属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN EN 55020 Bb.1-2003
1 | ( 一)财务、会计报表及其说明材料; | (1)financial and accounting statements and related explanatory material; | |
2 | (对书等的)集注 | Commentary(on sth);set of explanatory notes on a book,etc | |
3 | (五)其他有关说明资料。 | (5)other explanatory data. | |
4 | “指事字”于“六书”中之次第 | The Order of Self-explanatory Characters in the Six Categories of Chinese Characters | |
5 | “转注”之我见-试从思维和语言的角度论“转注”的成因 | My Views on "Mutually Explanatory or Synonymous Characters" | |
6 | 《办理土地注册的资料简介》 | Explanatory Note on Land Registration, An | |
7 | 《古代汉语注释商榷》献疑 | A Query about Proof-reading the Explanatory Notes of the Ancient Chinese Language | |
8 | 《唐律》关于“律文解释”方式之分析 | A Comparative Study of the Mode of "Legal Explanatory Notes" | |
9 | 《往香港以外地区就业合约条例简要》 | Explanatory Note on the Contracts for Employment Outside Hong Kong Ordinance, An | |
10 | 《五经正义》引《说文》考 | 《The Five Classic Explanatory Note》 Quotes 《Analytical Dictionary of Characters》 | |
11 | 《一九九二年雇佣(修订)(第四号)条例有关"搬迁工作场所可否追讨遣散费"说明》 | Explanatory Notes on the Eligibility to Severance Payment upon a Change of Workplace | |
12 | 《左传详解词典》的特色-关于词性、状态词的建立、词性活用的处理的申说阐释 | 《The Explanatory Dictionary of Zuozhuan》 Characteristic | |
13 | DINEN55020-2003的说明表1.声音和电视广播接收机和相关设备.抗扰性.限值和测量方法.DINEN55020-2000的应用 | (Explanatory sheet 1 to DIN EN 55020 (VDE 0872 Teil 20):2003-02-Sound and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment-Immunity characteristics-Limits and methods of measurement; Application guide to DIN EN 55020 (VDE 0872 Part 20):2000-0 | |
14 | EVA-MVA及会计指标对股票收益解释能力的比较研究 | Comparative Study on the Explanatory Power to Stock Return by the EVA, MVA and Accounting Indicators | |
15 | Taylor中值定理的一个几何注释 | A Geometric Explanatory Note of Taylor Mean Value Theorem | |
16 | 编者在注解译文。 | The editor is giving explanatory notes to the translation | |
17 | 不同注释语句下面的其余部分应自行说明。 | The remaining sections under the various comment statements should be self-explanatory | |
18 | 财务报表注释,财务报表注释说明 | explanatory notes to financial statements;notes to financial statements | |
19 | 除此而外,历书的内容对于业余天文学来说是一目了然的,就象我们看日历一般。 | Apart from these, the contents are largely as self-explanatory as the well-known calendars for the amateur’s use | |
20 | 此类信息和建议可采取咨询意见、评论或解释性说明的形式 | Such information and advice may take the form of advisory opinions, commentaries or explanatory notes | |
21 | 从方以智王夫之《庄子》内七篇诠释的异同看儒道会通问题 | On Confucianists Understanding through Relevant Materials from the Different Explanatory Notes of 7 Inner Pieces of "Zhuangzi" by FANG Yi-zhi and WANG Fu-zhi | |
22 | 从交际失败个案看合作原则与礼貌原则的解释性 | The Explanatory Power of the Principle of Cooperation and Politeness as Observed from a Case of Communicative Failure | |
23 | 但是我们觉得没有必要核对这种论证,因为它几乎是不言而喻的。 | However, we feel that there is no necessity to justify this argument since it is almost self-explanatory | |
24 | 第六十四条 会计报表附注是为帮助理解会计报表的内容而对报表的有关项目等所作的解释,其内容主要包括: | Article 64 Notes to the financial statements are explanatory to related items in the financial statement of the enterprise concerned so as to facilitate understanding of the contents of the statements, the contents of which shall mainly include: | |
25 | 第七条 铺设施工完毕后,所有者应当将海底电缆、管道的路线图、位置表等说明资料报送主管机关备案,并抄送港监机关。 | Article 7 After the completion of the engineering project, the owners shall submit all the explanatory data, such as the route chart and position chart of the submarine cables and pipelines, to the competent authorities for the record, and send duplicates to the harbour superintendence organs. | |
26 | 第三十一条 纳税义务人应当按照《税则》规定的目录条文和归类总规则、类注、章注、子目注释以及其他归类注释,对其申报的进出口货物进行商品归类,并归入相应的税则号列;海关应当依法审核确定该货物的商品归类。 | Article 31. Taxpayers shall categorise the goods declared for import and export in line with the articles of the catalogue of the Customs Tariffs, and the general provisions, category explanatory note, chapter explanatory note, sub-item explanatory note, and other categorisation explanatory notes of categorisation, and list the goods under the corresponding tariff lines, and the customs shall check and verify the commodities categorisation of the goods in question in accordance with the law. | |
27 | 第四十四条药品广告的内容必须以国务院卫生行政部门或者省、自治区、直辖市卫生行政部门批准的说明书为准。 | [Article 44] The contents of an advertisement for a drug must be in accordance with the explanatory booklet approved by the department of the State Council administering health or the department of the province, autonomous region or municipality under the direct control of the Central Government administering health. | |
28 | 第四十一条 说明书中写有对附图的说明但无附图或者缺少部分附图的,申请人应当在国务院专利行政部门指定的期限内补交附图或者声明取消对附图的说明。 | Article 41 Where the specification contains explanatory notes to the appended drawings is submitted but the appended drawings or part of them are missing, the applicant shall, within the time limit specified by the administrative department for patent under the State Council, either re-submit the appended drawings or make a declaration for the deletion of the explanatory notes to the appended drawings. | |
29 | 第四条原则可能是所有原则中最具逻辑性的。 | The fourth principle is probably the most self explanatory and logical of all. | |
30 | 第五十七条 财务报告是反映企业财务状况和经营成果的书面文件,包括资产负债表、损益表、财务状况变动表(或者现金流量表)、附表及会计报表附注和财务状况说明书。 | Article 57 Financial reports are the written documents summarizing and reflecting the financial position and operating results of an enterprise, including a balance sheet, an income statement, a statement of changes in financial position (or a cash flow statement)together with supporting schedules, notes to the financial statements, and explanatory statements on financial condition. |