属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-食用油产业怎么了? What’s cooking?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国工业和水力压裂技术 从日落到新的黎明
1 | ||人们对植物油的两种主要原料棕榈和大豆需求在不断增加,而供应问题却严重影响了此种需求。就大豆而言,如何争取到更多的土地成为问题的关键。由于玉米高昂的价格优势,全球农产品出口居首位的美国及位居第二位的巴西正将目光投向玉米种植。|| | The effect of growing demand for the two main types of vegetable oil, palm and soya (see chart), is amplified by supply problems. In the case of soya, competition for land is the main concern.|| Farmers in America, the world’s top exporter , and Brazil, in second place, are switching to maize as sky-high prices make it more attractive.|| | |
2 | 甚至如果所有目前计划的设备开动了,这会使美国成为世界上最大的天然气输出国,美国的天然气价格也会以某种方式低于世界价格水平—可能不会多于每BTU6美元,麦肯锡公司说道。 | And even if all the currently planned facilities are opened, which would make America the world’s largest gas exporter , gas prices in America would still be some way below the world price—probably no more than 6 per BTU, says McKinsey. | |
3 | 2006年,这个国家从2005年的第五大钢铁量输出国,一跃成为全球最大的钢铁量输出国。 | In 2006, the country became the world’s largest steel exporter by volume, up from the fifth largest in 2005. | |
4 | 20世纪60年代,日本作为出口商,很快就成为低价和劣质的代名词。 | IN THE 1960s, when Japan emerged as a manufacturing exporter , it soon became a byword for low cost and low quality. | |
5 | Topline的保罗•斯托克(PaulStocker)说,要将中国取而代之谈何容易。Topline是一家在中国沿海城市有几十家合同工厂的鞋出口商。 | Paul Stocker of Topline, a shoe exporter with dozens of contract plants in coastal China, says there is no easy alternative to China. | |
6 | 阿富汗是世界上最大的海洛因输出国。 | Afghanistan is the worlds largest exporter of heroin. | |
7 | 阿富汗是头号鸦片与海洛因的出口国。这张图是该国混乱的一个缩影。 | Afghanistan is the No. 1 exporter of opium and heroin, and this picture is a microcosm of everything that can go wrong in a country. | |
8 | 阿根廷是葵花籽油的主要出口国,这一季的葵花籽产量有望达到280万公吨。 | Argentina is a leading exporter of sunflower oil, and it is seen producing 2. 8 million tonnes of sunseeds this season. | |
9 | 必和必拓——世界上最大的炼焦煤出口商,一直对昆士兰州洪水的影响守口如瓶。 | BHP, whose Queensland operations make it the world’s biggest coking coal exporter , has been tight-lipped on the effects of the floods. | |
10 | 波音飞机是世界上最大的飞机制造商,而且还是美国最大的出口商。 | Boeing is the world’s largest plane maker. It is also the US’s largest exporter . |