属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-历史及其悲哀之处 History and its wo
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-中东的解密者 弗瑞德·韩礼德
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-会计造假 抓住他们!哥谭
1 | 所以,不要宣扬我起的作用有什么特别了不起 | So don’t try to exaggerate my role. | |
2 | 他们并以夸张的手法模拟对方。 | They also imitate actions of their counterpart in an exaggerate way. | |
3 | 他喜欢夸大他在该项工作中的重要性。 | He likes to exaggerate his importance in the work | |
4 | 我认为,过分夸大个人作用是不对的。 | In my opinion, it is not good to exaggerate the role of any one individual. | |
5 | 我同意吸烟有害﹐但不同意把害处夸大到让人听了都不敢相信的地步。 | I agree that smoking is harmful, but they exaggerate to the point that when people hear about the condition, they do not believe it. | |
6 | 无论怎样强调它的重要性也不过分 | It is impossible to exaggerate its importance. | |
7 | 无论怎样强调这事实,也不嫌过份。 | It is impossible to exaggerate the fact. | |
8 | 小傻瓜。让我看看。我觉得你夸张了。呃。现在我看看,也许你说得有点道理。啊,就要做克罗宁夫人了,我们看看能做些什么。你想不想成为伦敦最漂亮的女性。--玛拉:不,罗伊。我不能。 | You little fool. Let me have a squint at you. I think that you exaggerate . Hmm. Now that I look at you, perhaps there is something in what you see. we’ll see what we can do. How would you like to be the smartest woman in London.--MYRA: No, Roy. I can’t. | |
9 | 小题大作夸张一个小困难 | To exaggerate a minor problem. | |
10 | 严格按照事实,不要夸大其词。 | Keep to the facts and don’t exaggerate . | |
11 | 演得过火过于夸张地演某角色;演得过火 | To exaggerate a role;overplay. | |
12 | 疑病症者即使完全没有症状,也相信自己是有病的,或者将轻微的疼痛夸大,害怕得了威胁生命的疾病,医生的反复保证只能稍微或暂时减轻疑病症者的焦虑。 | The hypochondriac may become convinced that he is ill even though he has no symptoms at all, or may exaggerate the importance of minor aches and pains, becoming obsessed with the fear of a life-threatening illness. A doctor’s reassurances often have only a slight or temporary effect on the hypochondriac’s anxieties. | |
13 | 有烦广告的﹐认为它夸大其词。 | Those who are annoyed by advertisements believe that they exaggerate their words. | |
14 | 有些人从来不有夸张-他们只是记错了。 | Some folks never exaggerate --they just remember big. | |
15 | 这使他的不快无限膨胀。 | He was fatally driven to exaggerate his discontentment | |
16 | 这种种关系,如果人不把它们可笑的张大起来,事情便象鸟交尾似地过去。事情本来应该这样,那有什么重要呢?重要的是终身的结合,重要的是一天一天的共同生活并不是那一两次的苟合。 | If people don’t exaggerate them ridiculously, they pass like the mating of birds. And so they should. What does it matter? It’s the life-long companionship that matters. It’s the living together from day to day, not the sleeping together once or twice. | |
17 | 诸位并没存心夸大,但是结果仍然言过其实。 | You gentlemen have not meant to exaggerate the circumstances, but still that is what you have done. | |
18 | 作战指挥官常常虚报敌方死亡人数来夸大战果 | Commanders tend to exaggerate their success with a higher body count. | |
19 | ||1:“血染之地”已经激起了一些人的激烈批评,这些人认为苏联即使有千般缺点,也比不上第三帝国的罪恶,后者是种族屠杀的先锋。||2:批评者认为,这种做法将使东欧的极端民族主义者合法化,这些极端分子漠视大屠杀,夸大自身遭受的苦难---而不愿直面他们与希特勒的刽子手们勾结的罪行。 | ||1:“Bloodlands” has aroused fierce criticism from those who believe that the Soviet Union, for all its flaws, cannot be compared to the Third Reich, which pioneered ethnic genocide.||2:Doing this, the critics argue, legitimises ultranationalists in eastern Europe who downplay the Holocaust, exaggerate their own suffering—and dodge guilt for their own collaboration with Hitler’s executioners. | |
20 | ||1:在他看来,中东问题的研究困难重重,有三方面的原因。||2:一是“地图主义”。在作为好用的外交棋子而被标在地图上的“伊朗”、“伊拉克”或“沙特阿拉伯”的背后,他看到的是未被充分了解的复杂、多变的社会。||3:其次,他无法忍受(尤其是在美国)在扶手椅上努力地用数学模型和理论来阐述该地区(所有这些形而上的东西)。||4:然后是他认为冷战使得包括中东人在内的所有人夸大了局外人的影响力。||5:他坚持认为,中东的问题更多是在自己,而不是莫斯科、华盛顿或者殖民主义的过去。||6:这样的观点现在已经是老生常谈了,可在韩礼德先生提出来那会儿,却是新鲜的事情。 | ||1: Middle Eastern studies suffered, in his view, from three faults. ||2: One was “mappism”. Behind handy diplomatic counters marked on maps “Iran”, “Iraq” or “Saudi Arabia” he saw poorly understood societies that were complex and shifting. ||3: He had no patience, secondly, with efforts, particularly in the United States, to illuminate the region from the armchair with mathematical models and theorising (“all this meta-stuff”). ||4: He thought, thirdly, that the cold war had led everyone, Middle Easterners included, to exaggerate the influence of outsiders. ||5: The region’s problems, he insisted, lay in the region more than in Moscow, Washington or the colonial past. ||6: Such views are now commonplace. They were not when Mr Halliday began. | |
21 | ||1:这类软件让寻找潜在伴侣更简单,但是也没有让美国人沦为床奴。||2:根据美国疾控中心的数据,年龄在15到44岁之间的女性平均有过3.6个男性伴侣,而年轻男人则称他们平均有过6.1个女性伴侣。||3:这些数据可能不太准确,鉴于男人们可能夸大了事实,而女人们可能少数了几个,但是这些年来数据也没多大变化。 | ||1: Such apps make it easier to find potential partners, but don’t seem to have turned America into a nation of bed-hoppers. ||2: According to the Centres for Disease Control, young women (aged 15-44) claim to have had a median of 3.6 male lovers, while young men claim to have had 6.1 female ones. ||3: These figures may be inaccurate—men may exaggerate ; women may undercount—but they have not changed much in years. | |
22 | ||1:这样的把戏在各行各业中都能找得出:大家可以联想到意大利乳制品公司Parmalat的巨额虚假销售案。||2: 另一本“创意会计”方面的书籍编辑Michael Jones提到,在辨别出科技企业业务当中的会计猫腻要比别的行业困难得多,这也导致了科技企业更容易陷入“假账候选人名录”当中。 ||3:在快速成长的科技领域,各家企业都在充满着夸大利润诱因的环境中经营,希望令世界相信自己的公司才是那“一下代巨人”,同时也为了创造出足够的社会信任度,与自己铺天盖地的宣传相得益彰。||4:如果这真的是Gowex公司造假因由的话,想必也不会引起多大的震撼。 | ||1: Such tricks can be used in any industry: think of the massive fake sales at Parmalat, an Italian dairy firm. ||2: But verifying that accounts match reality is often harder in technology businesses, making them “easier candidates for fraud”, says Michael Jones, editor of another book on “creative accounting”. ||3: In fast-growing tech industries there is a temptation to exaggerate revenues, to persuade the world that you are the “next big thing” and create enough momentum for truth to catch up with the hype. ||4: If this turned out to be the motive with Gowex, it would be no surprise. | |
23 | “(但是)我认为个体提供的数据夸大了地区的污染问题,”他说。 | "(But) we think figures provided by individuals exaggerate pollution problems in our area, " he said. | |
24 | “阿富汗人利用历史的夸张来夸大[他们的]力量,从而使侵略者犹豫不前,”他说。 | "The Afghans use hyperbole of history to exaggerate [their] strengths in order to deter invaders, " he says. | |
25 | “我还认识到,”西莉亚接着说,“必须永远对医生讲真话,既不能夸大其辞,也不能遮遮盖盖。” | Celia said. "I realized I must always tell doctors the exact truth, and never exaggerate , never conceal. " | |
26 | “我们总是倾向于强调复杂性”,首席销售官SimonClift说。 | "We tended to exaggerate complexity, " says Simon Clift, the chief marketing officer. | |
27 | 比尔先生补充道,骄傲自大的表情也会让典型的男性生理特征显得更为突出,比如上半身健壮的体格、肌肉发达等等。 | Mr Beall added that expressions of pride also exaggerate typically masculine physical features, such as upper body size and muscularity. | |
28 | 不要吹牛、夸张或自我为中心,直率才是你的魅力所在,但本周不要急于确立关系。 | Tone it down or forget about making a love connection this week. You won’t impress anyone if you brag, exaggerate or are self-centered. | |
29 | 不要撒谎和夸大自己,这样做会留下不诚实的映像。 | Don’t tell lies or exaggerate on your date. Doing this will sow seeds of distrust. | |
30 | 此外,总统和媒体都有夸大类似事件深远意义之嫌。 | Furthermore, there’s a tendency for both presidents and the media to exaggerate the long-term significance of events like this. |