属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-自由交换 美墨两国的经济隔阂比墙还厚(下)
1 | 这意味着,气体施加一个颤动的力,而我们粗糙的感官只感到一个平均的推力。 | This means that the gas exerts a jittery force which our coarse senses feel only as an average push | |
2 | 自体有效物质一种有机物质,如激素,由机体的一部分产生,由血液,淋巴或体液运输至机体的另一部分并对该部分施加生理效应 | An organic substance,such as a hormone,produced in one part of an organism and transported by the blood,lymph,or sap to another part of the organism where it exerts a physiologic effect on that part. | |
3 | ||1:福特汉姆大学的马克·帕特森认为,这与2001年微软与反垄断者的官司是类似的情况。||2:最终判决微软这家软件巨头将网页浏览器与Windows操作系统捆绑在一起的行为属于反竞争行为。||3:帕特森先生表示,苹果公司对苹果手机的控制力度要大于微软对Windows系统的控制力度,但苹果的智能手机市场份额却小于微软的台式电脑市场份额。 | ||1:Mark Patterson of Fordham University sees parallels with Microsoft’s run-in with trustbusters in 2001.||2:The software giant’s bundling of a web browser with its Windows operating system was eventually found to be anticompetitive.||3:Apple exerts more power over iPhones than Microsoft did over Windows PCs, Mr Patterson says.But its market share in smartphones is smaller than Microsoft’s was in desktops. | |
4 | ||1:一场法律上的死亡竞赛恰好在网络上展开。||2:9月28日,加利福尼亚的一家法院通过视频电话的形式,就苹果公司与Epic Games之间的诉讼纠纷举行了听证会。Epic Games是一款热门电子游戏“堡垒之夜”的开发商。||3:诉讼议题是,苹果公司对智能手机上运行的软件进行严格控制的行径是否构成了垄断性的权力滥用。||4:法院的最终裁决可能会影响到其他数字市场的有所为和有所不为。 | ||1:Fittingly, the legal deathmatch is happening online.||2:On September 28th a court in California heard arguments, via video call, in a case that pits Apple against Epic Games, the maker of “Fortnite”, a hit video game.||3:At issue is whether the tight control Apple exerts over the software that can run on its smartphones amounts to a monopolistic abuse of power.||4:The verdict, when it comes, may determine what other digital marketplaces can and cannot do. | |
5 | 占到全球出口总额13%以上,全球制造业增加值约25%的中国经济,对全球供应链有着难以抗拒的吸引力。 | The Chinese economy, accounting for more than 13% of global exports and around 25% of global manufacturing value-added, exerts an irresistible pull on global supply chains. | |
6 | “蜘蛛侠”无限期隶属索尼;新闻公司无限期拥有“X战警”; | Sony has an indefinite hold on Spider-Man; News Corporation exerts similar control over the X-Men. | |
7 | 1962年的中印边界战争是中印历史上的一个重大事件,对当代中印关系产生了深远影响。 | The Sino-Indian Border War of 1962 exerts a far-reaching impact on the Sino-Indian relations. | |
8 | Brinson和他的合作者还表明,材料各向导性对塑性区的形状会产生影响。 | Brinson and his associates have also shown that material anisotropy exerts an effect on plastic-zone shapes. | |
9 | 北京施加的影响与日本政府争夺地区领导力的无望尝试形成了鲜明对比。 | The sort of sway Beijing exerts contrasts markedly with Tokyo’s rather forlorn attempts at regional leadership. | |
10 | 比如,当飞机的螺旋桨疾驰过云层时,会给云一个向后的作用力。 | When a plane’s propeller, for example, spins through a cloud, the propeller exerts a rearward force. | |
11 | 不管我们怎样去辩驳,或者假装我们对它没有什么感觉,美仍然对我们产生影响,而且根本是无法逃避的。 | No matter how much we argue against it or pretend to be immune, but beauty exerts its power over us. Surely there is simply no escape. | |
12 | 布吕尼和瓦莱丽两人谁会更让法国公众着迷?这引起了大家极大的兴趣。 | It will be interesting to see which of the two women exerts more of a fascination on the French public. | |
13 | 插入连续体的每个属性都对组件的粒度有不同程度的影响。 | Each of the attributes that plug into the continuum exerts an influence on component granularity to varying degrees. | |
14 | 大型体育赛事的举办对城市旅游业的发展既具有正面的影响,也有消极的影响。 | Hosting large-scale sports games exerts positive and negative influences upon the urban tourism. | |
15 | 当油液从无杆腔释放出来时,回位弹簧对活塞杆施加推力使活塞杆缩回。 | When fluid is allowed to flow out of the cap end, the return spring exerts force on the piston rod to retract it. | |
16 | 地理学科在综合文科专业人才培养中的作用 | The Status and the Function the Geography Subject Exerts on the Talent Cultivation of Educational Specialties of Integrated Liberal Arts | |
17 | 第一个粒子对第二个粒子施加一个力。 | The first particle exerts a force on the second one. | |
18 | 对你的脊柱施加压力,然后拉伸。 | It exerts pressure on your spine and thereby stretching it. | |
19 | 而树脂用在路面时,发挥了高黏结性等特点。 | When used on the road surface, the resin exerts the high bondability characteristic and the like. | |
20 | 而在公司内部,他也有一种在其他企业里从未听说过的影响力。 | And inside the company he exerts a level of influence unheard of in most businesses. | |
21 | 郭沫若是个深受外国戏剧浸染的中国现代史剧作家。 | Foreign drama exerts considerable influence on Guo Mo-ruo, the modern Chinese dramatist. | |
22 | 航运企业如何运用期货来避免市场风险 | How Shipping Enterprise Exerts Futures Avoiding Market Risk | |
23 | 互联网正在极大的影响着我们的生活,这是连发明者都没有想到的。 | The internet exerts the great influence on our daily life, which is more than the inventors expected. | |
24 | 霍尔提出的高低语境文化对研究交际有着重要的指导意义。 | High-context and low-context culture proposed by Edward T. Hall exerts great influence on the study of communication. | |
25 | 焦虑对英语专业学生听力理解的影响 | The Effect that Anxiety Exerts Comprehension of English Major on Listening | |
26 | 结果发现:体适能敎学对健康体适能的五大要素皆有显著的影响(p0.01); | The result shows that the physical fitness teaching exerts significant influence on the five elements mentioned above (P01). | |
27 | 近年来,社会责任的逐步推行开始对我国产业梯度转移产生深远影响。 | In recent years, CSR gradually exerts the profound influence on the industry gradient transfer. | |
28 | 空气有重量。它向各个方向都施加压力,这叫气压。 | Air has weight. It exerts pressure in all directions and is called air pressure. | |
29 | 领导是向别人施加影响的过程,启发,激励引导他们的行动来实现目标 | Leadership is the process where a person exerts influence over others and inspires, motivates and directs their activities to achieve goals. | |
30 | 棉花球运动具有一定的观赏性,它对人们的心理健康产生着积极的影响。 | The cotton ball sport is, to some degree, entertaining, which exerts positive influences on peoples mental health. |