along with his list of 30,000 followers—were erased .||4:Mr Bitar had tried to be careful.||5:He had not called dead rebels shahids (martyrs) or posted gore.||6:He suspects Facebook silenced him for commemorating a Syrian football star who, after months of protesting, picked up arms and was killed by the regime of Basharal-Assad. | |
5 | 另一端的激光器接收到图像,同时在显示屏上生成全息图。佩汉姆巴瑞安称,这种显示屏使用的新材料允许图像不断的被写入、擦除和替换。 | Lasers at the other end received the pictures and produced holographs on the screen. Mr. Peyghambarian says the new material permits the images to be continually written, erased and replaced. | |
6 | 这意味着全球股票指数中约有1.4万亿美元被抹去。 | That means roughly $1.4 trillion was erased from global stock indexes. | |
7 | “让韩国民众消除恐惧心理是需要时间的”,他说道。 | "It will take time for that risk to be erased from the minds of the Korean public, " he said. | |
8 | 3月11日强震引发的灾难性海啸,夷平了这座城市的相当大部分地区。 | Much of the town has been erased by the devastating surge of water that was triggered by the huge earthquake on March 11. | |
9 | 9号公寓在街对面,已经被拆除,从地球表面彻底消失了,又一件民主德国的古迹被抹掉了。 | The building has been torn down and has disappeared from the face of the earth. Yet another relic of the GDR has been erased . | |
10 | 报道中还提及许多网站的抱怨:拒绝向百度付费的网站,被从搜索结果中剔除。 | The reports also featured complaints that websites that refused to pay Baidu had been erased from its search results. | |
11 | 被劫持的细胞分裂几次之后,它之前形态的痕迹将被全部抹去; | By the time the hijacked cell had undergone a few divisions, all trace of its previous self would have been erased ; | |
12 | 别沉溺于过去,你的历史无法抹去,但你的未来等着你书写! | Don’t dwell on the past. Your history can’t be erased , but your future has yet to be written! | |
13 | 单击一个超级链接或一个表单提交按钮,就会导致整个页面被清除,并且被新的结果替代。 | Clicking on a hyperlink or a form-submit button caused the entire page to be erased and replaced by the new results. | |
14 | 但是,即便是被擦过以后,黑板上曾经写下过的字依旧会留下痕迹)。 | Even after it’s erased , there are traces of every thing that’s been written on it. | |
15 | 但是碰撞之后会产生可以覆盖整个月球的岩浆海,冷却之后会抹平厚度差异。 | But this would probably have led to a global magma ocean that would have cooled and erased the initial thickness difference. | |
16 | 道琼斯指数从克林顿总统第二届任期开始积累下来的涨幅现在已经消失殆尽。 | The average’s gains since roughly the second inauguration of President Clinton have now been erased . | |
17 | 等我回国之后,更多的人也会象我一样这么做。到那个时候,这条分界线将会消失,所有的障碍也会消除。 | After I return home, many more people will do likewise. Then this line of division will finally be erased and the barrier will break down. | |
18 | 底层已经空空荡荡,木头的碎片堆在水流的方向。 | The ground floor has been erased , splinters of wood pointing the way the wall of water had gone. | |
19 | 电脑瘫痪了。这是办公室常用语。电脑瘫痪了,你之前所做的东西可能都没了。 | Nancy: When your computer has crashed, it means that it’s not working anymore, and probably erased everything you were working on. | |
20 | 俄罗斯为何入侵格鲁吉亚?现在一切真相大白。 | Any doubts about why Russia invaded Georgia have now been erased . | |
21 | 放置在临时数据库tempdb中的过程,会话结束时将被清除。 | A procedure placed in the temporary database, tempdb, and erased at the end of the session. | |
22 | 股市暴跌已使这些寡头们持股的市值缩水逾2100亿美元。 | The stock market collapse has erased more than $210bn from the oligarch’s publicly traded holdings. | |
23 | 国内价值和个人股票资产组合的急速下降抹去了几万亿的家庭财富。 | Steep declines in home values and individual stock portfolios have erased trillions of dollars in household wealth. | |
24 | 即便擦干净了以后,那些曾写在上面的一切依然会留下一些痕迹。 | Even after it’s erased , there are traces of everything that’s been written on it. | |
25 | 接着,擦除快闪存储器的数据,然后执行软件编程; | Next, the data in the flash memories are erased . | |
26 | 经过了仅仅几天逼真的角色扮演之后,被试报告说他们之前的身份似乎已经完全被抹去了。 | After only a few day’s realistic role-playing participants reported it felt as though their old identities had been erased . | |
27 | 美国股市周五收低,之前出炉的非农就业报告令人失望,但主要股指在尾盘时收复早前的多数跌幅。 | Wall Street ended lower on Friday after the disappointing jobs report, but stocks erased most of their losses late. | |
28 | 美元兑日圆JPY=报约100.20,回吐稍早涨幅,但仍远高于上周的低点95. | The dollar was trading around 100. 20 yen, having erased gains earlier in the day, but still well clear last week’s low of 95. 77 yen. | |
29 | 穆罕穆德在被关押期间长时间处于感觉剥夺的状态,找不到任何的时空参考物。 | Mohammed was kept in a prolonged state of sensory deprivation, during which every point of reference was erased . | |
30 | 那些被告知信息将被抹掉的学生则大多数精确地记住了那些琐碎的笔记。 | Those who were told their notes would be erased most accurately remembered the trivia. |