1 | 鉴于许可方有权并且同意向被许可方授权利用与合同产品相关的专有技术 | Whereas Licensor has the right and agrees to grant Licensee a license to exploit Know-how in connection with Contract Products | |
2 | 将增加她声誉的业绩 | An exploit that will add to her reputation. | |
3 | 金钱和财产属于你们当中的每一个人,但是你们绝对不能利用真理来增长你们个人的财富和权势,因为那样做就等于出卖上帝的恩泽,借以牟利。 | Money and property belong to individuals, to each of you, but you must never exploit truth for your personal aggrandizement; that would be selling God’s blessing for a profit. | |
4 | 具备实施条件的单位以合理的条件请求发明或者实用新型专利权人许可实施其专利,而未能在合理长的时间内获得这种许可时 | Where any entity which is qualified to exploit the invention or utility model has made requests for authorization from the patentee of an invention or utility model to exploit its or his patent on reasonable terms and such efforts have not been successful within a reasonable period of time | |
5 | 开发海底石油 | to exploit the oil under the sea | |
6 | 开发石油储藏;水力;太阳能 | To exploit oil reserves / water power / solar energy. | |
7 | 开拓城乡市场 | Exploit the urban and rural markets | |
8 | 开拓海外市场 | Exploit the overseas market | |
9 | 克林顿坚信自己是共和党宣传攻击机器的牺牲品,他们早在利用他和莱温斯基的事大做文章之前,就在国会山宣布了要弹劾他的打算。 | Clinton hasn’t the slightest doubt that he’s the victim of a GOP attack machine that announced on Capitol Hill its intention to impeach him long before he gave them the Monica Lewinsky story to exploit | |
10 | 宽带技术可充分用以网上的讨论所需要的四个渠道--文本、语音、影像和图形 | Broadband technology can fully exploit four channelsneeded for online discussion-text, voice, video and graphics | |
11 | 那份工作给了他机会,发挥他为书刊画插图的才能。 | The job gave him a chance to exploit his talent for book illustration | |
12 | 那工作给他机会利用他为书刊画插图的才能。 | The job gave him a chance to exploit his talent for book illustration. | |
13 | 那些欧洲国家的姑娘,直到现在仍旧像从前一样很活跃地玩着这套把戏。 | European girls still exploit it as briskly as ever. | |
14 | 你必须利用每个机会来学习东西。 | You must exploit every opportunity to learn new things. | |
15 | 你必需把握每个机会学习新事物。 | You must exploit every opportunity to learn new things. | |
16 | 你应该利用这机会到国外去。 | You should exploit this opportunity to go abroad. | |
17 | 清算组成员不得利用职权收受贿赂或者其他非法收入,不得侵占公司财产。 | The members of a liquidation group may not exploit their position to accept bribes or other illegal income, nor may they wrongfully take over the property of the company. | |
18 | 取得实施强制许可的单位或者个人不享有独占的实施权,并且无权允许他人实施。 | Any entity or individual that is granted a compulsory license for exploitation shall not have an exclusive right to exploit and shall not have the right to authorize exploitation by any others. | |
19 | 然而某些新的产品和管理方式变化很快,因此在这同时发展新的技术和作战理论就很重要。 | But some of these new products and processes change dramatically and therefore it is important to exploit tactics and doctrine at the same time | |
20 | 如果能不断发展前瞻的眼光,挖掘自身的潜力,保持开放的头脑,注重新知的习得,普及科技的运用,你便向"知识经济时代"迈出了可喜的第一步。 | The first promising step towards the KBE can be made if one is able to effectively develop a vision of the future, exploit one’s self-potential, stay open-minded, never stop absorbing new knowledge and apply it in the areas of science and technology. | |
21 | 杀鹿人又笑了,他对这次冒险行动所取得的成功大为高兴。 | Deerslayer laughed again, and seemed to enjoy the success of the exploit with much glee | |
22 | 使某人成为受害者;剥削;掠夺 | Make sb one’s victim;exploit or attack | |
23 | 首先,苏联已经有能力利用往往由工业发达国家使用的存在因素去获得高的经济增长率。 | First, Russia has been able to exploit certain high growth factors normally available to pre-industrial nations. | |
24 | 水手们赞颂船长英勇的业绩。 | The sailors sang the gallant captain exploit . | |
25 | 所有这些方法都是利用有用矿物和脉石之间的物理性质的差别,比如相对比重差别,磁性差别和表面特性差别等。 | All of them exploit the differences in physical properties between the valuable and the gangue materials, such as those of relative density, magnetic and surface properties. | |
26 | 他因在朝鲜的功勋而获得奖章。 | He won the medal for his exploit in Korea. | |
27 | 它是一种滥用权力,或县故意利用掌权者弱点的一种行为。 | It is built on the abuse of power, or on the other hand, as a deliberate attempt to exploit the weaknesses of those who hold power. | |
28 | 倘若战犯们及其阶级不能维持其实行压迫剥削的自由和骄奢淫逸的生活水准,和平有什么用呢? | What is the use of peace, if the war criminals and the classes to which they belong cannot preserve their freedom to oppress and exploit and cannot maintain their standard of lordly, luxurious, loose and idle living? | |
29 | 为了加速邮政的发展,现在必须利用一切手段加快邮政通信的传递速度,提高服务质量以及增强邮政的安全可靠性。 | Now, to speed up the development of posts, it is imperative to exploit every possible means to increase the speed of posts communication, to improve the quality of service and to enhance the security and reliability of posts. | |
30 | 为了实现这一目标,我们先分析宋先生的案例,看不诚实的人是如何利用缺乏国际商业活动经验的公司的。 | To accomplish this, we analyze Song’ s case, in which dishonest people exploit the naivety of people who lack experience in international business. |