1 | “父亲,”那青年人说道,“我很荣幸能把基督山伯爵阁下介绍给您,他就是我以前跟您说过的,在我最危急的关头侥幸遇见的那位义士。” | "You are most welcome, monsieur," said the Count of Morcerf, saluting Monte Cristo with a smile, "and monsieur has rendered our house, in preserving its only heir, a service which insures him our eternal gratitude." | |
2 | “永恒的旅客”呀,你可以在我的歌众找到你的足迹。 | Thou wilt find,Eternal Traveller,marks of thy footsteps across my songs. | |
3 | 《在万物合成和分化的过程中生存》 | To Live and Survive in the Eternal and Universal Process of Integration and Disintegration | |
4 | 阿珍噘起了嘴唇,斜着眼睛说,永不忘记卖弄她的风骚。 | As she spoke, Ah Chen pouted out her lips and gave Tu Weiyueh a sidelong glance. The eternal flirt | |
5 | 白居易记录在《长恨歌》里的这段故事,读来感人肺腑。 | This love story as related by Bai Juyi in Song of Eternal Sorrow is indeed pathetically touching | |
6 | 柏拉图哲学柏拉图的哲学,尤指宣称理念形式是绝对的和永恒的实在,而世界中实在的现象却是不完美的和暂时的反映 | The philosophy of Plato,especially insofar as it asserts ideal forms as an absolute and eternal reality of which the phenomena of the world are an imperfect and transitory reflection. | |
7 | 北京中华世纪坛的圣火台,徐缓而下的瀑布和青铜雕塑分别代表着生生不息的华夏民族、长江黄河和五千年的历史 | Beijing’s China Century Platform features the holy Fire Terrace, the gentle waterfalls and bronze sculptures, respectively symbolizing the eternal Chinese nation, the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, and China’s 5000-year history | |
8 | 被接受为永久真理的信仰 | Beliefs that were accepted as eternal verities | |
9 | 不时有一种可怕的疑虑攫佐她的灵魂,不知是否该把珠儿马上送上天庭,自己也走向"永恒的裁判"所断定的来世,才更好些。 | At times, a fearful doubt strove to possess her soul, whether it were not better to send Pearl at once to heaven, and go herself to such futurity as Eternal Justice should provide. | |
10 | 长岛对由情欲引起的犯罪已形成了本地独有的、表面壮烈实则鄙俗的处理手法,用谋杀代替离婚来解决争风吃醋方面的仇怨这一行径便是其中一例。 | Long Island has developed its own tawdry suburban version of the crime passional,in which murder supplants divorce as a solution to the eternal triangle. | |
11 | 常用美容霜,给您永恒的芳香。 | Regular use of vanishing lotion gives you an eternal sweet smell. | |
12 | 创新是一个民族进步的灵魂,是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力,也是一个政党永葆生机的源泉。 | Innovation sustains the progress of a nation. It is an inexhaustible motive force for the prosperity of a country and the source of the eternal vitality of a political party. | |
13 | 从万物的愁苦中,我听见了“永恒母亲”的呻吟。 | Through the sadness of all things I hear the crooning of the Eternal Mother | |
14 | 但是你的长夏永远不会凋落, | But thy eternal summer shall not fade | |
15 | 党对军队的绝对领导是我军永远不变的军魂,要毫不动摇地坚持党领导人民军队的根本原则和制度。 | The Party’s absolute leadership over the army is the eternal soul of the army.There must be no wavering in upholding the fundamental principle and system that the Party leads the people’s army. | |
16 | 党是弱者的永恒监护人,是为了使善可能到来才作恶的一个专心一致的派系,为了别人的幸福而牺牲自己的幸福。 | That the party was the eternal guardian of the weak, a dedicated sect doing evil that good might come, sacrificing its own happiness to that of others | |
17 | 地球是永恒的这种看法现在很少提出了。 | The idea that the world is eternal is now seldom advanced. | |
18 | 对无边的宇宙和永恒的事业以及“主教老头儿的种种无稽之谈”,他常喜欢用解颐的妙语来加以述说。 | He laughed willingly and pleasantly over infinite and eternal things, and at the "crotchets of that good old fellow the Bishop." | |
19 | 对印度,我们热爱的祖国,古老、永恒、万古常青,我们致以 | And to India, our much-loved motherland, the ancient ,the eternal and the ever-new, we pay our reverent homage and we bind ourselves afresh to her service | |
20 | 对永远年轻的追求 | Quest: n. a long search for sth. that is difficult to find the quest for eternal youth | |
21 | 而对地位很敏感的记者们,在与编辑之间的内部斗争中,即便是在面临解雇威胁的时候,也要求用稍带敬意(或做作)的journalist一词称呼他们。 | And the status-conscious reporters, in eternal war with editors, demand to be known by the slightly more prestigious (or pretentious)term "journalist"even as they are threatened with dismissal | |
22 | 刚刚越过中天的太阳正照着牧师,将他的轮廓分明地勾勒出来,此时他正高高矗立在大地之上,在上帝的法庭的被告栏前,申诉着他的罪过。 | The sun, but little past its meridian, shone down upon the clergyman, and gave a distinctness to his figure, as he stood out from all the earth, to put in his plea of guilty at the bar of Eternal Justice. | |
23 | 刚相信自己的喜悦是发自内心、溢于言表,但那种恐惧确是出现,这对我来说,不谛于一次严峻的考验。 | But my worst fear did happen, providing a profound test of my fresh belief that true joy is internal and eternal | |
24 | 革命先烈永垂不朽! | Eternal life to the revolutionary martyrs. | |
25 | 格伦陷入可能会导致离婚的三角争风之中。 | Glen has got himself involved in an eternal triangle that will probably result in divorce. | |
26 | 工人的巴黎及其公社将永远作为新社会的光辉先驱受人敬仰。……那些杀害它的刽子手们已经被历史永远钉在耻辱柱上,不论他们的教士们怎样祷告,也不能把他们解脱。 | Working men’s Paris,with its Commune,will be for ever celebrated as the glorious harbinger of a new society…Its exterminators history has already nailed to that eternal pillory from which all the prayers of their priests will not avail to redeem them. | |
27 | 公乃王,王乃天,.天乃道道乃久殁身不殆 | To be impartial is to be universal. To be universal is to be in accord with heaven. To be in accord with heaven is to be in accord with the Way. To be in accord with the Way is to be eternal and to live free from harm even though the body dies. | |
28 | 归根曰静,静曰复命,复命曰常,知常曰明,不知常,妄作凶, | Returning to the source is serenity,it is to realize one’s destiny. To realize one’s destiny is to know the eternal . To know the eternal is to be enlightened. Not to know the eternal is to act blindly and court disaster. | |
29 | 含香型艺术花,给您永恒的芳香。 | Aromatic artificial flowers give you an eternal sweet smell. | |
30 | 坏人将会受到永远的惩罚。 | The bad man will suffer eternal damnation. |