属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-国际足联与腐败 非礼勿听
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:人非圣贤孰能无过
1 | 他们的理论曾被认为是不正确的而受摒弃。 | Their theories were once dismissed as erroneous . | |
2 | 他们的理论曾被视为不正确而不予考虑。 | Their theories were once dismissed as erroneous | |
3 | 他们的理论曾被视作错误的。 | Their theories were once dismissed as erroneous . | |
4 | 他们声称他的意见是错误的。 | They qualified his opinion as erroneous . | |
5 | 探究学习与研究性学习的四个误区 | On Four Erroneous Domains in Exploratory Studies and Investigative Studies | |
6 | 我们应该防微杜渐,把祸害消灭在萌芽之中。 | We should check erroneous ideas at the outset to nip an evil in the bud. | |
7 | 我同他比较熟,没有一次见面我不批评他的错误思想。 | I know him rather well, and we never met without my having to criticize his erroneous ideas | |
8 | 亚急性甲状腺炎20例误诊分析 | Analysis of Erroneous Diagnosis of 20 Cases of Subacute Thyroiditis | |
9 | 研究性学习活动的误区及指导策略 | Learning Activity Erroneous Zone and Instruction Opinion | |
10 | 也谈素质教育的误区及出路 | On Some Erroneous Ideas Concerning EQO Education and the Way Out | |
11 | 义务教育均衡发展误区及其矫正 | On Erroneous Ideas about Even Development of Basic Education and Their Rectification | |
12 | 因纳税人、扣缴义务人计算错误等失误,未缴或者少缴税款的,税务机关在三年内可以追征;有特殊情况的,追征期可以延长到十年。 | Should a taxpayer or withholding agent fail to pay tax or underpay tax through its own faults, such as making an erroneous calculation, the tax authorities may, within three years, pursue the collection of the tax in arrears. If special circumstances exist, the period for pursuing the collection of the tax in arrears may be extended to ten years. | |
13 | 英语词汇教与学常见外缘误区描述与评析 | Extrinsic Erroneous Areas in English Vocabulary Teaching and Learning | |
14 | 铀的永久不平衡会导致错误的结果。 | Secular disequilibrium of uranium can lead to erroneous results | |
15 | 游标卡尺测深部分产生误差的原因及其修理 | The Vernier Caliper Depth Sounding Partially Has the Erroneous Reason and the Repair | |
16 | 又抵制了抛弃社会主义基本制度的错误主张。 | and rejected the erroneous proposition that we should give up the basic system of socialism . | |
17 | 原判决、裁定适用法律确有错误的 | The application of law in the original judgment or ruling is found to be erroneous | |
18 | 原判决适用法律错误的,依法改判 | Render a new judgment according to law where the application of law is in a way erroneous | |
19 | 在电镀过程中,电解液也将随着改变,从而会使信号传感器给出错误的结果来。 | The electrolyte would also be changed by the electroplating process and would cause the pickoff to give erroneous results | |
20 | 在目前流行的习惯用语里,它常常只是指一些有错误的,但又广为坚持的信念的素材。 | In current popular usage it often means merely a corpus of erroneous but widely held beliefs | |
21 | 在下列状况下可能发生错误的显示或操作 | An erroneous display or operation may occur in the following cases | |
22 | 这个莫名其妙的“燃素论”,对燃烧做了错误的理解,把化学扯上了一条完全错误道路。 | This hazy "phlogiston theory," this erroneous conception of burning, led chemistry along a completely false trail | |
23 | 这两种看法反映了很多中国人对人文学科的根深蒂固的偏见--这是极为错误的。 | Both responses reflect the deeply ingrained prejudice of many Chinese against the humanities-and are grossly erroneous | |
24 | 这一错误学说的支持者们正在减少。 | The advocators of this erroneous doctrine are falling away | |
25 | 自觉地把思想认识从那些不合时宜的观念、做法和体制的束缚中解放出来,从对马克思主义的错误的和教条式的理解中解放出来,从主观主义和形而上学的桎梏中解放出来。 | We must conscientiously free our minds from the shackles of the outdated notions, practices and systems, from the erroneous and dogmatic interpretations of Marxism and from the fetters of subjectivism and metaphysics. | |
26 | 走出传统人才观的生态误区 | Goes out the Ecology Erroneous Zone of Traditional Talented Person’s View | |
27 | 走出节约影响提高生活消费水平的认识误区 | Get Rid of the Erroneous Idea That Thrift May Influence the Enhancement of Life Consumption Level | |
28 | 走出综合实践活动的误区 | Try to Get Out of the Erroneous Zone of Comprehensive Practices | |
29 | ||1:主持此次调查的是美国律师迈克尔·加西亚(图中左者),随后他于九月,向国际足联道德委员会提交了400余页的报告(下文简称“加西亚报告”)。||2:德国法官,同时也是道德委员会裁决小组主席的汉斯-约阿希姆·埃克特(图中右者)审阅了报告。||3:虽然国际足联一些官员和加西亚本人均要求公开报告内容,但最终亮相的只是一份经埃克特重述的摘要(下文简称“埃克特摘要”)。这份摘要,加西亚说它“不完整,且与报告有出入”。||4:摘要发布以来,有两位举报人称埃克特损害了他们的名誉,并曲解了他们的话。||5:加西亚已就埃里克摘要向国际足联另一委员会提出申诉。 | ||1:The investigation into the bidding process had been led by Michael Garcia, an American lawyer, who submitted over 400 pages of findings to FIFA’s ethics committee in September.||2:His report was then reviewed by Hans-Joachim Eckert, a German judge who heads the committee’s adjudicatory chamber (pictured right, with Mr Garcia).||3:It was not published, despite pleas from some FIFA officials and Mr Garcia himself.Instead Mr Eckert released his own summary, which Mr Garcia has described as “incomplete and erroneous ”.||4:Two whistle-blowers have since said that Mr Eckert tarnished and misrepresented them.||5:Mr Garcia has appealed against Mr Eckert’s interpretation of his report—to another FIFA committee. | |
30 | Err出自拉丁语errare,意思是游离。errant和erroneous这些相关单词也有相同的拉丁语起源。 | "Err" comes from the Latin word "errare," meaning "to stray or wander." Related words, such as errant and erroneous , have the same Latin origin. |