1 | 第七条列入《管理商品目录》的商品,对外贸易经营者(包括中央企业,以下简称"经营者")应当在出口前向当地商务主管部门办理临时出口许可的审批手续,并申领许可证,凭许可证向海关办理报关验放手续。 | Article 7. For commodities listed in the Catalogue of Commodities subject to Administration, foreign trade operators (including enterprises under the Central Government, hereinafter referred to as ¡§operators¡¨)shall proceed with the examination and approval formalities with the local commerce authorities for temporary export licenses before the actual exportation , obtain licenses, and go to the customs to handle customs clearance formalities on the strength of the licenses. | |
2 | 第三、采取必要的措施,禁止被抢的文物在美国进口或出口,并要求其他国家作出同样的行动。 | Thirdly, it will take necessary steps to ensure that these stolen artefacts are banned from importation and exportation in US and request other countries to do the same | |
3 | 第三十八条对实行配额管理的限制出口货物,出口配额管理部门应当在每年 10 月 31 日前公布下一年度出口配额总量。 | Article 38 For the goods limited in exportation that are under the administration of quotas, the administrative departments of export quotas shall promulgate the total amount of export quotas for the next year at no later than October 31 of each year. | |
4 | 第三十六条国家规定有数量限制的限制出口货物,实行配额管理;其他限制出口货物,实行许可证管理。 | Article 36 Where there are quantitative limits of the state on the goods limited in exportation , the goods shall be subject to the administration of quotas, and other goods limited in importation shall be subject to the administration of licenses.. | |
5 | 第三十七条实行配额管理的限制出口货物,由国务院外经贸主管部门和国务院有关经济管理部门(以下统称出口配额管理部门)按照国务院规定的职责划分进行管理。 | Article 37 The goods limited in exportation that are under the administration of quotas shall be subject to the administration of the foreign trade department of the State Council and the relevant economic administrative departments of the State Council (hereinafter referred to as administrative departments of export quotas)on the basis of the functions and duties as provided by the State Council.. | |
6 | 第三十三条有对外贸易法第十七条规定情形之一的货物,禁止出口。 | Article 33 In any of the circumstances as provided in Article 17 of the Foreign Trade Law, the goods concerned shall be prohibited from exportation . | |
7 | 第三十四条属于禁止出口的货物,不得出口。 | Article 34 No goods that are prohibited from exportation may be exported. | |
8 | 第三十五条有对外贸易法第十六条第(一)、(二)、(三)、(七)项规定情形之一的货物,限制出口。 | Article 35 In any of the circumstances as provided in Clauses 1, 2, 3, and 7 of Article 16 of the Foreign Trade Law, the goods concerned shall be limited in exportation . | |
9 | 第十四条 未经审批机关批准,合同中不得含有限制受方利用引进技术生产的产品出口的条款。但属下列情况之一的除外: | Article 14 No provisions of restrictions on exportation of products manufactured by the recipient with the imported technology may be included in the contract without the approval of the competent authority, however, either of the following cases shall be excepted: | |
10 | 第四十八条 纳税义务人进出口减免税货物的,除另有规定外,应当在进出口该货物之前,按照规定持有关文件向海关办理减免税审批手续。 | Article 48. In cases where the taxpayers import or export goods, on which customs duties are exempted or reduced, they shall, unless otherwise specified, go to the customs with the related documents as specified to handle the examination and approval formalities related to the customs exemption and reduction, before the importation and exportation of the goods. | |
11 | 第四十三条 因品质或者规格原因,出口货物自出口之日起1年内原状复运进境的,不征收进口关税。 | Article 43. Import duties will not be levied on export goods that are returned without changing state due to quality or specification problems within one year, starting from the day of exportation of the goods. | |
12 | 第四十三条实行许可证管理的限制出口货物,出口经营者应当向国务院外经贸主管部门或者国务院有关部门(以下统称出口许可证管理部门)提出申请; | Article 43 For the goods limited in exportation that are subject to the administration of licenses, the export business operators shall file applications to the foreign trade department of the State Council or relevant departments of the State Council (hereinafter referred to as the administrative departments of export licenses). | |
13 | 第四条国家准许货物的自由进出口,依法维护公平、有序的货物进出口贸易。 | Article 4 The state allows the free importation and exportation of goods and maintains the fairness and orderliness of the import and export of goods according to law. | |
14 | 第五十三条外资企业生产的出口产品,除中国限制出口的以外,依照中国税法免征关税和工商统一税。 | Article 53 The export commodities produced by a foreign-capital enterprise, except those whose exportation is restricted by China, shall be exempted form Customs duties and consolidated industrial and commercial tax in accordance with the tax law of China. | |
15 | 第五条开发区企业出口产品的产值达到当年总产值 70%以上的,经税务机关核定,减按 10%的税率征收所得税。 | Article 5 The exportation of enterprises in Parks amounts to 70 per cent or more of its total output value of the year, the income tax shall be levied at a reduced rate of 10 per cent after being examined and approved by the tax authorities. | |
16 | 第一节禁止出口的货物 | Section I Goods Prohibited from Exportation | |
17 | 第一条根据《中华人民共和国对外贸易法》和《中华人民共和国行政许可法》,为加快我国纺织品出口增长方式转变 , 稳定纺织品出口经营秩序,制定本办法。 | Article 1. The measures is formulated in the line with the provisions of the Foreign Trade Law of the PRC and the Administrative Licensing Law of the PRC to accelerate the transformation of the way of growth of the country’s textiles export and stabilise the order of textiles exportation . | |
18 | 调整我国软件出口战略与政策的思考 | Considerations on the Adjusting of the Strategy and Policy of China’s Exportation of Software | |
19 | 对桂林市中药产品出口的思考 | A Consideration to the Exportation of the Products of the Traditional Chinese Medicines in Gui Lin City | |
20 | 对亚洲出口玉米 | The exportation of corn to Asia | |
21 | 对于假冒商标货物,主管机关不得允许侵权货物在未作改变的状态下再出口或对其适用不同的海关程序,但例外情况下除外。 | In regard to counterfeit trademark goods, the authorities shall not allow the re-exportation of the infringing goods in an unaltered state or subject them to a different customs procedure, other than in exceptional circumstances | |
22 | 纺织品出口临时管理办法(暂行) | Provisional Measures Governing Exportation of Textiles (Interim) | |
23 | 根据该条例,中国海关必须采取措施扣留那些被证明为侵犯受中国法律保护的商标权、专利权和版权的进出口货物。 | According to this legislation, China’s Customs offices must take measures to intercept importation or exportation of goods that were proved to be infringing the rights of trademarks, patents or copyrights legally protected in China | |
24 | 根据该条例,中国海关必须采取措施扣留那些被证明为侵犯受中国法律保护的商标权、专利权和版权的进出口货物。中国海关被授权检查任何被怀疑侵权的装运货物,并在证明属实的情况下没收货物。 | According to this legislation, China’s Customs offices must take measures to intercept importation or exportation of goods that were proved to be infringing the rights of trademarks, patents or copyrights legally protected in China. China’s Customs offices were granted authority to investigate any suspected shipment and confiscate the goods in case infringement was proved." | |
25 | 国家限制进出口的货物,没有进出口许可证的,不予放行,具体处理办法由国务院规定 | In the absence of an import or export license; goods whose importation or exportation is restricted by the State shall not Be released. Specific measures for handling such matters shall be enacted by the State Council. | |
26 | 后配额时代我国纺织品服装出口遭遇的特保措施及对策研究 | Special Safeguard against Chinese Textile and Apparel for Exportation in the Era of Post-quota against Them and Countermeasures | |
27 | 黄金出口是禁止的。 | The export / exportation of gold is forbidden. | |
28 | 或者运输、收购、贩卖国家限制进出口的货物、物品,数额较大,没有合法证明的。 | or to transport, purchase or sell without legal certification goods or articles whose importation or exportation is restricted By the State and which are in relatively large quantities or of a relatively high value. | |
29 | 技术性贸易壁垒对我国出口机电产品的影响与对策 | Effect of Technical Trade Barrier on Mechanical and Electrical Product Exportation and the Countermeasure Thereof | |
30 | 解决“三农”问题的重要途径―扩大农产品出口 | Key Solution for Three Rural Issues-Expanding Exportation of Agricultural Product |