属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-德国幽默 闻所未闻的幽默培训
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版- 城市的黑暗
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-塞拉利昂的宗教 对他们而言都是幸福的事情
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-通感 闻起来像贝多芬
1 | 博得喝采. | evoke an applause | |
2 | 参考电极的位置对于诱发复合肌肉动作电位之影响的定量分析 | Quantitative Comparison pf the Effect of Reference Electrode Position in Evoke compound Muscle Action Potential | |
3 | 陈腐的,老一套的因久用或重复而失去引起兴趣的力量的,老生常谈的 | Lacking power to evoke interest through overuse or repetition;hackneyed. | |
4 | 对所有其他欧洲政府来说,一个统一的德国使人回想起过去德国称霸的恶梦。 | For all of them a united Germany evoke old nightmares of German hegemony | |
5 | 多瑙河水在每个转弯处都会激起人们的遐想,仿佛步入仙境。 | The waters of the Danube evoke images at every curve, touching on dreamlike places | |
6 | 改革初期难免引起社会上的不同反应。 | They are bound to evoke different responses from the community in the early stages of implementation. | |
7 | 好笑话逗人笑。 | A good joke evoke a laugh. | |
8 | 红花注射液对脊髓缺血再灌注损伤后体感诱发电位的影响 | Effect of Honghua Injection on Somatosensory Evoke Potentialis after Spinal Cord Ischemia and Reperfusion Injury | |
9 | 唤起…的,引起…的有能力唤起的 | Tending or having the power to evoke . | |
10 | 唤起对过去的回忆. | evoke memory of the past | |
11 | 唤起往日回忆的歌曲. | Songs that evoke old memories. | |
12 | 她以凭借的唯一力量就是她能从人们心底里激起的同情。 | Her only resource was the sympathy she could evoke . | |
13 | 克林顿的下属--“白宫里的孩子们”,似乎也令人回想起20世纪60年代的年轻人。 | Clinton’s staff--"The kids in the White House"--also seems to evoke the young of the 1960s | |
14 | 连带的,抽象的文化、传统、认同等课题,就变得陌生而遥远,甚至产生一种莫明的恐惧排斥心态。 | Issues such as culture, tradition and identity, which are abstract, are strange and far-fetched and may even evoke in them a sense of fear and resistance. | |
15 | 描绘生动地描绘,在人们脑海中造成印像 | To describe,especially so vividly as to evoke a mental picture of. | |
16 | 你现在如果还有一点知觉的话--如果还知道羞耻--那么我把你写的这封信念给你听听,是应该可以使你惭愧的。 | If there is any feeling left in you-any shame-surely this letter you wrote ought to evoke it, when its words fall upon your ears. | |
17 | 如果不退休,在工作岗位上去世,世界上会引起什么反响很难讲。 | If I stay on and die at my post, it is hard to tell what repercussions that might evoke worldwide. | |
18 | 使某事物浮现于脑际;唤起某事物 | Arouse sth to come into the mind;evoke sth | |
19 | 他是一个激情昂扬的人,也热中于唤起他人心中的激情。 | He was an enthusiast and loved to evoke enthusiasm in others. | |
20 | 研究表明,El Tor生物型更可能引起不明显的感染,在环境中生存更长时间,在食物中增殖更迅速,其诱发的免疫性与古典生物型诱发的相比更不完全。 | Research has shown that the El Tor biotype is more likely to produce inapparent infections, persist longer in the environment, multiply more rapidly following inoculation into foods, and evoke less complete immunity than the classical biotype. | |
21 | 引起非合理攻击之因素分析 | An Analysis of the Factors that Evoke Unjustified Hostile Aggression | |
22 | 引起强烈愤慨。 | evoke great indignation | |
23 | 印象主义一种文学风格,其特征是利用对细节和感情的描述而不是通过对客观的现实的再创造,来唤起主观的或感觉的印象 | A literary style characterized by the use of details and mental associations to evoke subjective and sensory impressions rather than the re-creation of objective reality. | |
24 | 与其它大型建筑不同的是,这些令人震撼的设施常让人热血沸腾。 | These inspiring structures can tantalize and evoke emotions not normally associated with mega structures | |
25 | 这些图像可能会在观众中产生强烈反响。 | These images are likely to evoke a strong response in the viewer. | |
26 | ||1:更深层次上来说,这个问题与笑话无关。||2:他们在正常的工作交流中,没有一连串的讽刺,大话和保守言论。||3:德国的外国移民设法通过非文学的方式,与当地人交流窝心的故事,对他们的德语朋友产生恐惧的印象并不得不解释这些词语的文学一次,因而最后会陷入尴尬的礼貌却又疏离的境地。 | ||1:At a deeper level, the problem has nothing do with jokes.||2:What is missing is the trifecta of irony, overstatement and understatement in workaday conversations.||3:Expats in Germany share soul-crushing stories of attempting a non-literal turn of phrase, to evoke a horrified expression in their German interlocutors and a detailed explanation of the literal meaning, followed by a retreat into awkward politeness. | |
27 | ||1:这可以得到原谅,只要兰彻斯特的角色都可以在他的书中占有份量。||2:但有许多人物只被轻轻勾上几笔,以致在本书结束前十页,他才觉得有必要提醒读者主要人物的身份。||3:因此《首府》一书就象他正试图唤醒的城市一样,挤满了互不关己的人。||4:没有人需要读这么多页来得到这一经验。 | ||1:This might be forgiven if Mr Lanchester’s characters could carry the weight of his book.||2:But there are so many of them, and they are so lightly sketched that only ten pages before the end of the book he feels the need to remind readers about the identity of a central figure.||3:In this way “Capital” is like the city he is trying to evoke : so crowded with people that they pass each other impersonally.||4:No one needs to read so many pages to recreate that experience. | |
28 | 塞拉利昂首都弗里敦运行的小巴士上,贴满宗教标语。其中一个写道“相信真主阿拉,”然而其他基督教的宣传语。有一个却十分突出。某个崎岖不平的道路上,一辆巴士贴着标语“上帝爱真主”。 | THE minibuses that ferry Sierra Leoneans around their capital, Freetown, bear a variety of religious slogans. “Trust in Allah,” reads one, while others evoke the power of Christ. But one stands out. Somewhere, plying the potholed streets, is a bus bearing the words “God loves Allah”. | |
29 | 虽篇幅短小,却一击中的,其诗特色便是,以最幽微的细节抑或语域的骤然切换,于读者眼前唤起鲜活画面。 | His short, punchy poems are characterised by their ability to evoke images through the smallest of details, or through sudden shifts of register. | |
30 | 同样,低音让人联想起宏大的物体,高音给人渺小的感觉。 | Likewise, low-pitched sounds are reminiscent of large objects and high-pitched ones evoke smallness. |