属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-为股票做广告 股票时间
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-加密货币 新兴货币(2)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-巴西夜总会大火 狂欢后的悲剧
1 | 公基金的老板帕特里克?罗森表示给公司已经做大约120笔投资,都是投在需要为新产品或发行股票的新成立的公司或已成型的公司,并完成了大概80个公司的"退市",但是他并不会透露赚了多少钱。 | Patrik Rosen, Aggregate’s boss, says it has made some 120 investments-in both start-ups and established firms that want to advertise a new product or a stock offering-and completed around 80 "exits ", though he won’t disclose how much money has been made. | |
2 | 公基金的老板帕特里克·罗森表示给公司已经做大约120笔投资,都是投在需要为新产品或发行股票的新成立的公司或已成型的公司,并完成了大概80个公司的退市, | Patrik Rosen, Aggregate’s boss, says it has made some 120 investments—in both start-ups and established firms that want to advertise a new product or a stock offering—and completed around 80 exits , | |
3 | 即便加密者可能因为比特币分叉而退出,又或者如果一个完全不受监管的ICOs系统出现严重错误,比如发行方携款潜逃。 | Even crypto-aficionados may run for the exits should bitcoin bifurcate or if one of the ICOs, which are completely unregulated, goes badly wrong—if issuers, for example, abscond with the money. | |
4 | 卫生间里遍布尸体,大概是人们在慌乱之中错把这里当做出口。 | Dozens of bodies were found in the bathrooms, presumably mistaken for exits in the panic. | |
5 | “编辑并继续”不支持更改存在于包含stackalloc运算符的方法内的不安全代码。 | Edit and Continue does not support changes to unsafe code that exits within a method containing the stackalloc operator. | |
6 | 46号购物者最后拿了一盒特价的香蕉布丁,离开了农产品区。 | Shopper 46 exits the produce department with a bargain tub of banana pudding instead. | |
7 | function存在之后,就失去了对对闭包本身的引用。既然这样,怎样才能解除事件绑定呢? | Once the function exits , you lose reference to the closure itself, so what would you end up calling detachEvent with? | |
8 | Hale坐在他的车内,在后视镜里看到Veronica走出“终极正义组织”的办公楼,向她的车走去。 | Hale sits in his car. He watches in the rear view mirror as Veronica exits the Project Justice building and walks to her car. | |
9 | LJ拒绝向Quinn提供任何信息,所以Quinn只好把胶带重新贴回LJ的嘴上,走出了房间。 | LJ refuses to give Quinn any information, so Quinn puts the tape back on LJ’s mouth and exits the room. | |
10 | Telnet客户端完全按照消息被接收时的内容回送该消息,然后退出。 | The telnet client echoes the message back exactly as it was received and then exits . | |
11 | VisualWebDeveloper2005ExpressEdition退出调试模式并返回用于网页开发的控件。 | Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition exits Debug mode and returns control for Web page development. | |
12 | 按照海关当局的规定,国土安全部应该监查是什么出入美国的网络空间。 | Under Customs authority, the Department of Homeland Security could inspect what enters and exits the United States in cyberspace. | |
13 | 不应存放在出口或出口通道上? | Shall not be stored in exits or egress routes. | |
14 | 参观者被禁止携带手机,笔记本电脑进入厂区,不允许在入口,出口照相等等。 | Visitors are prohibited from carrying in cellphones and laptops into the facility and taking photos of entrances, exits , etc. | |
15 | 场所本身位于塔夫洛斯山(Tavrosmountain)内部,在两边有两个出口。 | The object itself is situated inside the Tavros mountain, with two exits on different sides. | |
16 | 程序退出时也会调用析构函数。 | Destructors are also called when the program exits . | |
17 | 出院那天,她大摇大摆地离开医院,但在穿过马路时立刻就被救护车撞死了。 | The day she’s discharged, she exits the hospital with a swagger, crosses the street, and is immediately hit by an ambulance and killed. | |
18 | 但是,相比起财务细节,人们或许更加感兴趣GE如何最终退出这样一个与其公众形象密切相关的市场。 | But how exactly GE exits a market so intertwined with its public image may, in the end, be more interesting than any financial fine print. | |
19 | 但是退出这个市场后,GE也许不高兴在电冰箱和微波炉上印有自己的标志。 | But GE might bristle at the prospect of refrigerators and ovens carrying its logo after it exits the market. | |
20 | 当活塞上行压缩气缸中的混合气体,火花塞点燃气体燃烧,通过气缸上另一个孔排气。 | As the piston moves up it is compressed, the spark plug ignites combustion, and exhaust exits through another hole in the cylinder. | |
21 | 当期货市场全球化以后,出现了很多紧急退出,你在哪里都可以退出交易。 | With the globalization of the futures markets, many more emergency exits appeared, allowing you to unwind a trade elsewhere. | |
22 | 当然的在你进场和出场前,我可以保证如果你问了这个问题你不会赚到钱。 | Surely before you enter you have your exits all in place. I’ll guarantee if you are asking this question you are not making money. | |
23 | 当设置为ON时,数据库将在最后一个用户退出后完全关闭,它占用的资源也将释放。 | When set to ON, the database is shut down cleanly and its resources are freed after the last user exits . | |
24 | 当英国人狼狈不堪地辙出各个殖民地时,这种爽快的特别辙退往往遗留下的是挥之不去的混乱,Kwarteng先生黯然作出总结。 | When the British scrambled for the exits , lingering chaos was often the result of this hearty ad-hoccery, Mr Kwarteng sadly concludes. | |
25 | 当在嵌套的For循环内使用时,ExitFor将退出最内层的循环,并将控制权交给下一个较高级别的嵌套。 | When used within nested For loops, Exit For exits the innermost loop and transfers control to the next higher level of nesting. | |
26 | 等径角轧制模具安装于普通双辊热轧机双轧辊出口处。 | Equal channel angular rolling moulds are arranged on the exits of double rollers of an ordinary double roller calendar. | |
27 | 对于重新进入运行时或在线程退出后重新创建的线程,若具有相同的线程ID,则不会进行两次计数。 | threads with the same thread ID that reenter the runtime or are recreated after the thread exits are not counted twice. | |
28 | 多出口串行生产线系统矩阵的行列单调性 | The Row-column Monotonicity of Multi- exits Serial Production Line System Matrix | |
29 | 多数地铁站都有四个出口,以前是极合理地以方位标出。 | The majority of the metro stations have four exits , which logically enough were formerly specified by the points of the compass. | |
30 | 多位分析师表示,若谷歌退出中国,则本土主要搜索引擎企业--百度将会夺取前者在中国的逾30%市场份额的大部分; | If Google exits , analysts say, dominant local player Baidu stands to soak up much of the U. S. group’s 30-odd percent market share. |