1 | 前述的一系列用于分析短期偿债能力的比率指标也能被用于评价长期偿债能力。 | The aforementioned series of ratios used to analyze short-term debt-paying ability can also be used to evaluating long-term solvency. | |
2 | 然而评价这些公式最简单的方法与用于呼吸性酸中毒的相似: | The simplest method for evaluating these equations, however, is similar to that used for a respiratory acidosis: | |
3 | 人造板及饰面人造板理化性能试验方法 | Test methods of evaluating the properties of wood-based panels and surface decorated wood-based panels | |
4 | 如果我们按照广为认可的证据评价准则行事,答案当然是否定的。 | If well-established canons for evaluating evidence are accepted, the answer is surely negative | |
5 | 商誉是对一个企业作出评估时应予以考虑的基本因素之一 | Goodwill is one of the basic factors to be considered in evaluating a company | |
6 | 设备及管道保冷效果的测试与评价 | Methods of measuring and evaluating low-temperature insulation effects for equipments and pipes | |
7 | 设备及管道保温效果的测试与评价 | Methods of measuring and evaluating thermal insulation effects for equipments and pipes | |
8 | 审核:为获得审核证据并对其进行客观的评价,以确定满足审核准则的程度所进行的系统的、独立的并形成文件的过程 | Audit:systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which audit criteria are fulfilled | |
9 | 实施过程改进计划的职责和权限;所需的资源,如资金和基础设施;评价组织业绩改进成果的指标 | Responsibility and authority for implementation of process improvement plans,resources needed, such as financial and infrastructure,metrics for evaluating the achievement of the organization’s performance improvement | |
10 | 水质-水质试验中使用的微生物菌落计数培养基的评定和控制技术 | water quality-practices for evaluating and controlling microbiological colony count media used in water quality tests | |
11 | 它反映了负债与股东权益之间的关系,能够被用来评价企业对债权人的保护程度。 | It presents the relationship of the liabilities to the stockholder’s equity, and can be used to evaluating how well creditors are protected in case of insolvency. | |
12 | 它是测定已发现矿床的必不可少的手段。考虑到开矿的花费,必须在实际开矿前进行仔细的勘探和测定。 | It is essentially a process of evaluating the deposit that has been discovered. Because of the expense of mining, careful exploration and evaluation are necessary before actual operations begin. | |
13 | 同时,MANAGEMENT(经营部门)可通过COMMUNICATE(通信)存取系统,检查STOCK中的数据,如果需要的话,请求重新订货。 | Meanwhile, MANAGEMENT accesses the system through communicate, evaluating the data in STOCK and, if necessary, requesting a reorder | |
14 | 为了估计病人的酸碱平衡状态,方程式可简化为: | For the purpose of evaluating the acid-base status of a patient, the equation can be simplified to the following relationship. | |
15 | 为了评价纠正措施的需求,以确保不合格不再重复发生,组织应当考虑对指定的执行纠正措施项目的人员提供适当的培训。 | In evaluating the need for actions to ensure that nonconformities do not recur, the organization should consider providing appropriate training for people assigned to corrective-action projects. | |
16 | 为了实现这个目标,首先应该寻求评估一个经济界玩家责任的方法 | To accomplish this, it must first explore the methods for evaluating the duties of an economic player, applying its research to both the macro-and micro-levels of the economy. | |
17 | 无菌室浮游粒子浓度测定方法和无菌室空气清洁度评价方法 | measuring methods for airborn particles in clean room and evaluating methods for air cleanliness of clean room | |
18 | 系一种系统化与文件化之查证过程,藉由客观方式取得并评估证据,以决定组织的环境管理系统是否符合环境管理系统的稽核准则, | Systematic and documented verification process of objectively obtaining and evaluating evidence to determine whether and organization’s environmental management system conforms to the environmental management system audit criteria set by organization | |
19 | 一些常用于评价流动性和短期偿债能力的财务比率指标是流动比率、速动比率、现金比率、应收账款周转率、存货周转率、营业周期、营业现金流量与当期债务之比。 | Some popular financial ratios used for evaluating liquidity and short-term debt-paying ability are current ratio, quick ratio, cash ratio, receivable turnover, inventory turnover, operating cycle, operating cash flows and current debts ratio. | |
20 | 一种概念上的程序设计语言,用于评估语言功能和程序设计语言的研究和标注;它不产生可执行代码。 | A conceptual programming language used in evaluating language functions and in the study and notation of programming languages;it does not result in executable code. | |
21 | 一种用于急性,一种用于慢性。因此,在评价呼吸性酸中毒时,了解临床病史对于公式的适当运用是必要的。 | one for the acute setting and one for the chronic setting. In evaluating a respiratory acidosis, therefore, knowing the clinical history is crucial to the proper application of these equations. | |
22 | 以这种制度衡量一个人的智能,并不是最佳的选择 | Is the system the best option in evaluating a person’s intelligence and ability? | |
23 | 应编制形成文件的程序,以规定以下方面的要求:确定潜在不合格及其原因;评价防止不合格发生的措施的需求 | A documented procedure shall be established to define requirements for determining potential nonconformities and their causes,evaluating the need for action to prevent occurrence of nonconformities | |
24 | 应编制形成文件的程序以规定评价防止不合格发生的措施的需求等方面的要求. | A documented procedure shall be established to define requirements for evaluating the need for action to prevent occurrence of nonconformities. | |
25 | 应编制形成文件的程序以规定评价确保不合格不再发生的措施的需求等方面的要求. | A documented procedure shall be established to define requirements for evaluating the need for action to ensure that nonconformities do not recur. | |
26 | 用于评价EMS要素的程序和检查清单; c)会议记录 | b)Procedures and checklists used for evaluating EMS elements; c)Records of meetings | |
27 | 在镜像系统不能适用的地方,常常使用第三种方法求支架阻力和干扰。 | A third method of evaluating the tare and interference, sometimes employed where an image system is impracticable | |
28 | 在判定心脏状况时,需要作全身检查。 | A systemic examination is necessary in evaluating the state of the heart | |
29 | 在评标中,业主通过下列对报价的调整,确定每份标书的投标价格 | In evaluating tenders, the Employer will determine for each tender the Evaluated Tender Price by adjusting the tender price asfollows | |
30 | 在评估管理班子的素质时,风险资本家往往寻求……的管理人才 | In evaluating the quality of a management team, venture capitalists frequently look for managers with… |