1 | 本周,伦敦市长警告称,如果英国财政部继续推行其计划,将有大批外国投资者和专业人士离开英国。 | This week London’s lord mayor warned of an exodus of foreign investors and professionals if the Treasury persisted with its plans. | |
2 | 毕竟,由于格拉斯哥和伦敦都是英国的一部分,英国政府实际上可以采取监管措施,应对金融机构大批流向苏格兰的问题。 | After all, since Glasgow and London are both part of the UK, the government could indeed regulate the exodus of financial firms to Scotland. | |
3 | 宾夕法尼亚州立大学(PennsylvaniaStateUniversity)教授丹尼斯•西蒙(DenisSimon)表示:“他们发了一点点牢骚,但并没有大举撤出中国。” | "They squawk a bit but there has been no mass exodus , " says Denis Simon, a professor at Pennsylvania State University. | |
4 | 不过,赛尔顿博士在新书《美国大学》中写道,引发这一出国求学浪潮的远远不仅是经济因素。 | But writing in the new book, Uni In The USA, Dr Seldon said the exodus was "down to far more than economics" . | |
5 | 不过,业界曾经忧心忡忡华尔街人才会为逃避薪酬限制而大肆出走,目前来看这不过是只纸老虎。 | But, so far at least, the much-feared exodus of Wall Street talent hoping to dodge pay curbs has proved a paper tiger. | |
6 | 不过停摆至少让这种大批流失暂时熄火,于是大学比赛陡然间充满了顶尖的青年才俊。 | But the lockout put at least a temporary plug on that exodus , and the college game now find itself stacked with top young talent. | |
7 | 部长们一直对大批人才从伦敦金融城流失至纽约、瑞士或新加坡感到紧张。 | Ministers have been unnerved by threats of an exodus from the City of London to New York, Switzerland or Singapore. | |
8 | 超乎也门之上的问题是:这种情况可能会催生出更多对生活绝望的人从而在此状态下助长更多的叛乱。 | That matters beyond Yemen: It could prompt an exodus of desperate people and help feed an insurgency that thrives in a vacuum. | |
9 | 出于对华尔街人才外流的恐惧,美国在对银行家施加压力的问题上始终不大主动。 | Fearful of an exodus of talent from Wall Street, the US is reluctant to come down hard on bankers. | |
10 | 但是,中国政府官员表示,他们担心,资本利得税的征收可能促使资金大量撤离市场。 | Yet officials say there are fears that a capital gains tax would prompt an exodus from the market | |
11 | 但是军方的进攻也导致近两百万平民逃离该地区,大约20万人被困在设备简陋的临时难民营里。 | But the move has triggered an exodus of nearly two million civilians with some 200, 000 ending up in poorly-equipped makeshift camps. | |
12 | 但他们担心利比亚争端可能造成更多难民涌入,并希望欧盟找出一个全面的解决方法。 | But they worry that the Libyan conflict could unleash a bigger exodus , and want the EU to work on a comprehensive approach. | |
13 | 到今天,还没有大批的超级代表放弃对奥巴马的支持。 | To date, their husbands has been no masastic mass exodus of superdelegates support away from Obama. | |
14 | 第六诫曰“不可杀人”,但随后《出埃及记》(Exodus)中又列举出应被判处死刑的多种罪行。 | The sixth commandment "Thou shalt not kill" is followed in Exodus by an enumeration of various offences deserving of the death penalty. | |
15 | 东德可能永远都不能客服自身的一些弱势,如相对缺少大城市以及精英流失的问题。 | Eastern Germany may never overcome some of its disadvantages, such as its relative lack of big cities and the exodus of its elite. | |
16 | 对绿卡的漫长等待外加美国经济的疲软,促使一些精英人才选择了离开。 | A long wait for a green card, coupled with the soft U. S. economy, is prompting an exodus of some of the best and brightest | |
17 | 而这个计划发表于欧洲外债危机爆发,国际货币基金组织帮助希腊摆脱困境,而西班牙面临着投资者们的相继离去时。 | It follows the onset of a sovereign debt crisis in Europe which has seen Greece bailed out by the IMF and Spain face an investor exodus . | |
18 | 高管提醒说,仅仅人民币升值还不足以解释这种员工的大量流失。 | Executives caution that the renminbi’s rise alone does not explain this mini-exodus . | |
19 | 高龄人民公仆的大批撤离正是要为新政体做预备工作。 | A mass exodus of elderly civil servants is expected in the run-up to the new regime. | |
20 | 更高的收购价可以认为是阻止这种外流的代价,因此也算值得。 | The higher bid was a price deemed worth paying to stop the exodus . | |
21 | 过去12个月内,大批交易员离开了PrincipalStrategies。 | The past 12 months have seen an exodus of GSPS traders. | |
22 | 她相信一定是某种环境改变引发了这种大规模离散,应当进一步研究蟾蜍对上述这些变化的反应。 | She suggests exploring how toads respond to some of the changes she believes could have triggered their mass exodus . | |
23 | 今年11月,他们中的许多人将领到最后一笔承诺发放的奖金,届时可能会出现大规模的员工流失。 | In November, when many of them will receive the final portion of guaranteed bonuses, there is the risk of mass exodus . | |
24 | 尽管科研新秀大批外流,但国内还是有一个庞大的人才库。 | Although there has been an exodus of many of the rising stars of research, there is still a great pool of talent there. | |
25 | 经济危机之后:在经济回升之后怎样预防员工流失 | After the Fall: Preventing Employee Exodus When the Job Market Picks Up | |
26 | 考虑到流入新兴市场资金的数量,资金大举出逃不会是好事。 | Given the weight of money that has gone into emerging markets, the exodus would not be pretty. | |
27 | 离开梅菲尔(Mayfair)对冲基金聚集区的人数将非常有限,因为这个行业本质上是家庭手工业。 | The numbers involved in any exodus from the hedge fund alleys of Mayfair would be small because this is essentially a cottage industry. | |
28 | 每个星期都有大批难民因为战争从城市越过边界进入邻国肯尼亚。 | Fighting has prompted a fresh exodus of refugees from the city and thousands of people are crossing into neighbouring Kenya each week. | |
29 | 普拉托市市长罗伯特?切尼(RobertoCenni)表示,华工受到组织他们前来意大利务工的团伙的剥削。 | Roberto Cenni, Prato’s mayor, says workers are exploited by gangs that organise their exodus from China with promises of jobs. | |
30 | 请听一听,神在出埃及记中是怎么说的。 | Listen to what God said, in Exodus : . |