1 | 350牛顿米的最大扭矩和180千瓦的输出功率为时髦的外观注入了强劲的内在气质。 | A maximum torque of 350 Nm and output of 180 kW gives the stylish exterior a perfect blend of finesse and searing performance. | |
2 | BMW 6系双门汽车将众多颜色中最好的10种选取出来 | Ten of the finest make up the exterior colours for the BMW 6 Series coupe. | |
3 | BMW新的总部大楼终于赶在1972年奥动会之前峻工了。 | The exterior of the new BMW head office is finished on time for the 1972 Olympic Games. | |
4 | 保管方应按照合同规定的包装外观、货物品种、数量的质量,对入库货物进行验收,如果发现入库货物与合同规定不符。应及时通知存货方。 | The safekeeping party shall inspect the goods to be put into storage in accordance with the provisions of the contract concerning the packaging exterior and the type, quantity and quality of the goods, and, if it discovers that the goods to be put into storage do not conform to the provisions of the contract, it shall promptly notify the storing party. | |
5 | 北影摄制组下个月去外地拍外景。 | The production unit of the Beijing Film Studio will leave Beijing for other parts of the country to film the exterior next month | |
6 | 本房产公司销售新型别墅。外观简洁明畅,内部豪华舒适,售价合理,欢迎选购。 | These newly-designed villas our real estate sells have neat and clean exterior and luxurious and comfortable interior. Prices are reasonable, and you are welcome to inspect and purchase. | |
7 | 本药解表通里,治疗感冒有特效。 | This drug has a specially good effect of remedying cold by relieving exterior syndrome and removing obstruction due to interior syndrome. | |
8 | 别介意他表现粗野,其实他心地很善良. | Don’t beput off by his gruff exterior ;he’s really very kind underneath. | |
9 | 布赖姆洛成了谈判中必不可少的一员。他真诚而又镇静。这位地道的文职人员和善的外表无法完全掩饰他的深邃的智慧。 | Cherubic, unflappable, not quite successful in obscuring his penetrating intelligence behind the bland exterior of the perfect civil servant, Brimelow became an indispensable part of the negotiations | |
10 | 从表面上看,他似乎小有成就,因为在那次事件以后、他的境况已大为改善。 | It would seem that he had successed indifferently well, for his exterior circumstances appeared, inconsequence of this event, to have been much mended | |
11 | 电动电热后视镜带内嵌式转向灯 | Heated and electric adjusted exterior mirrors with integrated indicator | |
12 | 电动折叠外部后视镜,左及右 | Electrically folding exterior mirrors left and right | |
13 | 电脉冲被送到表层细胞。 | An electrical impulse is sent to the exterior cells | |
14 | 独立基脚、墩或桩支撑的混凝土梁可能放在地面高度来支撑外墙,特别是没有地下室的建筑物。 | A concrete grade beam supported by isolated footings, piers, or piles may be placed at ground level, especially in a building without a basement, to support the exterior wall. | |
15 | 队伍横越过巴黎市区以后,穿过寺院路,然后离开郊外的马路,到达坟场。 | Having crossed Paris, it passed through the Faubourg du Temple, then leaving the exterior boulevards, it reached the cemetery | |
16 | 而特别的外部结构的随变性使车身受到冲击时可降低其加速度。 | Limited exterior structural compliance, however, is desirable to reduce the acceleration of collision experienced by the body. | |
17 | 飞檐一堵外墙上凸起的水平表面或连续的条板;束带层 | A raised horizontal surface or continuous band on an exterior wall;a stringcourse. | |
18 | 扶垛:建筑中,自墙面凸出的砖石砌体,用以加固墙身或抵抗由拱或屋顶所产生的横向推力。 | Buttress: Exterior support, usually of masonry, projecting from the face of a wall and serving to strengthen it or resist outward thrust from an arch or roof. | |
19 | 感染能从外界经引流管逆行播散。 | Infection can spread retrograde down a drain from the exterior | |
20 | 给房子的外墙刷油漆 | Paint the exterior walls of a house | |
21 | 工程机械定置试验条件下机外辐射噪声的测定 | Measurement of exterior noise emitted by earth moving machinery--Stationary test conditions | |
22 | 工程机械动态试验条件下机外辐射噪声的测定 | Measurement of exterior noise emitted by earth moving machinery--Dynamic test conditions | |
23 | 工业产权的转让或者许可合同是指涉及发明专利权、实用新型专利权、外观设计专利权以及商标权的转让或者许可的合同。 | This type of contract refers to a contract which involves the assignment or licensing of an invention patent, a patent for usage rights to a new pattern, an exterior design patent or a trademark. | |
24 | 果实表皮光滑,外部肉质、多汁,内部则形成坚硬的核。可经干燥或已干燥而不引起发酵的李品种称作prune。 | The smooth-skinned fruit has a fleshy, juicy exterior and a hard interior stone or pit. Plum varieties that can be or have been dried without resulting in fermentation are called prunes. | |
25 | 横木木结构建筑物中覆盖外墙壁骨的水平构件,屋横椽被支撑在它的上面 | In wood-frame construction, a horizontal member, capping the exterior wall studs, upon which the roof rafters rest. | |
26 | 红外辐射加热器尺寸、形状及外观的检测方法 | Detecting method for size,shape and exterior of infrared heater | |
27 | 花为粉红色或白色,单生或丛生。果外部肉质、多汁,为可食部分;里面部分质硬,称为核。 | Pink or white flowers grow singly or clustered. The fleshy, juicy exterior of the fruit is edible; the hard interior is called the stone or pit. | |
28 | 灰泥装饰:室内外的装饰灰泥,可作立体装饰、光滑的油漆表面或壁画的湿底面。 | Stucco: Exterior or interior plasterwork used as three-dimensional ornamentation, as a smooth paintable surface, or as a wet ground for fresco painting. | |
29 | 混合油漆:白色和浅色漆(外部用) | primer paint: ready-mixed, undercoat for wood, exterior , white and light tints | |
30 | 混凝土、砖外部用复合漆 | paint, oil, exterior concrete and masonary |