属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 英欧谈判"战火"升级 白俄反
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-俄罗斯政治 恐慌与厌恶并存
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-朝鲜与马来西亚 人质僵局(1)
1 | 他们对海丝特所共同持有的偏见,被推论的铁框所禁锢,要想摆脱就得付出远为坚韧的努力。 | The prejudices which they shared in common with the latter were fortified in themselves by an iron framework of reasoning, that made it a far tougher labour to expel them. | |
2 | 它有权开除那些被认为不守信用或无偿付能力的公司或经纪人。 | It has the power to expel companies or dealers believed to be dishonest or insolvent | |
3 | 通过武力驱逐 | To expel by force. | |
4 | 我还以为您一定会撵我走呢,并且我一上来就说明我是谁。 | I felt sure that you would expel me, so I told you at once who I am | |
5 | 校长决定开除该生以儆效尤. | The headmaster decided to make an example of the pupil and expel him from the school. | |
6 | 校长可能将这男生从学校开除。 | The headmaster may expel the boy from the school. | |
7 | 校长可能要把那个男孩从学校开除。 | The headmaster may expel the boy from the school | |
8 | --叙利亚必须关闭恐怖分子营地并驱逐恐怖组织 | --syria must close terrorist camps and expel terrorist organizations | |
9 | 意想不到的是当浮游生物进入蚌体时,珠蚌的排异性非常强,3到5分钟之内,蚌的心脏运动异常并很快死亡。 | Much to our surprise when the plankton entered the oyster tried very hard to expel the plankton. Within 3-5 minutes, the movement of the heart became very abnormal and the oyster died at once | |
10 | 用PLC编程解决电镀生产线因干扰致使错位问题 | Using the PLC to Expel Misplacing by Interference in the Electroplate Production Line | |
11 | 用力呼出肺里的烟 | Expel smoke from the lungs | |
12 | 用力扔出;驱逐 | To throw out forcefully;expel . | |
13 | 在整顿风气中确实有些人要开除党籍,要清理一下。 | So in the movement to improve Party conduct, we should check up on Party members and expel some of them. | |
14 | 这样,摆脱帝国主义侵略,打碎封建农奴制的枷锁,就成了西藏社会进步的历史必然和西藏人民的迫切愿 | So there was a historically imperative need for the progress of Tibetan society and the happiness of the Tibetan people to expel the imperialists and shake off the yoke of feudal serfdom | |
15 | 这种解毒药有那么强,能驱散毒素吗? | Is that antidote strong enough to expel the poison? | |
16 | 直肠:大肠的末段,粪便排出前在此存积。长13~15公分,上覆黏膜,与肛管之间有肌肉相隔。肌肉收缩将粪便排出体外。粪便进入直肠时,肠壁扩张予以容纳,刺激神经冲动产生便意。 | Rectum: End segment of the large intestine in which feces accumulate just prior to discharge. It is 5-6 in. (13-15 cm)long and lined with mucous membrane. One set of muscles separates it from the anal canal; another shortens it to expel feces. The rectal walls distend as feces enter, which stimulates the urge for defecation. | |
17 | 逐出教会;把…革出教门 | To expel from a church or from church membership;excommunicate. | |
18 | ||1:便衣暴徒绑架了白俄罗斯抗议活动的领导人之一玛丽亚·科尔斯尼科娃(Maria Kolesnikova)。||2:他们开车把她带到乌克兰边境,试图驱逐她,但她撕毁了自己的护照,没让他们得逞。||3:在首都明斯克,来自三个欧盟国家的大使驻守在另一名主要抗议者的公寓内,以防止她被捕。该抗议者是一位获得过诺贝尔奖的作家。 | ||1:Plain-clothes thugs abducted one of the leaders of Belarus’s protests, Maria Kolesnikova.||2:They drove her to the border with Ukraine and tried to expel her, but she tore up her passport to frustrate them.||3:In Minsk, the capital, ambassadors from three EU countries stationed themselves in the flat of another leading protester, a Nobel-prize winning writer, to prevent her arrest. | |
19 | ||1:克里姆林宫内部人员及其评论员称,利用法律解决眼前的政治问题存在树先例的风险。||2:法律制裁(一旦开了先例),便有可能一发不可收拾,即便施行者只是主观为之。||3:统一俄罗斯党的杜马议员担心,他们驱逐古德科夫的决议会引发一场更为广泛的清除,导致其他从事商业活动的杜马议员被除名。||4:一位统一俄罗斯党议员称,基于这个原因,如果投票是秘密进行的话,古德科夫还有可能保住自己的位子。||5:“现在人人自危”,他说,“因为许多人进入议会就是为了保护自己的商业利益”。 | ||1:The danger in using the law to solve short-term political problems, say people inside the Kremlin as well as its critics, is that it risks creating a precedent.||2:Legal sanctions, even when subjectively applied, can take on a momentum of their own.||3:In the Duma, members of United Russia worry that their vote to expel Mr Gudkov might lead to a broader purge of Duma representatives who have commercial interests.||4:For that reason, Mr Gudkov would have kept his seat if the vote had been secret, says a United Russia deputy.||5:“There is a lot of fear,” he says. “A lot of people came to the Duma so as to protect their business.” | |
20 | ||1:现在的误判可能导致灾难。||2:自1999年印度从喜马拉雅山高处驱逐巴基斯坦入侵者以来,两国之间的斗争已经达到最激烈的程度。||3:印度最初的空袭并非针对巴基斯坦的克什米尔地区,而是在巴基斯坦境内,距离首都伊斯兰堡仅100公里。||4:这实际上改变了双方的交战规则。||5:印度和巴基斯坦经常发生争执,人们往往此往往不以为意,但自1971年爆发最近一场全面战争以来,局势升级的风险从未如此之高。 | ||1:A miscalculation now could spell calamity.||2:The fighting is already the fiercest between the two countries since India battled to expel Pakistani intruders from high in the Himalayas in 1999.||3:The initial Indian air raid struck not Pakistan’s bit of Kashmir, but well within Pakistan proper and just 100km from the capital, Islamabad.||4:That, in effect, constituted a change in the rules of engagement between the two.||5:India and Pakistan are so often at odds that there is a tendency to shrug off their spats, but not since their most recent, full-blown war in 1971 has the risk of escalation been so high. | |
21 | 一般情况下,那些激怒了政府的外国人都会被驱逐出境,但是朝鲜却不这样做,他们会将这些外国人扣留在朝鲜。 | Governments often expel foreigners who enrage them. North Korea offers a worse fate: not being allowed to leave. | |
22 | 意大利副总理通过威胁驱逐罗姆人来提高自己的支持率。 | and Italy’s deputy prime minister seeks to boost his popularity by threatening to expel Roma people. | |
23 | 不管中国意图何在,它是否拥有将美国从东亚驱逐出去的军事能力是很值得怀疑的。 | Whatever Chinese intentions are, it is doubtful that China will have the military capability to expel the United States from East Asia. | |
24 | 朝鲜官方的朝中社(KCNA)报道,平壤方面将驱逐开城工业园区的韩国工人。 | North Korea’s official KCNA news agency reported that Pyongyang would expel South Korean workers from the Kaesong industrial park. | |
25 | 从嘴或风箱中往外送气。 | To expel a current of air, AS from the mouth or from a bellows. | |
26 | 但在2005年,在马来西亚发起了一场驱逐外国工人的运动后,Rela被赋予了新的权力。 | But in 2005, Rela was given new powers as Malaysia launched a campaign to expel illegal foreign workers. | |
27 | 当过热的珊瑚掉下为他们提供颜色的海藻时漂白剂出现了。 | Bleaching occurs when overheated corals expel crucial algae that give them their colour. | |
28 | 当她对他微笑时,他的脸涨得通红。 | blush, redden 2. eject, expel When she smiled at him, his face flushed bright red. | |
29 | 当然还有牛的肠胃气涨:当牛消化草或谷物时,每天产生超过200升的甲烷气体。 | And of course, there is cow flatulence: as cattle digest grass or grain, they produce methane gas, of which they expel up to 200 L a day. | |
30 | 到周五的时候,联合国人权理事会应该会把利比亚除名。 | When it meets on Friday, the United Nations Human Rights Council should expel Libya. |