1 | *自我评估(初中及高中):编制一张性格品质的表格,然后让希瑟和她的同学对自己进行评价。 | * Self evaluation (middle and high school): Construct an inventory of character traits and then have Heather and her classmates evaluate themselves | |
2 | 阿罗约还下令该委员会评估在中东的菲律宾人应在何时和如何撤离,美国打击伊拉克可能对菲律宾人构成的其它影响,包括对石油价格的影响等。 | arroyo also ordered the committee to evaluate when and how to evacuate Filipinos in Middle East, as well as other impacts to Filipinos in event of an U.S. attack on Iraq, including effects on oil prices etc | |
3 | 白酒感官评定方法 | Evaluate method of sense of Chinese spirits | |
4 | 博物馆已经委托一项研究来考察《蒙娜丽莎》这幅画对于气候变化的敏感程度。 | The museum has commissioned a study to evaluate the Mona Lisa’s vulnerability to climate changes | |
5 | 不要依据衣着来评价人。 | Don’t evaluate people by their clothes. | |
6 | 测试对某有机体注入使它敏感化的特定抗原以诱导或评价它的免疫反应 | To induce or evaluate an immune response in(an organism)by administering a specific antigen to which it has been sensitized. | |
7 | 除非在标签或悬挂的吊牌上注明产品性能,否则要消费者恰当地对一件服装或家用纺织品进行评估,他们会感到困惑。 | Consumers are at a loss to properly evaluate a garment or household item unless the performance information is given on a label or hang tag. | |
8 | 除非这些雇员需要此机密信息用于评估和讨论双方潜在的合作关系。 | Except to those employees of the receiving party who are required to have the information in order to evaluate or engage in discussions concerning the contemplated business relationship. | |
9 | 此工程的目的是为了评估:SMES作为电网一部分的能力,其可管理的有功与无功的大小,其在电网中最佳位置,灵度及其控制系统的响应。 | This project aims to evaluate which the capabilities of a SMES system as an element of a network, the levels of active and reactive power amplitude it can manage, and the best SMES location in the network, sensibility and the control system response. | |
10 | 但是,她说她们没能评价可能造成出生缺陷的其它危险因素,如吸烟、职业接触、维生素摄入、膳食和肥胖。 | But she said they were unable to evaluate other potential risk factors for birth defects, including smoking, occupational exposures, vitamin supplement use, diet and obesity | |
11 | 但是,如果不揭示基本信念之间的联系,就无法找出和评价信念得以成立的基础。 | It is impossible, however, to identify and evaluate the bedrock of our belief system without uncovering the relations among basic beliefs | |
12 | 但是海克曼也提出了一个关键的警告:在让学生离校前,教育者需要有办法来评估学生是否已经成熟。 | But Heckman also raises a key caveat: Educators need to have some way to evaluate students’ maturity before moving them along | |
13 | 对不合格进行评审的人员应当有能力评价不合格产生的总体影响,并应当有权限和资源对不合格进行处置并确定适宜的纠正措施。 | People carrying out the review should have the competence to evaluate the total effects of the nonconformity and should have the authority and resources to disposition the nonconformity and to define appropriate corrective action. | |
14 | 对所有者和投资者,组织应当:评定其达到规定目标的能力;评定其财务业绩;评价外部因素对结果产生的影响;识别由于采取措施所带来的价值。 | For owner and investors, the organization should assess its capacity to attain defined objectives,assess its financial performance,evaluate the impact of external factors on its results, and identify the value contributed by the actions taken. | |
15 | 对外经济开放地区进行新区建设必须作出环境影响评价,全面规划,合理布局。 | It shall be imperative to evaluate the impact on the environment, carry out overall planning and ensure rational distribution, if construction of new areas is to be undertaken in the economic zones open to the outside world. | |
16 | 对于那些初看起来很不相同的喷注器结构之间的相似性,希望读者自行评价。 | The reader is encouraged to evaluate the similarities between injector designs that look, at first glance, quite dissimilar physically | |
17 | 分析支持和反对这些有冲突的责任的每一个观点。评价哪一个是决定实际责任的最强有力的观点。 | Consider every argument in defense of and against each of the conflicting duties. Evaluate which argument is the strongest in order to determine the actual duty. | |
18 | 根据证券交易委员会和资本市场通过的现行信息披露规则,工人和中产阶级投资者应当处于一个更加有利的地位来评判他们的公司。 | With current disclosure rules adopted by the SEC and capital markets, working and middle class investors should be in a better position to evaluate companies. | |
19 | 估计她成功的机会 | (fml)evaluate her chances of success | |
20 | 会计师没有能力评估这些数字,同时又愿意配合为这些数字背书假装好象他们真的有这个能力 | First, the inability of auditors to evaluate reserve figures, second, the auditors’ willingness to confidently certify those figures as if they had the expertise to do so. | |
21 | 毁谤用于描述或评价通常贬义的一个词或一组词 | A word or group of words used to describe or evaluate ,often disparagingly. | |
22 | 或许我们都有必要调整心中对每件事的期望,重新为每个可能性进行评估。 | Perhaps we should re-adjust our expectations of the way things should be and re-evaluate every possibility | |
23 | 机敏的医师可以估价这些变化,并找出它们与职业性暴露的关系。 | It is up to the astute clinician to evaluate these changes and to relate them to occupational exposure | |
24 | 基于这些讨论结果,我再准备一份询盘细目,然后评价返回来的报盘。在这个基础上我再发出订货清单。 | Based on the results of those discussions I’ll draw up an enquiry spec, and then evaluate the offers I receive in response to it. Based on that I will send out an order spec. | |
25 | 检查人员单凭检查无法估计部分完成的建筑物的建筑应力;单凭检查他无法评定施工程序;单凭检查他对加工制品的质量也无法评价。 | The inspector can not evaluate construction stresses in a partially completed structure by inspection alone. He can not evaluate construction procedures by mere inspection. He can not evaluate manufactured products by inspection alone. | |
26 | 讲历史要全面 | When we evaluate history, we should take all the elements into consideration. | |
27 | 借鉴多元智能理论构建培智学校多元评价体系的初步实践 | The Practice Of Using Multiple Intelligences Theory For Reference To Build Multiple Evaluate System In Schools For Children With Mental Retardation | |
28 | 经济伦理学家最重要的对话伙伴应该来自经济、金融和社会学科,尽管对于它们的结果也要加以严格地评判。 | The most important dialogue partners for business ethicists are the sciences of economics, finance, and sociology, although researchers must critically evaluate ″ these sciences’ results with ethical standards. | |
29 | 考试被用来检验学生在学校所取得的进步。 | Tests are used to evaluate students’ progress in school. | |
30 | 克赖斯三碳不饱和醛试验这是商业上最早用于测量脂肪氧化的试验之一。 | Kreis Test This was one of the first tests used commercially to evaluate oxidation of fats. |