1 | [谚语]例外证明了本规则的适用性。 | The exception proves the rule. | |
2 | ‘为什么为她破例?’ | ’Why should an exception be made in her favor?’ | |
3 | ‘我以为我刚才的请求,’‘你比其它的人多些什么,你有什么权利要求例外?’ | "’I thought that my entreaties’--"’What right have you, any more than the rest, to ask for an exception ?’ | |
4 | “那么就把它们都换掉吧,不过挂着红缎窗帷的卧室不必换,那个房间你一点儿都不要去动它。” | Let them all be taken away and changed, then, with the exception of the sleeping-chamber which is hung with red damask; you will leave that exactly as it is. | |
5 | “嗯,为了检查他的伤口,他的衣服被脱了下来,扔在一个角落里,后来由法院方面的警官把它捡了回去,但他们却漏下了他的一件背心。” | In order that his wounds might be examined he was undressed, and his clothes were thrown into a corner, where the police picked them up, with the exception of the waistcoat, which they overlooked. | |
6 | “请告诉莫洛托夫先生,我不太清楚我是否理解他这句话的含义,但如果它确实像我所认为的那样,那请告诉他,我不愿意听。” | Please tell Mr. Molotov I am not so sure I have understood the implication of his remark, but if he meant what I though he meant, then please tell him I take exception to that remark. | |
7 | “我自己做了几样,除了少一把锉刀以外其余必要的我都有了,我有凿子,钳子和锤子。” | I made myself some; and with the exception of a file, I have all that are necessary,--a chisel, pincers, and lever. | |
8 | “做一个圣人,那是特殊情形 | To be a saint is the exception | |
9 | 澳门回归祖国,我国加入世贸组织谈判的突破性进展等诸多重大喜事,无不让人感到兴奋和自豪。 | Macao’s return to the motherland, and the breakthroughs in the negotiation on China’s accession to the World Trade Organization fill all of us, without exception , with elation and pride | |
10 | 变法运动失败后,举凡各种新政措施大都被取缔,唯大学堂“以萌芽早,得不废”。 | After the failure of the Reform Movement, almost all measures of the new policies were abolished, with the exception of the Imperial University, "Which, owing to its early germination, it was not abolished." | |
11 | 不过这种加班加点的情况只是一种例外,因为在前几年夏天工作到七点半仿佛是理所当然的。 | This overtime, however, was the exception , for in former years it had been the almost invariable rule to work till half past seven in summer | |
12 | 布特赖博士做了永垂史册的事情,即她是第一位在原来人员全为男人的学院中担任校 | Dr Butler made history by being the first woman head of a formerly all-male college (with the exception of St Hilda’s, her alma mater, all Oxford colleges have become mixed) | |
13 | 除此以外,无论对什么事,他从来总是正直、诚实、公平、聪明、谦虚、持重的,好行善事,关心别人,这也是一种品德。 | With this exception , he was in all things just, true, equitable, intelligent, humble and dignified, beneficent and kindly, which is only another sort of benevolence | |
14 | 除混合双打外,其他单项比赛均开始有种子选手遭淘汰。 | With the exception of the mixed doubles, all other individual events eliminated some seeded players | |
15 | 除李同志以外人人都参加了旅行。 | Everybody took part in the excursion with the exception of Comrade Li. | |
16 | 除了大学附设的国际宿舍之外,研究生和大学本科生通常都是分开住的。 | Exception university-owned international houses, graduates and undergraduates will normally be housed in separate buildings | |
17 | 除一个外其余的全都齐了。 | All were present with the exception of one member. | |
18 | 处理器状态字中的一种专用位,它按照某种运算异常来控制处理器。 | A special bit of the status word in a processor,which controls the processor in accordance with a operational exception . | |
19 | 但我是个例外:大多数英格兰男人真是热心地支持足球 | But I’m an exception : a sizeable majority of English men are indeed avid football supporters | |
20 | 当今用手做东西,在许多国家已经成为很特殊--如此地特殊,以致赠送自制礼物有时被认为是不寻常的。 | Making something by hand has become the exception in many countries today--so much so that giving a homemade gift is sometimes considered extraordinary. | |
21 | 当这名警员抓到他的妻子超速时,他想破例放她走。 | The policeman wanted to make an exception when he caught his wife speeding. | |
22 | 的确,所发生的这一切(除了那个有关钻石的故事听起来有点令人难以相信以外)似乎都是很自然的。 | in fact, all that had happened (with the exception of the story of the diamond, which certainly did wear an air of improbability), appeared natural enough, and called for neither apprehension nor mistrust | |
23 | 第二条例外,“属于机构酌处权范围内”很难理解,更何况即使属于机构酌处权范围内的行为也可能受到法院复审,以确立其是否滥用了酌处权。 | The second exception , action "committed to agency discretion", is not easy to understand, inasmuch as even discretionary agency actions can be reviewed by a court to determine if the agency has abused its discretion | |
24 | 对检察官的质疑提出反对 | Took exception to the prosecutor’s line of questioning. | |
25 | 对于有关许可程序的规则或受进口许可限制的产品清单的任何例外、减损或变更,也应以同样方式在上述相同时限内予以公布。 | Any exception , derogations or changes in or from the rules concerning licensing procedures or the list of products subject to import licensing shall also be published in the same manner and within the same time periods as specified above | |
26 | 凡是规则,总有例外。 | No rule without an exception . | |
27 | 反对所说之话 | to take exception to what was said | |
28 | 芳香羧酸进行脱羧反应是一个例外。 | One exception is the decarboxylation of aromatic carboxylic acids | |
29 | 浮点除法例外;浮点除法异常 | floating-point divide exception | |
30 | 刚刚结婚不久,温斯顿便一口断定,他还没见过比她更加愚蠢庸俗空虚的人--当然啦,或许这全怪他对她的了解最切近。 | Very early in her married life he had decided--though perhaps it was only that he knew her more intimately than he knew most people--that she had without exception the most stupid, vulgar, empty mind that he had ever encountered |