属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 28130-3 Bb.1-1983
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 1072 Bb.1-1988
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 4084 Bb.1-1981
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 4902-1972
1 | "IATF关于ISO/TS169492002的指南"是一份包括被推荐的汽车行业的惯例、实例、图表和解释等组成的文件。 | "IATF Guidance to ISO/TS 16949:2002" is a document containing recommended automotive industry practices, examples, illustrations and explanations . | |
2 | (二)文档:指用自然语言或者形式化语言所编写的文字资料和图表,用来描述程序的内容、组成、设计、功能规格、开发情况、测试结果及使用方法,如程序设计说明书、流程图、用户手册等。 | (2)Documentation: refers to written materials and diagrams, using natural language or formal language, which are used to describe the contents, organization, design, functions and specifications, development circumstances, testing results and method of use of the program, for example: program design explanations , flow charts, user manuals, etc. | |
3 | (二)要求被监察的部门和人员就监察事项涉及的问题作出解释和说明; | (2)Request departments and personnel under supervision to offer explanations related to supervisory matters; | |
4 | (二)要求被检查的单位或者个人就有关土地权利的问题作出说明; | 2. Demand explanations from units or individuals concerned in regard to land-use rights; | |
5 | (三)上一年度末和最近季度末经会计事务所审计的偿付能力状况报告及其说明; | (3)A report of solvency status at the end of the previous year and that of the recent quarter audited by an accounting firm and their explanations ; | |
6 | (三)责令有违反行政纪律嫌疑的人员在指定的时间、地点就调查事项涉及的问题作出解释和说明,但是不得对其实行拘禁或者变相拘禁; | (3)Order personnel under investigation for suspicion of violating administrative disciplines to make explanations of the matters under investigation at an appointed time and place; however, personnel under investigation shall not be detained in any manner; | |
7 | 1月13日晚上,布什由于被饼干噎住而引起休克,对此医生认为从医学角度分析有几种可能。 | Doctors said there were several possible medical explanations for the incident on Sunday in which Bush apparently passed out after a pretzel went down the wrong way | |
8 | 3.(a)在公开程序中,在参加该程序的任 | (a)In open procedures, entities shall forward the tender documentation at the request of any supplier participating in the procedure, and shall reply promptly to any reasonable request for explanations relating thereto | |
9 | 342 .工作组注意到本报告书所反映的中国关于其外贸制度的说明和声明。工作组注意到中国就某些具体事项所作承诺, | 342.The Working Party took note of the explanations and statements of China concerning its foreign trade regime, as reflected in this Report. The Working Party took note of the commitments given by China in relation to certain specific matters | |
10 | 343 .在对中国外贸制度进行审查之后,并根据中国所作说明、承诺和减让, | 343.Having carried out the examination of the foreign trade regime of China and in the light of the explanations , commitments and concessions made by China, | |
11 | COBUILD系统地使用完整的句子进行释义,加上范例和同义词,应该能够弥补不使用限置定义词汇的不足。 | In COBUILD the systematic use of explanations in full sentences, plus examples and synonyms, should compensate for not using a limited defining vocabulary | |
12 | 阿西莫夫,艾萨克1920-1992俄裔美国科学家和多产作家。其作品包括科学原理的通俗解释和科幻卷,包括基础三部曲 | Russian-born American scientist and prolific writer whose works include popular explanations of scientific principles and volumes of science fiction,including The Foundation Trilogy(1963. | |
13 | 把肥胖归咎于脂肪消耗减少这样的解释过于简单,且忽略了科学实质。 | simplistic explanations , such as blaming obesity on a drop in fat consumption, ignore scientific reality | |
14 | 包括计算机程序、专有技术的解释和说明、涉及到合同产品的设计、制造、安装和检验等方面的信息 | including computer programs, carrying the descriptions and explanations of Know-how, relating to the design, manufacturing, assembly, and inspection of Contract Products. | |
15 | 并向制定机关说明设定该行政许可的必要性、对经济和社会可能产生的影响以及听取和采纳意见的情况。 | and shall give explanations to the law (regulation)making organ about the necessity to establish the administrative license, the potential effects on the economy and society and the opinions heard and adopted | |
16 | 冲虚至德真经义解 | Explanations to Liezi’s Perfect Book of Emptiness and Highest Virtue | |
17 | 存在着几种合乎情理的解释. | There are several possible explanations . | |
18 | 大家对她的解释茫然不解. | Her explanations were met with blank incomprehension. | |
19 | 带搅拌装置的搅拌容器.搅拌驱动装置.说明 | Agitator vessels with agitation unit; agitator drive, explanations | |
20 | 但是,他们认为那些把这种情况当作解释不发达问题的中心的人是折衷主义和专横武断。 | But they view those who place this fact at the center of their explanations of underdevelopment as being eclectic and arbitrary | |
21 | 但是,这些补充性解释并不影响该道德理论所依赖的生活观:快乐和免于痛苦是惟一值得作为目标追求的东西 | But these supplementary explanations do not affect the theory of life on which this theory of morality is grounded-namely, that pleasure and freedom from pain are the only things desirable as ends | |
22 | 当人们从初度震惊中清醒过来探求他们受痛苦的底蕴时,才开始看出那些隐伏在1920年代表面繁荣下面的病态倾向。 | As the people rallied from the initial shock and began seeking explanations , they noted unhealthy trends that had gone unobserved beneath the prosperous fa?ade for the 1920s. | |
23 | 道路桥梁.设计载荷.说明 | Road bridges; design loads; explanations | |
24 | 地基.围栏和边坡断裂计算.说明 | Subsoil; Calculations of terrain rupture and slope rupture; Explanations | |
25 | 地面运输工具;手推车和拖车.动轮.符号.术语.说明 | Industrial trucks, hand-carriage and trailer, movement-wheels, symbols, terms, explanations | |
26 | 第二十二条本办法由中华人民共和国交通部负责解释。 | Article 22. The Ministry of Communications is responsible for explanations of these Procedures. | |
27 | 第二十九条 在地方各级人民代表大会审议议案的时候,代表可以向有关地方国家机关提出询问,由有关机关派人说明。 | Article 29 When a local people’s congress at any level examines a bill or proposal, its deputies may address questions to the local state organs concerned, which shall send their personnel to the congress to give explanations . | |
28 | 第二十条 委托人有权了解其信托财产的管理运用、处分及收支情况,并有权要求受托人作出说明。 | Article 20 The trustor has the right to know how his trust property is managed, utilized or disposed of and the income and expenses incurred therefrom, and has the right to ask the trustee to make explanations . | |
29 | 第二十一条 技术引进合同超过《条例》第八条规定的十年期限或者含有《条例》第九条规定的限制性条款的,受方应当在按照本细则的规定办理审批手续时,向审批机关提交申请报告,详细说明理由。 | Article 21 If the term of validity of the technology import contract exceeds the period of ten years stipulated in Article 8 or includes the restrictive provisions listed in Article 9 of the Regulations, the recipient shall submit the application with detailed explanations to the competent authority when going through the procedure for examination and approval in accordance with the stipulations of the Detailed Rules. | |
30 | 第六十八条 土地管理监督检查人员履行职责,需要进入现场进行勘测、要求有关单位或者个人提供文件、资料和作出说明的,应当出示土地管理监督检查证件。 | Article 68 In performing their duties, whereas there is the need to carry out on-the-spot survey or demand units or individuals concerned to present documents and materials or explanations , supervising personnel should present certificates of land supervision and examination. |