属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-沙特跟老美 别扭扭
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-奥巴马医改 实验医学
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-胚胎干细胞 进展中的干细胞研究
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-咖啡锈病 "罗亚"蔓延
1 | ||1:此外,这两个国家还有其他的共同点,尽管不全都有用。||2:在利雅得和华盛顿,做出的决议越来越无常,甚至有点决策机能失常,虽然造成这一现象的原因有很多。||3:沙特的高层管理者年事已高,显得有些疲惫,也很容易发生派系斗争因为年轻的王子们在不可避免的进行王位争夺,据说国王至少89岁了。||4:同时,奥巴马也被异常失控的立法机关束缚住。||5:他在利雅得甚至不会受到美国大使的接待。||6:奥巴马在去年11月任命了一位大使,但遭到国会拒绝,如今都没能上任。 | ||1:And the countries have other things in common, not all of them helpful.||2:Decision-making in both Riyadh and Washington has grown increasingly erratic , even dysfunctional, albeit for different reasons.||3:Saudi Arabia’s senior rulers are old and weary, and prone to factional rivalry as younger princes jostle for power in the inevitable succession to the king, who is thought to be at least 89.||4:Mr Obama’s administration, meanwhile, has been shackled by an unusually obstreperous legislature.||5:He will not even be greeted in Riyadh by an American ambassador.||6:He nominated one in November, but Congress has refused so far to confirm his appointment. | |
2 | ||1:民族党经济学家们的观点也同样存在缺陷。||2:苏格兰单打独斗是不可能富强起来的。||3:虽然依靠北海所征得的税收基本可以满足一个国家的其他需求,但它将再得不到英国政府的资金支持(去年英国政府向苏格兰提供的资金高达人均1300英镑,这个数字是整个英国地区最高的)。||4:可是石油的盈利是不稳定的。||5:2008年到2009年间,苏格兰的石油盈利为一千一百五十亿英镑,但在2012年到2013年,石油的盈利就降到了五百五十亿英镑。||6:一个独立国家如果想要通过建立石油资金以稳定这样的收入波动,那它现有的资金就所剩无几了。||7:而且不管怎么样,石油终将会枯竭,一旦如此,国家就必须通过提高税收以继续维持。||8:财政困难的局面可能比预期的会还要早。||9:面对英国消费者的国外投资者和企业也会转移到南部。 | ||1:The nationalists’ economics are also flawed.||2:Scotland would not, in fact, be richer alone.||3:The taxes that would flow to it from the North Sea would roughly compensate for the extra cost of its lavish state, which would no longer be funded by Westminster (last year spending was some 1,300 per person higher in Scotland than elsewhere in Britain).||4:But oil revenues are erratic .||5:They would have earned Scotland 11.5 billion in 2008-09 but only 5.5 billion in 2012-13.||6:If an independent state were to smooth these fluctuations by setting up an oil fund, it would have less cash to spend now.||7:In any case, the oil is gradually running out. In order to maintain state spending after it is gone, taxes would have to rise.||8:And a crunch might come much sooner.||9:Foreign investors and big businesses that mostly serve English customers could well move south. | |
3 | ||1:因此,根据一个名为“揭露真相”的一家加利福尼亚公司的资料,在纽约,脊背扫描检查的费用在416美及甚至高于这一数据的十倍之多之间波动。||2:在费城,一项前列腺特定抗体检查费用可能在20美元至407美元之间波动。||3:并且检查的质量也有很大的不确定性。||4:罗切斯特大学的劳伦·格兰仕发现美国剖腹产并发症的概率变化达到5倍。 | ||1:Thus the cost of a back scan in New York City ranges from $416 to more than ten times that amount, according to Castlight, a firm in California.||2:A prostate-specific antigen test in Philadelphia could be $20 or $407 (see chart 3).||3:Quality is erratic , too.||4:Laurent Glance of the University of Rochester found that rates of complications from caesarean deliveries varied nearly fivefold among American hospitals. | |
4 | 但随后这一领域的发展呈现了不稳定性、胚胎细胞的来源问题也引发了社会争议。 | Since then progress has been erratic and controversial. | |
5 | 实验室的89位研究人员们也还不能高枕无忧。他们现在正在进行一个绘制咖啡树基因谱的项目,这将有助他们培育新的变种,这种变种不仅能抵抗“罗亚”及其以后可能出现的其它变种,还能更不易受到不稳定天候影响的新品种植株。对于更优良品种的研究总会一直进行下去。 | Cenicafé’s 89 researchers cannot rest easy, either. They are working on a project to map the coffee genome. That should help them develop new varieties that will not only resist roya, which is continuously evolving, but will also be less susceptible to erratic weather. The search for a stronger brew is never over. | |
6 | [color=#000000][font=宋体][size=10.5pt]再者,萨科齐先生灵活多变的领导风格使他成为一个让人摸不着头脑的伙伴。 | [color=#000000]Second, Mr Sarkozy’s mercurial leadership style makes him an erratic partner. | |
7 | 奥巴马蹩脚的表现部分的源于他发现自己所处环境的残酷。 | Mr Obama’s erratic performance is partly the result of the rollercoaster world he finds himself in. | |
8 | 比以往都高的失业人数以及莫测的资薪增长都使得获得购房款变得艰难。 | Higher-than-usual unemployment and erratic wage growth make it hard to find that kind of money. | |
9 | 表现一直不稳定的纳尼,被寄予厚望,现在需要他担负起更多的责任。 | Nani, whose performances have been erratic at best, will be expected to flourish now that he has extra responsibility. | |
10 | 并不奇怪的是,参与竞标的另一方并不知道Google到底在玩什么把戏,也没有发现他有什么异常。 | Not surprisingly, those on the other end of the auction had no clue what Google was doing. And found their behavior erratic and odd. | |
11 | 不过它的发布周期并不稳定,而且也没有64位的版本。 | Its release cycle can be erratic , though, and there is also no 64-bit version of the software. | |
12 | 不幸地是,这些冲突反映出夏威夷问题更为严重的一面:政府的应变政策忽悠不定,时而失调。 | Sadly, the conflict points to a broader problem in Hawaii: an erratic , at times dysfunctional, way of dealing with change. | |
13 | 出去石油和不稳定的项目,如航天器,出口增长了3.4%,十月份到十一月,进口上升0. | Stripping out oil and erratic items such as aircraft, exports jumped by 3. 4% between October and November, as imports rose by 0. 3%. | |
14 | 从某种意义上说,这是深层次的完美交流,但我们之间的谈话从来不是很轻松,我们的友谊也很奇怪。 | In a sense, it is a profound and perfect communion but conversation between us is never particularly easy, and our friendship is erratic . | |
15 | 但Google的ChromeWebStore里这一选项很不稳定,令人十分沮丧;许多这一类的所谓应用程序只不过是另一种形式的书签。 | But the selection in Google’s Chrome Web Store is frustratingly erratic ; many of these so-called apps are just bookmarks by another name. | |
16 | 但是,只是触发更频繁的垃圾回收可能会对用户体验带来负面影响,造成处理速度下降。 | However, just triggering more-frequent garbage collections can have a negative effect on the user experience by causing erratic slowdowns. | |
17 | 但由于临产是一个不遵循时间表的过程,你将会保持悬念直到真正的宫缩开始。 | But since labor is a process with an erratic timetable, you’ll be kept in suspense until the first true contractions strike. | |
18 | 第四纪冰河时代结束,人们开始耕种谷物之前的时期气候变化无常。 | The period leading up to the domestication of cereals was one of erratic climate change, as the last ice age ended. | |
19 | 窦房结出了问题,心律会变缓或变紊乱,这很危险。 | When the sinoatrial node starts to malfunction it can cause dangerously slow or erratic rhythms to develop. | |
20 | 对如此怪异的行为也许会做出无数种解释,但是一个解释不是你放下盔甲的理由。 | There may be infinite explanations for such erratic behavior, but an explanation is not a reason to drop your armor. | |
21 | 而且多变的气候在很大程度上影响了农村经济。 | Nor does erratic weather help a largely rural economy. | |
22 | 而事实上,大部分的国家都难以理解他飘忽不定的外交决策,譬如朝鲜的核试验项目。 | In reality, most nations are confused by his erratic foreign policy decisions on important issues such as N. Korea’s nuclear program. | |
23 | 发动机气缸产生非正常磨损的原因 | Producing erratic abrasion reason in engine cylinder | |
24 | 福特将摆脱它那年老昏聩、反复无常的老板,再次成为一家伟大的企业。 | Ford would recover from the dotage of its erratic boss to be a great company once again. | |
25 | 高潮差、大漂石、高强度岩石地区基础施工方法 | On Foundation Construction in High Tide Range, Big Erratic and High Strength Rock Area | |
26 | 工资数据更无规律可循的德国,工资增长似乎是在提升,但该国的起点较低。 | In Germany, where earnings data are rather more erratic , wage growth does appear to be rising, but from a lower base. | |
27 | 公认变化无常的英国复活节零售数据,实际上出现了增长,建筑测量师称,房地产询价人数有所上升。 | The admittedly highly erratic Easter UK retail sales figures show an actual increase and surveyors report more property inquiries. | |
28 | 供热是没有保障的。 | Heating is erratic . | |
29 | 官方研究显示,每隔四到十年,这几个月的降雨就会变化无常。 | Official studies show it to be erratic in four out of every ten years. | |
30 | 很少有人能忍受迈克尔多变的性格,所以他的朋友不多。 | changeable, erratic , mobile, capricious, inconstant Few people can stand Michael’s mercurial personality, so he does not have many friends. |