1 | 运输费用的核实应仅与销售合同中列明的、出口国中运输方式的议定价格有关 | The verification of transportation charges shall relate only to the agreed price of the mode of transport in the country of exportation as indicated in the sales contract | |
2 | 在与被估价货物出口国以外的国家生产的类似进口货物可以作为海关估价的依据 | similar imported goods produced in a country other than the country of exportation of the goods being valued could be the basis for customs valuation | |
3 | 指定内陆起运地点的指定运输工具上交货 | FOB (named inland carrier at named inland point of departure)freight prepaid to (named point of exportation ) | |
4 | 指定内陆起运地点的指定运输工具上交货、运费预付到指定出口地点 | FOB (named inland carrier at named inland point of departure)freight prepaid to (named point of exportation ) | |
5 | 质检总局根据商务部的建议,授权上述部门负责有关纺织品临时出口的原产地证书签发工作。 | The AQSIQ shall, on the strength of recommendations given by the MOFCOM, authorise the above‑mentioned agencies to handle the issuance of certificates of place of origin of textiles for exportation . | |
6 | 中国对美国任何种植物、出产物或制造品的输入,以及由中国运往美国的任何物品,“不得加以任何禁止或限制”。 | "No prohibition or restriction shall be imposed" by China on the importation from the United States of any article grown, produced or manufactured in the United States, or on the exportation to the United States of any Chinese article | |
7 | 种子输出入检疫规定 | Quarantine Requirements for the Importation and Exportation of Seeds | |
8 | 装运前检验实体为核实出口价格而进行的价格比较应根据在相同或大致相同时间、根据竞争和可比的销售条件、符合商业惯例的自同一出口国供出口的相同或类似货物的一个或多个价格进行,并扣除任何适用的标准折扣。 | The preshipment inspection entity shall base its price comparison for the verification of the export price on the price(s)of identical or similar goods offered for export from the same country of exportation at or about the same time, under competitive and comparable conditions of sale, in conformity with customary commercial practices and net of any applicable standard discounts. | |
9 | 自从1978年10月13日新西兰首先给我国普惠制待遇以来,已证明普惠制对将我国的出口扩大到发达国家的市场并增加出品收入是十分有用的。 | The GSP has been proved useful and helpful for expanding our exportation to the markets of the developed countries and for increasing our export earnings since GSP treatment was first given by New Zealand on October 13, 1978. | |
10 | 自相关行政处罚决定生效之日起 1 年内禁止从事所有与临时出口许可管理产品相关的出口经营活动。 | and shall ban the violators from engaging in any exportation activities related to goods that are subject to temporary export licenses for a year starting from the day when the related administrative sanction enters into force. |