属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-爱的代价 The price of love
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-抚慰,欢乐与不合 Comfort, joy and d
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-戛纳电影节 The Cannes film festi
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-戛纳电影节 The Cannes film festi
1 | 包含有色情内容的有艺术价值的文学、艺术作品不视为淫秽物品 | Literary and artistic works of artistic value that contain erotic contents are not regarded as obscene materials. | |
2 | 本法所称淫秽物品,是指具体描绘性行为或者露骨宣扬色情的诲淫性的书刊、影片、录像带、录音带、图片及其他淫秽物品 | Obscene materials mentioned in this law refer to erotic books, magazines, motion pictures, video tapes, audio tapes, pictures, and other obscene materials that graphically describe sexual intercourse or explicitly publicize pornography. | |
3 | 比尔兹利:英国插图画家,其通常是性爱的黑白画既高度个性化,又是典型的新艺术形式的代表。 | Beardsley:British illustrator whose black and white, often erotic drawings were both highly individual and typical of the art nouveau style. | |
4 | 奸尸被尸体性别的吸引或同尸体发生性关系 | Erotic attraction to or sexual contact with corpses. | |
5 | 雷蒙娜的那些风流勾当,并不是从手册之类的书中学来的。 | Ramona had not learned those erotic monkeyshines in a manual. | |
6 | 黎锦晖、留声机、殖民的现代性与音乐史研究的新视野-《黄色音乐:中国爵士乐时代中的媒体文化与殖民现代性》述评 | Li Jinhui, Gramophone, Modernity of Colonialism & New View in Research of Music History-Erotic Music: Media Culture & Modernity of Colonialism in China’s Jazz Time | |
7 | 明清艳情小说因果报应观念中的性别伦理 | The Sexual Ethics in the Concept of Comeuppance Expressed in the Erotic Fictions in Ming and Qing Dynasties | |
8 | 情色文字与图片对大学生性倾向印象形成的启动差异 | Comparison and Research of Priming Effect on Impression Formation with Sexual Tendency Affected by Erotic Words and Images | |
9 | 他的眼睛呈褐色,显得机警、灵敏、风骚而又工于心计。 | Her eyes were brown, sensitive and shrewd, erotic and calculating. | |
10 | 他眼光朝旁边一瞟,捋了捋胡子,同时装出一副色迷迷的轻薄相。 | The sidewise look and a pull at the beard expressed concurrence with a naughty erotic taste | |
11 | 台北新公园的情欲地理学:空间再现与男同性恋认同 | Erotic Geographies of Taipei Park: Spatial Representations and Gay Identity | |
12 | 台湾色情海报的解读分析 | The Analysis of Poster Ads for Erotic Floor Shows in Taiwan | |
13 | 网络情色的符号地景 | The Symbolic Landscape of Cyber Erotic : From a Rhetorical Perspective | |
14 | 性、权力与钢管辣妹pub:一个田野的观察 | Sex, Power and the Erotic Dance Pubs of Taiwan: A Field Observation | |
15 | 性爱的主题赋予他的文本一种炽热的张力,男女调情动作在很多剧作中成为基本模式。 | Erotic themes give his texts feverish excitement, and many of them have the choreography of seduction as their basic pattern | |
16 | 性爱是有挑动力的:充满着神秘性和戏剧性。 | erotic love is dynamic: fraught with mystery and drama | |
17 | 性爱性爱的性质或主题 | An erotic quality or theme. | |
18 | 性别迷宫里的色情叙事 | Erotic Narration in the Sexual Maze | |
19 | 淫荡地晃动卖弄色相地扭动臂部的动作 | An erotic rotation of the pelvis. | |
20 | 有年轻女子的色情图片的 | Containing erotic pictures of young women | |
21 | 又怀疑着这钏影楼三字,好像是个香艳的名词,有没有我的什么罗曼史在里面? | There is also a suspicion that Chuan Ying Lou seems to carry an erotic undertone--does it in any way reflect my romances? | |
22 | 在他们一本正经的体面外表下,满肚子的邪恶和情欲。 | Under their stagnant respectability are whirlpools of evil and erotic passion | |
23 | 在希腊人看来,爱即指性 | To the Greeks, love meant erotic love | |
24 | 这些女人都是尼诺十几岁时在灯光昏暗的银幕上见过的,她们都曾经是他多年春梦中的佳人。 | These were women Nino had seen on the darkened movie screens when he had been a teenager. They had played their part in his erotic dreams of adolescence. | |
25 | 自恋症自己对自己身体或品性的过度眷恋而产生的强烈兴奋,尤指这种爱恋持续发展或因退化不再次出现 | Erotic pleasure derived from contemplation or admiration of one’s own body or self,especially as a fixation on or a regression to an infantile stage of development. | |
26 | 最后他总算睡着了,做的全是春梦。 | He slept, finally, and his dreams were erotic . | |
27 | ||1: 托马斯·埃洛伊·马丁内斯(Tomás Eloy Martínez)(见上图)是一位杰出的新闻工作者、小说家和学者,曾度过数年流亡生活,在2010年去世。他以庇隆主义心理学研究著称,代表作《圣埃维塔》(Santa Evita)(1995)。 ||2:《炼狱》(Purgatory)(2008)是马丁内斯的最后一部小说。家住新泽西郊区的阿根廷制图师终于与丈夫重聚,但她发觉丈夫和30年前失踪时一样年轻。||3:这些年她不停寻找,虽有证据证明丈夫的死亡,但她始终不为所动,因为这也可能证实她的父亲,一名军政府高级参谋,参与了这起谋杀。||4:小说影射了当时社会的伪善,人与人相互勾结,精神生活和日常消遣平庸乏味——飞碟、肥皂剧、谈论国事和足球(由阿根廷举办并夺冠的不甚光彩的1978年世界杯)。||5:小说中的女主角拒绝接受现实,终日魂劳梦断,反应出一个国家仍在与现实抗争的社会现状。 | ||1: Tomás Eloy Martínez (pictured above), a prominent journalist, novelist and academic who spent years in exile and died in 2010, is known for his explorations of the psychology of Peronism, among them “Santa Evita” (1995). ||2: In “Purgatory” (2008), his last novel, an Argentine cartographer in suburban New Jersey senses that her husband has returned to her, no older than when he disappeared 30 years earlier. ||3: After years of searching, she remains impervious to evidence of his death as it would confirm that her father, a cheerleading propagandist for the junta, connived in his killing. ||4: The novel alludes to the mixture of hypocrisy and collusion that characterised that period, and the banal sentimentality of its distractions—flying saucers, soap operas, fatherland and fútbol (the infamous 1978 World Cup hosted and won by Argentina). ||5: The heroine’s state of denial and her ghostly and erotic delusions mirror a country still struggling with reality. | |
28 | ||1:诚然,Scruton先生在书中轻易地断言上帝的存在是有问题的,而且他的文字厚重而时常难于阅读。||2:但是它至少是严肃且深思熟虑的。||3: 相比之下,de Botton先生则看起来每翻一页都变愚钝了一点。 ||4:他认为宗教可以把人联结起来以抵御寂寞和孤独,然后总结道,弥撒(这个仪式)应该用来作为他的混合版本的“友爱餐厅”的范例,在这样的弥撒中,不仅有其自身的礼仪,还包括一年一度的纵欲狂欢(书里面甚至还有一幅软色情图片来向读者说明它将会是怎样)。||5:Scruton先生一直担心人们对美和淫秽之间的区别漠不关心,他认为,就是因为人们弄混了agape和eros(古希腊表示深沉之爱和欲望之爱的两个词)才导致他们互相疏离物化,然后在无休止地变得无情无义中贬低着爱情。 | ||1: That Mr Scruton simply asserts the existence of God may be regarded as a fault here, and his prose is dense and often hard going. ||2: But he is at least serious and thoughtful. ||3: By contrast, Mr de Botton seems to get dafter with each turn of the page. ||4: Arguing that religion can bind people together to help guard against loneliness, he concludes that the Mass should be used as a model for his pastiche “Agape Restaurant”, with its own liturgy and an annual orgy (there is even a soft-porn picture to show readers what this would be like). ||5: Mr Scruton, who frets that people have become indifferent to beauty and smut, argues that it is because they confuse agape and eros (the ancient Greek words for deep affection and erotic attraction) that they objectify each other and devalue love in a cycle of “ever-expanding heartlessness”. | |
29 | ||1:然而,从一致的评论中可以看出,《阿黛尔的生活》是政治因素和艺术价值的结合体。||2:法国《解放报》称其“乱花渐欲迷人眼。”,是“一部领先的电影”。||3:《世界报》将电影描述为“情感丰富,充满情欲”。《综艺》给它贴上了“炽热的亲密关系研究”的标签。||4:导演柯西胥更多的是知名于他那些描述法国移民的坚毅、颇具魅力的电影(《躲闪》、《谷子和鲻鱼》),而他的新作品在很多方面也都紧贴潮流:淫秽电影、近景拍摄、欢庆独立与激情、两名白人女主角而民族仅作为附加部分。||5:他对于北非的感受力,让现在的他成为了法国电影史成就的一部分。 | ||1: Yet, judging by the near-unanimous critical approval, “Adele” has married both political importance and artistic merit. ||2: Libération called it “dazzling”, a “film that floated above all the others”. ||3: Le Monde described it as “an emotional, erotic shock”. Variety labelled it “a searingly intimate character study”. ||4: Better known for his gritty but charming dramas set in heavily immigrant France (“L’Esquive”, “La Graine et le Mulet”), Mr Kechiche’s latest film is also in many ways a product of the French mainstream: a risqué movie, shot in close-up, celebrating independence and passion, starring two white leading actresses, and with minorities as mere extras. ||5: For all his north African sensibility, Mr Kechiche now looks every bit a part of the French film-making establishment. | |
30 | ||1:在法国举国笼罩在阴郁之下时,戛纳电影节成为其最闪耀的一刻:法国向世人证明了自己仍旧可以举办世界上最具盛名的电影节、众星云集的晚会,同时也吸引着每一位好莱坞明星。||2:多年来,戛纳一直都是电影业界阐述观念的舞台,而今年的金棕榈奖——戛纳电影节最高奖项的获奖得主,也能够看出这一点。||3:今年的获奖影片是由出生在突尼斯的导演阿布戴·柯西胥执导、以三小时时长讲述了女同性恋故事的《阿黛尔的生活》(《蓝色是一种暖色调》)。法国解放报这样写道:“这是一个完美的象征。” | ||1: At A time of national collective depression in France, the Cannes film festival is a precious moment: an occasion to show the world that it can still host the most prestigious film festival, throw star-studded parties and draw the best Hollywood talent. ||2: Over the years, Cannes has also become a chance for the industry to make a point, and it was easy to see one in this year’s winner of the Palme d’Or, the festival’s top prize. ||3: It went to “La vie d’Adele” (“Blue is the Warmest Colour”), a three-hour erotic lesbian drama directed by a Tunisian-born director, Abdellatif Kechiche. “A perfect symbol,” mused Libération. |