1 | 关中平原和俊秀的秦岭、巴山 | The extensive central Shan Xi plain and magnificent Qinling and Ba Shan Mountain | |
2 | 广开就业门路 | Create job opportunities on an extensive scale; open up new avenues of employment | |
3 | 合作医疗已经有了广大的发展。 | There is already an extensive cooperative medical service | |
4 | 和化学气相淀积工艺相反,虽然在操作中对于固体砷还是必须非常小心掌握,但是,分子束外延不需要庞大的安定保险装置。 | In contrast to the CVD process, MBE does not require the extensive safety precautions, although solid arsenic dopant must be handled carefully | |
5 | 荒地一大片未开垦的覆盖有草本植物和低矮灌木丛的开阔地;荒野 | An extensive tract of uncultivated open land covered with herbage and low shrubs;a moor. | |
6 | 回忆录对李光耀的治国才能、政治和国际外交的丰富经验有生动流畅的记载。 | The memoir is an eloquent chronicle of Lee Kuan Yew’s extensive experiences in statecraft, politics and international diplomacy | |
7 | 继续扩大对外交往,广交朋友,广泛建立联系,以加大民间交往中经济工作的比重。 | We will further increase the proportion of economic exchange in our nongovernmental contacts by continuing to expand our exchanges with foreign countries, making extensive friendship with foreigners, establishing more external contacts | |
8 | 结果,人们认为,执行管制方案会要求大量的厂家停工,并对一些大型工业造成严重的经济损失。 | As a result, it was thought, that implementation of the statutory scheme would require extensive plant closures and cause severe economic injury to some major industries | |
9 | 进一步的研究揭示出:部分原子质量常是同位素的混合物。 | Extensive research has shown that fractional atomic masses always mean mixture of isotopes | |
10 | 可由不同的手册得到广泛数据。 | Extensive data can be found in various handbooks | |
11 | 课题的内容是如此地广泛,以至进行全面阐述并非人力所能。 | The subject matter is so extensive that full coverage is not humanly possible | |
12 | 扩大就业门路 | Open up new avenues of employment; create job opportunities on an extensive scale | |
13 | 拉斯穆森,努德·约翰·维克托1879-1933丹麦种族学家和北极考察者,曾对爱斯基摩文化和传统作过认真研究 | Danish ethnologist and Arctic explorer who conducted extensive research on Eskimo culture and heritage. | |
14 | 孟菲斯埃及一古老城市,位于开罗以南。据说该城是由统一埃及的第一位国王美尼斯建立的,在亚历山大大帝占领埃及之前它一直保持原状。该地遗物包括大面积的史前坟墓 | An ancient city of Egypt south of Cairo.Reputedly founded by Menes,the first king of united Egypt,it retained its primacy until the conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great.Its remains include an extensive necropolis. | |
15 | 密西西比的属于或处于古生代第五世的地质年代的、或该年代的岩石系统的或沉积物的,这一地质时代以大量陆地沉入浅海为特征 | Of,belonging to,or being the geologic time,system of rocks,and sedimentary deposits of the fifth period of the Paleozoic Era,characterized by the submergence of extensive land areas under shallow seas. | |
16 | 莫斯科电视为撤军做了广泛的报导,一则苏联电视报导说车队曾受攻击,但是并未提供细节。 | Moscow television carried extensive coverage of the pullout. A Soviet television correspondence said the convoy had come under fire but did not provide details. | |
17 | 纳瓦霍族居住亚利桑那,新墨西哥和犹他州东南部的美洲印第安人。是美国同时期的美洲印第安人部落中人口最稠密的。纳瓦霍族人以豢养家禽,技术熟练的纺织者,制陶者和银匠而著名 | A Native American people inhabiting extensive reservation lands in Arizona,New Mexico,and southeast Utah.The most populous of contemporary Native American groups in the United States,the Navajo are noted as stockbreeders and skilled weavers,potters,and silversmiths. | |
18 | 你瞧,有一些成功的因素是要以像试管里的物质那样被精确测量的,而人们发现,获得杰出成贵州省的一个最普遍的要素就是“大量而准确地掌握英语词汇”。 | You see,there are certain factors in success that can be measured as scientifically as the contents of a test-tube,and it has been discovered that the most common characteristic of outstanding success is"an extensive knowledge of the exact meaning of E | |
19 | 农业粗放经营 | extensive management of agriculture | |
20 | 平原一片广阔的、水平的且通常无树的土地 | An extensive ,level,usually treeless area of land. | |
21 | 其中有两座大碉堡就建在湖边,一面的墙脚被冲刷着,另外的几面和拐角处,则围着一条很深的壕沟和一片开阔的沼泽地。 | Two of the sweeping bastions appeared to rest on the water which washed their base, while a deep ditch and extensive morasses guarded its other sides and angles | |
22 | 然而地球的辽阔水面都不是平面。 | But an extensive water surface is not two-dimensional | |
23 | 人民政府组织了对灾民的大规模的救济工作,在许多地方进行了大规模的水利建筑工作。 | The People’s Government has organized extensive relief for the victims and in many places has initiated large-scale water conservancy work | |
24 | 上海位于长江口南岸广阔的冲积平原上,大约在7000万年以前,这里是荒芜的山丘。 | Some seventy million years ago, what we today call Shanghai, now situated on the alluvial plains at the mouth of the Yangtse River, were extensive stretches of wasteland with some hillocks and ridges | |
25 | 深入扎实地开展群众性精神文明创建活动 | Extensive public participation activities are launched to promote cultural and ethical progress. | |
26 | 实现两个根本性转变,即计划经济向市场经济转变,以及由粗放型模式向集约型模式转变 | Realize two fundamental shifts, i.e., from the planned economy to the market economy and from the mode of being extensive to that of being intensive | |
27 | 世界经济日益走向一体化,跨国公司影响越来越广泛,知识经济、网络经济时代正在到来 | The world economy is increasingly integrated with each passing day. Transnational corporations have exerted more and more extensive influence and the age of knowledge-based economy and on-line economy is looming near | |
28 | 双方的答辩和反驳太广泛了,不能在这里叙述。 | The replies and rebuttals on both sides are too extensive to relate here | |
29 | 所以我们无论对干部和人民群众,都要广泛地持久地进行无产阶级的民族政策教育,并且要对汉族和少数民族的关系经常注意检查。 | So we have to make extensive and sustained efforts to educate both the cadres and the masses in our proletarian nationality policy and make a point of frequently reviewing the relationship between the Han nationality and the minority nationalities | |
30 | 他从他的丰富词汇中挑出所有难听的话来骂她。 | He ransacked an extensive vocabulary in order to find opprobrious names to call her |