属类:经济金融-This is America 今日美国-拜登走马上任并呼吁团结
属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-害怕塔利班惩罚的阿富汗人仍在躲藏
属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-前克莱斯勒公司负责人艾柯卡去世,享年94岁
1 | 政府为到访的元首派出了武装卫队. | The government provided an armed escort for the visiting head of State. | |
2 | 执行护送任务的士兵. | Soldiers on escort duty | |
3 | 宾夕法尼亚大街上没有举行游行。取而代之的是虚拟的全美游行。但是,特拉华大学和霍华德大学的行进乐队到场护送美国新任领导人前往白宫。拜登去了特拉华大学行进乐队,而哈里斯在霍华德大学行进乐队。 | There was no parade down Pennsylvania Avenue. In its place was a virtual "parade Across America." But the marching bands from the University of Delaware and Howard University were there to escort the country’s new leaders to The White House. Biden went to Delaware and Harris was at Howard. | |
4 | ||1:莫比纳表示,她跟另外25个人躲在一起。||2:这些人包括民间团体负责人、妇女权利维护者以及发展项目的领导人。||3:他们表示,他们听说塔利班武装分子在街头拦下妇女,并问她们的男性同伴在哪里。||4:在塔利班过去的统治下,女性必须有男性陪同。 | ||1:Mobina said she is in hiding with 25 other people.||2:The others include heads of civil society groups, women’s rights defenders and leaders of development projects.||3:They say they have heard that Taliban fighters are out on the streets, stopping women and asking them where their male escort is.||4:Under the Taliban’s past rule, women were required to have such an escort . | |
5 | ||1:史密斯描绘的艾森豪威尔不仅仅像英国将军蒙哥马利所说的那样:是一位“军人政治家”,他也是一位非常成功的总统。||2:他结束了朝鲜战争,拒绝让美国被牵涉到在中南半岛援救法国一事中(当时的一个建议是在那儿投三颗原子弹),逼迫英国、法国和以色列在苏伊士问题上让步,还在金门妈祖危机时压倒了中国。||3:在国内他派出第101空降师前往阿肯色州的小石城,护送九位黑人孩童上学。||4:他的总统任期是一段和平时期,而且整体上来说经济繁荣。 | ||1:The Eisenhower that Mr Smith portrays was not just a “military statesman”—as Britain’s General Montgomery called him—but also a very successful president.||2:He ended the war in Korea, refused to allow America to get involved in rescuing the French in Indochina (one idea had been to drop three atom bombs there), forced Britain, France and Israel to back down over Suez and faced down China over the Quemoy-Matsu crisis.||3:At home he sent the 101st Airborne to Little Rock, Arkansas, to escort nine black children to school.||4:He presided over peace and, on the whole, prosperity. | |
6 | ||1:在一项新的民意调查中,这一比例下降到47%。||2:尽管公众态度有所缓和,但官方态度却强硬起来。||3:就在10年前,埃尔多安政府与欧洲还拥有良好关系的时候,签署了一项公约,禁止基于性取向或性别认同的歧视。||4:数以万计的人在警察的护送下,在伊斯坦布尔的主要街道参加同志大游行。||5:今天,这种精神荡然无存。||6:同志大游行已经被禁;橡皮子弹和催泪瓦斯等着那些出现的人们。||7:近一个世纪前,为调和伊斯兰教义与世俗价值观而成立的宗教事务局,已成为伊斯兰政治力量的代言人和政府职能部门。||8:对《古兰经》细致入微的诠释,已经让位于一种更加严格的方法。||9:即使在政府圈中,同性恋名人仍然可以参加宴请,但前提是他们不在公共场合讨论自己的性取向。 | ||1:In a new poll, that had fallen to 47%.||2:But while public attitudes have softened, official ones have hardened.||3:Only a decade ago, when it still enjoyed good relations with Europe, Mr Erdogan’s government signed a convention banning discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.||4:Tens of thousands marched in the Pride Parade on Istanbul’s main street under police escort .||5:Today, very little of that spirit remains.||6:The Pride Parade has been banned; rubber bullets and tear-gas await those who turn up.||7:The Diyanet, set up nearly a century ago to reconcile Islamic teachings with secular values, has turned into the voice of political Islam and an arm of the government.||8:Nuanced interpretations of the Koran have given way to a more restrictive approach.||9:Gay celebrities are still feted, even in government circles, but only as long as they do not discuss their sexuality in public. | |
7 | 艾柯卡是意大利移民之子。在他32岁的职业生涯中,他帮助推出了美国一些最畅销和最有影响力的汽车。这些汽车包括福特Escort,福特野马以及厢旅车。 | Iacocca was the son of Italian immigrants. In his 32-year career, he helped launch some of the country’s best-selling and most important vehicles. They included the Ford Escort , the Ford Mustang and the minivan. | |
8 | “从今而后,欧盟将看护希腊私有化计画,就像我们亲自执行一样,”他表示.(完) | "Henceforth, the European Union will escort Greece’s privatisation programme as if we were conducting it ourselves, " he said. | |
9 | “基督山”号正是在脱离了日本海军舰队护航正准备驶入印度洋的时候遭受了海盗的袭击。 | It was attacked by pirates after it left the escort of a Japanese naval vessel and entered the Indian Ocean. | |
10 | “在草原里有流浪的野人,我们认为最好应该随身保护你。” | "Savages scour the Prairies; We thought it best, therefore, to escort you on your road. " | |
11 | Geary现在穿着平民的装束,由警卫们护送向监狱的大门口走去。 | C. O. s escort Geary, dressed as a civilian now, out toward the prison’s sally port. | |
12 | Michael兄弟俩正在洗衣房粉刷柱子时,Bellick和几个狱警跟着Sucre进来了。 | Michael and Lincoln are painting a pillar in the laundry room when Bellick and several officers escort Sucre in. | |
13 | 艾伦决定明晚要护送我去,雪树银花之夜。 | Aaron decided he would escort me To the snowflake ball tomorrow night. | |
14 | 伴飞诱饵支援条件下无人飞行器协同作战效能研究 | Study of Cooperative Operation Effectiveness for UAV with Escort Free-Flight Decoys | |
15 | 本实用新型用于战车、押运车。 | The utility model is applied to war vehicles and escort vehicles. | |
16 | 布劳恩小姐经营的三陪服务遍及各地,从洛杉矶到她位于佛罗里达博卡拉藤的家。 | Miss Braun ran her online escort service from Los Angeles and her home in Boca Raton, Florida. | |
17 | 创造条件为抽样调查保驾护航 | Creating the Condition to Escort for Sampling Survey | |
18 | 存款保险制度--为银行业保驾护航 | The Deposit Insurance System--the Escort of the Banking Business | |
19 | 大部分钱都进了陪护服务公司的腰包。 | A substantial amount goes to the escort service itself. | |
20 | 但使用宝马警车护送,不只是东道主礼貌的象征。 | But the symbolism of the BMW police escort goes beyond good manners on the part of the hosts. | |
21 | 但是在政府大楼外的街道上,穿着制服的警察们只有在军队的护卫下才敢冒险外出。 | But on the streets outside the governor’s building, uniformed police venture out only under an army escort . | |
22 | 但随后戴维斯女士提出与运输公司相比,她的“保镖陪同机构”提供的服务更为及时可靠。 | But then Ms Davis pointed out that unlike the transit agency, her escort agency delivered on-time and reliable service. | |
23 | 当地时间6日11时,中国海军编队开始在亚丁湾索马里海域实施首次护航任务,护航里程为550海里。 | The Chinese naval fleet began its 1st escort mission against pirates in the Gulf of Aden off Somalia at 11 am Tuesday local time. | |
24 | 对联合国而言,现在找到愿意冒险进行海上运输的船主已是非常困难。 | It is hard for the UN to find shipowners willing to take the risk without an armed escort . | |
25 | 俯瞰伦敦:当皇家游船驶过国会大厦时,威斯敏斯特大桥上人头攒动 | The view from the London Eye: Crowds pack Westminster Bridge as the royal barge and escort passes the Houses of Parliament | |
26 | 根据客人的要求帮助客人并指引客人到达正确的位置。 | Assist guests and escort them to locations within the hotel at their requests. | |
27 | 海盗势力的存在也就意味着食物运输船需要战舰的护航。 | The piracy means that warships have to escort ships bringing food. | |
28 | 海军护航是国家行为而非公司行为,所以不收取任何费用。 | The escort is free of charge since it is the action of a country instead of a company. | |
29 | 豪厄尔拿着雨果先生塞入他口袋的装着钱的小信封,陪着她去天堂影院或者纽约植物园。 | Howell would escort her to the Loew’s Paradise or the Botanical Gardens, with little envelopes of cash Mr. Hugo stuffed into his pocket. | |
30 | 很快高速巡警同意护送消防车执行任务,之后任务范围又扩大到了救护车。 | It was quickly agreed that the Highway Patrol would escort fire trucks, with ambulances later added to their mission. |