属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 特朗普"断供"WHO 欧洲多
1 | 外国企业偷税、抗税的,税务机关除追缴税款外,可以根据情节轻重,处以应补税款五倍以下的罚金。情节严重的,由当地人民法院依法处理。 | In dealing with foreign enterprises which have evaded or refused to pay income tax, the tax authorities may, in addition to pursuing the tax, impose a fine of not more than five times the amount of tax underpaid or not paid, according to how serious the offence is. Cases of gross violation shall be handled by the local people’s courts according to law. | |
2 | 我们避开了苏联关于在战争中禁止使用核武器的建议,而用一项在和平时期放弃使用武力威胁的条款来代替它。 | We evaded the Soviet proposal of banning nuclear weapons in war and substituted for it a clause abjuring the threat of force in peacetime | |
3 | 小偷巧妙地避入一条巷子以躲开警察。 | The thief evaded the police by dodging into an alley. | |
4 | 因偷税被税务机关给予二次行政处罚又偷税的,除由税务机关追缴其偷税款外,依照关于惩治偷税、抗税犯罪的补充规定第一条的规定处罚 | Where the taxpayer evades tax again after having been subject to administrative punishment imposed by the tax authorities twice as a result of tax evasion, the tax authorities shall, in addition to pursuing the payment of tax which has been evaded by the taxpayer, impose a punishment on the taxpayer in accordance with the provisions set forth in Article 1 of the Supplementary Provisions Concerning the Imposition of Punishment in Respect of Offenses of Evasion of Tax and Refusal to Pay | |
5 | 由于报上一篇文章声称他曾逃税,他的名誉受到损害。 | His reputation is blemished by a newspaper article allege he’d evaded his taxes. | |
6 | 在先贤祠的高坡一带,见过多少悲欢离合的那些长街曲巷里,芳汀逃避多罗米埃何止一次,但是躲避他却正是为了遇见他。 | Fantine had long evaded Tholomyes in the mazes of the hill of the pantheon, where so many adventurers twine and untwine, but in such a way as constantly to encounter him again | |
7 | 在战时,预备役军官拒绝、逃避征召或者军事训练,情节严重的,依法追究刑事责任。 | In wartime, any reserve officer who has refused or evaded the call-up or military training shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law if the circumstances are serious. | |
8 | 这个问题非常紧迫,不容回避。 | This problem is urgent and can not be evaded . | |
9 | 走私货物、物品偷逃应缴税额在十五万元以上不满五十万元的,处三年以上十年以下有期徒刑,并处偷逃应缴税额一倍以上五倍以下罚金 | Smuggling goods and articles carrying a tax of over 500,000 yuan shall be punished with imprisonment of over 10 years or life imprisonment, with a fine of over 100 percent but less than 500 percent of the evaded taxes, or forfeiture of property. | |
10 | 走私货物、物品偷逃应缴税额在五十万元以上的,处十年以上有期徒刑或者无期徒刑,并处偷逃应缴税额一倍以上五倍以下罚金或者没收财产 | Offenses of an extraordinarily serious nature shall be punished with imprisonment of over 10 years or life imprisonment, with a fine of over 100 percent but less than 500 percent of the evaded taxes, or forfeiture of property. | |
11 | 走私货物、物品偷逃应缴税额在五万元以上不满十五万元的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役,并处偷逃应缴税额一倍以上五倍以下罚金。 | Smuggling goods and articles carrying a tax over 150,000 yuan but less than 500,000 yuan shall be punished with imprisonment of over three years but less than 10 years, with a fine of over 100 percent but less than 500 percent of the evaded taxes. | |
12 | 作为核武器国家,中国从不回避自己在核裁军方面应尽的责任和义务。 | As a nuclear-weapon state, China has never evaded its due responsibilities and obligations in nuclear disarmament. | |
13 | ||1:对于冈戈先生来说,他逃避了正义,但没有逃避惩罚。||2:钢丝伴随着他。||3:他说,那是杀死一个人的最简单的方式之一。||4:在持续五年的拍摄的最后一天,他在拍摄回归时,穿着深黄色双排扣西装和柠檬色衬衫,来到辛尼克先生办公室的屋顶,在这个他用双手杀死太多人的地方,他吸了吸夜晚的空气,然后咽了口唾沫。||5:他转过身去,作呕,呕吐——直到再也不能这样。 | ||1:As for Mr Congo, he evaded justice, but not punishment.||2:The garrotting stayed with him.||3:It was, he said, one of the easiest ways of taking a human life.||4:When, on the final day of the shoot that had lasted five years, he was filmed returning, in a mustard double-breasted suit and lemony shirt, to the roof of Mr Sinik’s office, where so many men had died by his hand, he sniffed the night air and then he gulped.||5:Turning away, he retched and retched—until he could retch no longer. | |
14 | ||一组织在莫桑比克首都马普托逮捕了一名巴西头号通缉犯吉尔贝托·阿帕雷西多·多斯桑托斯(又名Fuminho),该组织包括美国缉毒机构和国际刑警组织在内。据称,他作为“第一资本司令部”(First Command of the Capital,总部位于圣保罗)的头目在全球贩卖可卡因,并潜逃了20年。|| | A group including American anti-drug agents and Interpol arrested one of Brazil’s most wanted suspected criminals, Gilberto Aparecido dos Santos (aka Fuminho), in Maputo, Mozambique’s capital. He allegedly trafficked cocaine worldwide as a leader of First Command of the Capital, a gang based in S?||o Paulo, and evaded capture for 20 years.|| | |
15 | 查补税款的确定必须透过现象看本质 | Seeing through the Curtain: The Way to Inspect the Tax Evaded | |
16 | 党内利益矛盾不可回避 | The Inner-Party Contradictions Concerning Interests Can’t Be Evaded | |
17 | 而他的主要竞争对手,能源大臣克里斯。休恩面对在2003年逃避交通违规的惩罚的指控态度依然强硬,其实已外强中干。 | His main rival, Chris Huhne, the energy secretary, is dogged by claims that he evaded penalties for a motoring offence in 2003. | |
18 | 股权投资业务的补税范围解析 | Analyzing the scope of pay tax evaded in the capital investment | |
19 | 科斯蒂根哪怕喝得酩酊大醉,信口胡诌的时候,对人家在这方面提出的任何试探或疑问,也避而不答。 | Costigan, in his most intoxicated and confidential moments, also evaded any replies to questions or hints addressed to him on this subject. | |
20 | 论我国白酒企业危机管理与规避策略 | Talk about Enterprise’s Crisis Management of Distilled Spirit of China and Its Evaded Tactics | |
21 | 米切尔本人似乎曾有逃税行为,在佩科拉的盘问还没有结束的时候,米切尔便已名誉扫地的辞职了。 | Mitchell himself appeared to have evaded taxes. Before Pecora’s cross-examination was over, Mitchell had resigned in disgrace. | |
22 | 浅谈搪玻璃设备的安装 | On the installation technology of glass evaded equipment | |
23 | 任何有识之士都不会认为,一些税收由于会被规避就不应征收。 | No sensible person believes that taxes generally should not be imposed because they can be, and are, evaded . | |
24 | 如果我回避这个问题,或是借助更加委婉的敷衍式的回答,那我会令他们失望,也令患者失望。 | If I evaded the question, or relied on euphemisms, I would fail them and fail our patient. | |
25 | 虽然性行业的规管大多能被逃过,但仍有很多国家在尝试在某程度上控制网上赌博行为。 | Yet while the sex industry has largely evaded regulation, most countries have tried to control online betting to some degree. | |
26 | 他设法贯彻了他的松懈的前任没有贯彻的纪律,那就是对球员和媒体给予尊重个,对太太军团给予驱逐。 | He has managed to instil a discipline that evaded his laxer predecessors, awing the players and the media and banishing the WAGs. | |
27 | 他说,由于采用了聪明的控制方式,Rustock躲避开了几年的追踪。 | Rustock evaded capture for years because of the clever way it was controlled, he said. | |
28 | 图书馆网站建设中的著作权规避与合理使用 | The Copyright in the Website Construction of Libraries is Evaded and Used Rationally | |
29 | 我是一个没人知道的异乡人,本可以大胆地轻易逃避付款,但是从来没有一个伦敦的店主不信任我。 | I was an unknown foreigner, and could have easily evaded payment with impunity, yet no London shopkeeper ever mistrusted me. | |
30 | 象群将幼崽围在中间进行保护,它们白天尽量避开愤怒的村民,天黑以后就躲进了保护区。 | Keeping babies in the middle to protect them, the herd evaded mobs all day, escaping into the reserve after dark. |