1 | (3)组织是否具备评价新项目环境影响的程序? | 3.Does the organization have a procedure for evaluating the environmental impacts of new projects? | |
2 | (二)在评标中,业主通过下列对报价的调整,确定每份标书的投标价格: | 28.2 In evaluating tenders, the Employer will determine for each tender the Evaluated Tender Price by adjusting the tender price as follows: | |
3 | “布默”案中另外的事实或许有助于案例评价。 | Some additional facts about boomer may be helpful in evaluating the case | |
4 | 1998年11月至1999年5月在中兴会计师事务所兼职,主要从事财务评价、现金流量表的编制分析和产业的市场调查与跟踪研究等。 | Held a post concurrently in Zhongxing CPA. from December,1998 to May,1999. and mainly worked on evaluating project finance and made up cash flow tables. | |
5 | 本附录提供了关于对本标准中所规定的环境审核员资格进行评价的指导。 | This annex provides guidance for evaluating the qualifications of environmental auditors as defined in this International Standard. | |
6 | 本准则是评判上市公司是否具有良好的公司治理结构的主要衡量标准 | The Code is the major measuring standard for evaluating whether a listed company has a good corporate governance structure | |
7 | 不可压缩流体流量计性能评定方法 | Methods of evaluating the performance of flowmeters for incompressible fluid | |
8 | 测量、监测和评价是环境管理体系的关键活动,它确保组织根据规定的环境管理方案开展工作。 | Measuring, monitoring and evaluating are key activities of an environmental management system which ensure that the organization is performing in accordance with the stated environmental management programme. | |
9 | 长期有毒物质对淡水鱼毒害程度的测定-有毒物质对硬头鳟鱼生长率影响的评定方法 | determination of the prolonged toxicity of substances to freshwater fish-method for evaluating the effects of substances on the growth rate of rainbow trout [oncorhynchus mykiss walbaum(teleostei,salmonidae)] | |
10 | 持续改进的实现,有赖于根据环境方针、目标和指标,持续地对EMS环境表现(行为)进行评价,来确定改进的机会 | It is achieved by continually evaluating the environmental performance of the EMS against its environmental policies, objectives and targets for the purpose of identifying opportunities for improvement. | |
11 | 从我个人来看,自学能力是评价一个人能力的重要标准。 | I am personally of the opinion that an aptitude for self-study is an important criterion of evaluating ability. | |
12 | 大多数大公司都有内部审计职员,负责评价经营效率,并确认公司的每一部门是否都始终如一地遵循了公司的政策。 | Most large corporations maintain staff of internal auditors with the responsibility of evaluating the efficiency of operations and determining whether company policies are being followed consistently in all divisions of the corporation. | |
13 | 但是,在选择用来求力矩和计算运动的转动中心时,需要注意几个问题。 | But some caution is needed in choosing the center of rotation to be employed in evaluating the torques and calculating the motion | |
14 | 第十六条 科技成果转化活动中对科技成果进行检测和价值评估,必须遵循公正、客观的原则,不得提供虚假的检测结果或者评估证明。 | Article 16 In testing and evaluating scientific and technological achievements in the course of their transformation, the principles of impartiality and objectiveness shall be adhered to; it is not allowed to provide false testing results or evaluation certificates. | |
15 | 第一百二十条 鉴定人进行鉴定后,应当写出鉴定结论,并且签名。 | Article 120 After evaluating a matter, the experts shall write a conclusion of expert evaluation and affix his signature to it. | |
16 | 动物饲养实验在评价蛋白质资源质量时尤为常见。 | Animal feeding tests are particularly common in evaluating the quality of protein sources. | |
17 | 短期信贷提供者,如工厂、银行、供应商等,也用这些比率来衡量一家公司获取现金以偿还短期债务的能力。 | Short-term creditors, such as factories, banks, and merchandise suppliers, also use these ratios in evaluating a company’s ability to generate the cash necessary to pay its short-terra liabilities. | |
18 | 对病人的病情进行检查以后,医生决定试用一种新药。 | After evaluating the patient’s condition, the doctor decided to try a new drug. | |
19 | 对供方和合作者作出的努力和成就进行评价并能予承认和奖励。 | Evaluating , recognizing and rewarding efforts and achievements by suppliers and partners. | |
20 | 对管道方式和中间商的评估必须在设计管道时进行。评估必须建立在持续性的基础之上,以确保当前所用之管道仍然是目前环境中最佳的管道。 | Evaluating channel alternatives and middlemen must be done when designing a channel, and it should be done on a continuing basis to make sure that the channel currently in use is still the best one around. | |
21 | 对环境审核员的评价过程应遵循质量保证程序。 | The process for evaluating the environmental auditor may be subject to a quality assurance programme. | |
22 | 对于为达到确定的服务水平或得到指定问题的解所要求的设施和资源进行的估价。 | evaluating the facilities and resources required to achieve an identified level of service or to yield a solution to a specific problem | |
23 | 分析和评价现状,以识别改进区域;确定改进目标;寻找可能的解决方法,以实现这些目标 | Analysing and evaluating the existing situation to identify areas for improvement;establishing the objectives for improvement;searching for possible solutions to achieve the objectives | |
24 | 该指标是利用损益表评价长期偿债能力的一个指标。 | This ratio is an indicator evaluating the long-term solvency with the income statement. | |
25 | 高温合金低倍、高倍组织标准评级图谱 | Photomicrographs and photomacrographs for evaluating of heat-resisting superalloys | |
26 | 工业过程测量和控制系统用电动和气动模拟记录仪和指示仪性能评定方法 | Methods of evaluating the performance of electrical and pneumatic analog recorders and indicators for industrial-process measurement and control systems | |
27 | 股东权益报酬率是评价盈利能力中最主要的指标。 | The rate of return on stockholders’ equity is the most important indicator in evaluating the profitability. | |
28 | 管理阶层密切关注这些比率,以评价公司提供给客户赊销信用的政策,以及回收程序的有效性。 | Management closely monitors these ratios in evaluating the company’s policies for extending credit to customers and the effectiveness of its collection procedures. | |
29 | 工业过程控制系统用变送器第1部分:性能评定方法 | Transmitters for use in industrial-process control systems Part 1: Methods of evaluating the performance |