1 | 坚决纠正压制民主、强迫命令等错误行为。 | We must resolutely correct such erroneous acts as suppressing democracy and resorting to coercion and commandism . | |
2 | 检察院也要对人民法院的审判活动是否合法实行监督。当发现判决和裁定有错误时,检察院将按照审判监督程序提起抗诉。 | It shall also oversee the judicial activities of people’ s court to determine whether they conform to the law and, when finding erroneous verdicts and rulings, it shall lodge a protest in accordance with a judicial supervision procedure. | |
3 | 建设世界一流大学误区初探 | On Erroneous Notions Regarding Building the World’s First-class Universities | |
4 | 近二十年改革开放和现代化建设取得成功的根本原因之一,就是克服了那些超越阶段的错误观念和政策, | One of the basic reasons for the achievements in the reform, opening up and the modernization drive over the past two decades is that we corrected the erroneous concepts and policies transcending the primary stage of socialism | |
5 | 具体行政行为有下列情形之一的,判决撤销或者部分撤销,并可以判决被告重新作出具体行政行为:⒈主要证据不足的⒉适用法律、法规错误的⒊违反法定程序的⒋超越职权的⒌滥用职权的. | If a specific administrative act has been undertaken in one of the following circumstances, the act shall be annulled or partially annulled by judgment, or the defendant may be required by judgment to undertake a specific administrative act anew: a. inadequacy of essential evidence b. erroneous application of the law or regulations c. violation of legal procedure d. exceeding authority or e. abuse of powers. | |
6 | 决不允许错误思想到处泛滥。 | In no circumstances should erroneous ideas be allowed to spread unchecked | |
7 | 老年自发性气胸误诊原因及影响疗效的因素分析 | Causes Analysis of Erroneous Diagnosis and In-effects on the Spontaneous Pneumothorax in Elderly Patients | |
8 | 刘少奇在批语中,反对毛泽东同志关于农业社会主义改造的路线,把它污蔑为“错误的、危险的、空想的农业社会主义思想”。 | In this comment, he opposed Comrade Mao Tsetung’s line on the socialist transformation of agriculture, maligning it as an "erroneous , dangerous and utopian notion of agrarian socialism" | |
9 | 鲁鱼帝虎,鲁鱼亥豕 | clerical or typographical errors made through confusing similar characters;erroneous characters of similar forms | |
10 | 旅游景区事件营销误区透析-以飞机再次穿越天门洞为例 | An Analysis of Erroneous Event Marketing in Scenic Spots-Taking the Event of Airplanes Flying through Tien Men Hole Again as an Example | |
11 | 那家报纸声明撤回那篇错误的报道。 | The newspaper published a retraction of the erroneous report | |
12 | 那家报纸声明撤回那篇错误的报道。 | The newspaper published a retraction of the erroneous report. | |
13 | 你的报告结果是错误的结论。 | The result of your report is an erroneous conclusion. | |
14 | 你应该老老实实地反躬自省,找出你这些错误观点的根源。 | You ought to examine yourself honestly and find out the source of your erroneous views | |
15 | 农村中学普通话教学的误区及对策 | On Erroneous Concepts of the Teaching of Putonghua in Rural Secondary Schools and Measures to Be Taken | |
16 | 努力防止和坚决抵制腐朽文化和各种错误思想观点对人们的侵蚀, | We should remold the backward cultures, prevent and resolutely resist the corrosion to people by decadent cultures and various erroneous ideological concepts | |
17 | 浅谈高校实验室管理工作中的一些认识误区 | Shallowly Discuss some Erroneous Zone in the Laboratory Management of the Universities | |
18 | 浅析城市景观设计中的误区 | Erroneous Zone of Urban Landscape Design | |
19 | 让我在这里打住一下,免得我的读者产生任何误解。 | Here let me stop for a moment to check my reader from any erroneous conclusions | |
20 | 认为地球是平的观念是错的。 | That the earth is flat is an erroneous concept. | |
21 | 认为新闻报导总是发表真相,这是错误的。 | It’s erroneous to assume that the press always prints the truth. | |
22 | 容易弄错或可能不准确的. | Tending or likely to be erroneous | |
23 | 如果发生错误的显示或操作时 | If an erroneous display or operation occurs | |
24 | 如果看起来纸张单薄、印刷模糊、色泽暗淡、商标品名或使用说明拼写有误,或与您通常熟悉的GM或ACDelco包装有所不同 ,那请你千万要注意了,那极有可能是假货。 | If the packaging is thin, has blurry printing, is dark in color, has erroneous trademark spellings or usage instructions, or is different from that of GM or ACDelco products that you are familiar with, these parts may be counterfeit.” | |
25 | 三个解放出来?? | The Three Frees; i.e. to free our minds from the shackles of the outdated notions; practices and systems; to free from the erroneous and dogmatic interpretations of Marxism; and to free from the fetters of subjectivism and metaphysics. | |
26 | 伸手可及,或者只需努力一下便可得到。而长远利益太虚无缥缈,只是画饼而已。 | This develops from the erroneous understanding that only immediate interests that are within an arm’s reach are dependable and true and can be gained with some effort, but that long-term interests are unreal nothing more than a pie painted on paper. | |
27 | 适用法律、法规错误 | erroneous application of laws and regulations | |
28 | 适用法律确有错误的 | The application of the law is found to be erroneous | |
29 | 双语教学的误区与对策研究 | A Study of Erroneous Concepts in Bilingual Teaching and Countermeasures | |
30 | 他接受挑战,写了一篇文章驳斥他的错误观点。 | Taking up the challenge,he wrote an article to refute his erroneous views. |