1 | 包的大小正适合去休闲外出,或是塞进一本书和一杯水去公园溜达。 | It’s the perfect size for taking to the pool, errands or just throwing in a book and bottle of water for the park. | |
2 | 不管他们选择哪个选项,最终都会再次显示差事列表。 | Regardless of which option they choose, the list of errands will eventually be displayed again. | |
3 | 不知怎的,灰尘继续落下来:可以看到MET-MEX员工一直在城市的许多街区完成吸尘任务。 | Somehow the dust continues to fall: Met-Mex employees can be seen on vacuuming errands in many neighbourhoods of the city. | |
4 | 步行做事,把牵引机换成手推式割草机,用手而不是遥控器打开车库门。 | Do errands on foot, trade thetractor for a push mower, and open the garage door by hand rather thanremote. | |
5 | 单位工作结束后,斯塔克建议去体育馆锻炼一会儿、去杂货店买点东西或剪一会儿指甲。 | After work, Stack suggested going to the gym or running errands like grocery shopping or getting a manicure. | |
6 | 当她为周六要做的事制订规划以便能够把它们全部做完而不用走回头路时,他不再讥笑她。 | He no longer laughs when she maps out her Saturday errands so she can do them all without making any left turns. | |
7 | 独立的承包者,比如知名的个人助理(PersonalAssistants,PA)也会在这个站点注册并对发送的差使投标。 | Independent contractors, known as Personal Assistants (PAs) would also register at the site and bid on posted errands . | |
8 | 房屋的项目被放到一旁,日程表中不再是一件件要去处理的差事,取而代之的是欢乐的户外活动。 | The house projects went ignored, the to do lists involved outdoor fun instead of errands to run. | |
9 | 更妙的是,一次将和一个朋友的所有出行进行合并同时拼车。 | Even better, consolidate and carpool all at once by running errands with a friend. | |
10 | 更糟的是,随着跑差使的枯燥,她变得越来越失落。 | Worse, she became increasingly frustrated with the tedium of running errands . | |
11 | 过了一段时间之后,研究工作就失去了新鲜感,但跑腿的工作还是很有意思的。 | The research got old after a while, but the errands were interesting. | |
12 | 即使对于电脑工程师和网络工作者,外出工作和出差也是生活中一项必须的工作。 | Even for computer-geeks and web-workers, going places and running errands is still a necessary part of life. | |
13 | 她终其一生都在为一些杂务奔波。 | She spends her whole life running errands . | |
14 | 尽管我们想变得更加有活力,可是我们的私人时间被工作、家务、琐事甚至于和朋友家人在一起的时间所侵蚀殆尽。 | And you want to get more active, but your days are a blur of work, household chores, errands , and time with family and friends. | |
15 | 摩的一撮一撮地聚集在街头巷尾等生意,载人、拉货,有时还帮人跑跑腿。 | They lurk in gangs on street corners, waiting to carry people or goods, or run errands . | |
16 | 任务文件夹,用于保存您希望自始至终跟踪的个人或工作相关任务的列表。 | Tasks folder to keep lists of personal or work-related errands that you want to track from start to finish. | |
17 | 如果你的另一半不能帮你跑腿或者忘记了你们的纪念日,提醒自己:这是病情导致的。 | If your spouse can’t remember to run errands or forgets your anniversary, remind yourself: It is a medical condition. | |
18 | 如果你在城市里工作,午餐时间跑出去要买点儿吃的,你根本没耐心排队等待。 | If you’re working in a city and you’ve got seven errands do during your lunch hour, you dont want to wait at all. | |
19 | 圣德洛说他是在2008年夏天买的充电式普锐斯,在他每天5公里的上下班行程中,差不多每加仑汽油可以开80公里。 | Mr. Sandalow said he bought his plug-in Prius in summer 2008 and got about 80 miles a gallon on his 5-mile trip to work and on errands . | |
20 | 他们的任务之一就是在军队部署前停在“士兵预备处理中心”做最后的医科和牙科检查。 | One of their errands before deploying is to stop at the Soldier Readiness Processing Centre for last-minute medical and dental checks. | |
21 | 他也替病房打杂,还利用空闲时间用奥军步枪子弹壳给我做了一个打火机。 | He also ran errands for the ward and in his spare time made me a cigarette lighter out of an empty Austrian rifle cartridge. | |
22 | 太平洋标准时间上午10时54分,月亮要调整与海王星之间位置,你可能想在此之前完成自己的主要任务或结束重要的事情。 | You may want to accomplish your key tasks and important errands before the Moon squares Neptune at 10: 54AM PST. | |
23 | 通过这项服务,客户按小时付费,处理当地短途事务,不用再购买得需长期闲置的汽车。 | With car-sharing, people rent cars by the hour, mostly for local errands , as an alternative to owning a car that sits idle most of the time. | |
24 | 为了让早晨少一份烦扰,他不再在上班的路上办小差事了。 | To make mornings less harried, he no longer ran errands on his way to work. | |
25 | 我从20岁起就自己养活自己,这些年来我已经习惯于打扫房子、跑腿、下厨。 | I had been self-supporting since I was twenty, and over the years had gotten used to cleaning house, running errands , and cooking. | |
26 | 我从来不喜欢做这活儿,而选择了做跑腿,因此大部分遗物被分类和装箱的时候,我都不必在场。 | I have never liked this task and opted to run errands so I did not have to be there while most of the things were divided and boxed up. | |
27 | 我打算在户外干几件家务活。 | I’m going out to do a few errands . | |
28 | 我很容易感到神思恍惚,不由自主地考虑起自己打算在午饭时间办的一些杂事。 | I was easily distracted and caught myself thinking about some errands I wanted to run at lunchtime. | |
29 | 我每周为当地的一位律师本.莫斯工作几个小时,做一些法律研究,帮他跑跑腿。 | I worked a few hours a week for Ben Moss, a local lawyer, doing legal research and running errands . | |
30 | 我们中的大多数需要抚养家庭,处理各种形式的学业,出差,计划等。 | Many of us are raising families, are dealing with schooling in whatever form, have errands to run, schedules to keep. |