属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-飞扬的旗帜 拒绝投降
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-解密达芬奇密码 Deciphering the da
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-委内瑞拉 政治宣传改头换面(2)
1 | 要在自身找到幸福是不容易的,要在别的地方找到幸福则是不可能的。美国女散文家里普利厄 | It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere--Repplier, American female essayist | |
2 | 有些人提出,普鲁斯特根本不是小说家,而是散文作家。 | Some people have suggested that Proust is not a novelist at all,but an essayist . | |
3 | 知识总是从爱好开始,犹如光总是从火开始一样。英国历史学家、散文学家卡莱尔 | Love is ever the beginning of knowledge as fire is of light.--Thomas Carlyle. British historian and essayist | |
4 | ||1:两位女性让人最印象深刻的相似性在于她们看似天性使然的坚定自我和无所畏惧。||2:在Thompson1920年27岁生日的那一天,这位美国年轻女子仅持一文件夹,心携能够取得自由时事记者的工作资格并穿越欧洲去见证俄国沙皇革命余波的目标,孤身一人远赴没有亲朋所在的英国。||3:到1927年,她已定居柏林,成为首位欧洲新闻署的女性负责人。||4: West的父亲----爱尔兰记者,抛弃妻子之时,她才8岁。幸而至19岁时已经是一位评论家和散文家,并“弃名声于不顾”地以初生牛犊之势发表了前辈级作家Arnold Bennett和George Bernard Shaw删减过的批判性评论。 ||5: West女士直到1983年90岁与世长辞之前从未间断过写作,并曾得到让人梦寐以求的《纽约客》编辑Harold Ross的暗藏丰盛赞誉的来信:“请以我们写个故事吧,真实的虚构的都可以!” ||6:1941年,West出版了举世闻名的书:《黑色的小羊羔和灰色的猎鹰》---叙述了巴尔干半岛的历史以及对纳粹主义兴起的沉思。 | ||1: The most striking similarity between Thompson and West is their seemingly innate self-belief and fearlessness. ||2: On her 27th birthday in 1920 the American-born Thompson sailed for England. With no contacts but with portfolio in hand, her goal was to gain credentials as a freelance reporter and make her way across Europe to witness the aftermath of the revolution in Russia. ||3: By 1927 she was living in Berlin as the first female head of a news bureau in Europe. ||4: West, the daughter of an Anglo-Irish journalist who abandoned the family when she was eight, was a reviewer and essayist by the time she was 19, when “regardless of reputation” she published cutting critiques of established writers such as Arnold Bennett and George Bernard Shaw. ||5: West wrote consistently until her death at 90 in 1983, and was in the enviable position of having Harold Ross, the editor of the New Yorker, write to her, pleading: “Please write any story you want for us, fact or fiction.” ||6: In 1941 West published her best-known book, “Black Lamb and Grey Falcon”, a history of the Balkans and a meditation on the rise of Nazism. | |
5 | ||1:与之相对,散文家让·盖埃诺铁铮铮的拒绝写任何德国批准的公文。||2: 他的观点只能借假名出现在一家地下报纸——《法国人信札》和同样保密的出版社——《éditions de Minuit》。 ||3: 他在战后新出版的《Journal des Années Noires》中写道“作家,不应该只追求发表文章的自豪感。现在,是不为任何,只为快乐写作的时候。” ||4:说得非常好!但随后盖埃诺的确因在亨利四中教书而经济上得到了保障。 | ||1: By contrast, Jean Guéhenno, an essayist , refused absolutely to write for any outlet approved by the Germans. ||2: Instead, his opinions were pseudonymously confined to an underground newspaper, Les Lettres Franeaises, and an equally clandestine publishing house, éditions de Minuit. ||3: “Writers should not be seeking the glory of the byline,” he noted in his “Journal des Années Noires”, which was published just after the war. “Now is the time to write for nothing, for pleasure.” ||4: Well said—but then Guéhenno did have the financial security of a teaching job at the Lycée Henri IV. | |
6 | ||1:做为一个哲学家和科学家,达芬奇总是在努力的理解他在对自然深入研究中所观察到的一切。||2:艺术曾是他用来表达自己想法的一种形式。||3:《抱貂的女人》画的是米兰公爵年轻的情妇,她身着时髦的红袍,从袖子侧缝中透出她浅色的内衣。||4:打好的结,,还有系在西西莉亚左侧袖子上的黑缎带的精心处理过的细节深深吸引着达芬奇。||5:她的右臂处在阴影之中,所以右侧袖子上的缎带只是粗略的几笔。||6:这位艺术家观察到在阴暗处视觉敏锐度会下降,并把这种观察结果应用到绘画中。||7:达芬奇的大脑总是装满了各种必要的信息。||8:正是右侧袖子的模糊轮廓将这幅肖像变得栩栩如生,正如19世界英国评论家和艺术批评家沃特帕特所描述的那样,创造出了“几乎等同于幻想的现实” | ||1: As a philosopher and scientist, da Vinci strove to understand what he observed in his close studies of nature. ||2: Art was an expression of his thoughts. ||3: “The Lady with an Ermine” shows the Duke of Milan’s teenage mistress in a fashionable red gown, its slit sleeves revealing a pale underdress. ||4: Da Vinci, always fascinated by knots, carefully details the way the black ribbons are tied on Cecilia’s left sleeve. ||5: Her right arm is in shadow. The ties on that sleeve are sketchy. ||6: The artist has taken into account his observation that visual acuity declines in the dark. ||7: The brain fills in necessary information. ||8: The sketchiness of the right sleeve helps bring the portrait to life, creating what Walter Pater, a 19th-century British essayist and art critic, described as a “reality which almost amounts to illusion”. | |
7 | 评论家Alberto Barrera Tyszka认为这个视频表明了查尔斯主义的衰落。 | For Alberto Barrera Tyszka, an essayist , the video shows the “decadence” of chavismo. | |
8 | 1891年的今天,中国哲学家,散文家和外交家胡适诞生于上海。 | 1891-Hu Shih a Chinese philosopher, essayist and diplomat was born in Shanghai. | |
9 | 爱国而又热情的评论家还有许多弹性的塑料品在家中,充满了想象。 | The patriotic and enthusiastic essayist has a lot of elastic plastics domestically and fantastically, too. | |
10 | 爱默生是一位美国的哲学家、诗人、演讲家及散文家。 | Ralph Waldo Emerson was an American philosopher, poet, lecturer, and essayist . | |
11 | 博尔赫斯死于1986年,这位短篇小说作家、诗人和散文家没有获得诺贝尔奖的垂青。 | Borges, a short-story writer, poet and essayist , died in 1986 without the Nobel. | |
12 | 法国散文家孟田说,与治理一个王国相比较,治理一个家庭所遇到的麻烦几乎一点儿都不少。 | Montaigne, a French essayist , says, here is little less trouble in governing a private family than a whole Kingdom. | |
13 | 那些近乎于专业的博主经常放弃在文章中放图片,或者也许仅仅是放一张特别接近的图片。 | Those with an essayist approach often forgo them entirely, or maybe just add one particularly relevant image. | |
14 | 桑塔格是位非常多产的散文作家,她与摄影师安妮莱博维茨(AnnieLeibovitz)的恋情直到她身后才得以确证。 | Sontag was a prolific essayist whose relationship with photographer Annie Leibovitz was only really solidified publicly after her death. | |
15 | 他是一个小说家,诗人,儿童作家,评论家,编辑和论文集作者。 | He is a novelist, poet, children’s writer, critic, editor and essayist . | |
16 | 他也许会回想起近来一位评论家的格言“上帝的同情永远不为过。” | He may profitably recall the dictum of a recent essayist that "there is no limit to the mercy of God. " | |
17 | 英国评论家查尔斯﹒拉姆写到:“它是在耳边开射的手枪;而不是给聪明人搔痒的羽毛。” | "It is a pistol let off at the ear; not a feather to tickle the intellect, " wrote Charles Lamb, a British essayist . | |
18 | 正如诗人和散文家LewisHyde所说的,它成为“逐渐开始享受他们的笼子的被困者们的声音”。 | It becomes what poet and essayist Lewis Hyde calls "the voice of the trapped who have come to enjoy their cage. " |