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属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-进军海外 以强势日元攻破海外市场
1 | 在日本三天,就已经使脊椎骨变得富有弹性了。 | After three days in Japan,the spinal column becomes extraordinarily flexible. | |
2 | 照相机是一个多么不可信的骗子呀 | How extraordinarily slippery a liar the camera is | |
3 | 照相机是一个多么不可信的骗子呀(詹姆斯·艾吉) | How extraordinarily slippery a liar the camera is(James Agee) | |
4 | 这一天,大街上格外热闹,到处张灯结彩,各种漂亮的灯笼呈现出中国传统的文化特色。 | The streets are also extraordinarily busy, decorated with numerous lanterns and colourful streamers, and various beautiful lanterns characterized by the traditional Chinese cultural features. | |
5 | 真是粗鲁得出奇。 | How extraordinarily rude. | |
6 | 治愈两例特重度烧伤的临床体会 | Clinical Experience in Treating 2 Cases of Extraordinarily Severe Burn | |
7 | 治愈一例特重度浓硫酸烧伤的临床体会 | Clinical Experience in Curing a Case of Extraordinarily Severe Sulfuric Acid Burn | |
8 | 中国社会福利制度是指政府出资为那些生活困难的老人、孤儿和残疾人等特殊困难群体提供生活保障而建立的制度。 | The social welfare system is a system established by the Chinese government to provide funds to ensure the livelihood of senior citizens, orphans and the handicapped persons who are in extraordinarily straitened circumstances | |
9 | 中国玉雕艺术品,玲珑剔透,精美异常。 | The Chinese art jade carvings are exquisitely wrought and extraordinarily beautiful. | |
10 | 走私货物、物品偷逃应缴税额在五十万元以上的,处十年以上有期徒刑或者无期徒刑,并处偷逃应缴税额一倍以上五倍以下罚金或者没收财产 | Offenses of an extraordinarily serious nature shall be punished with imprisonment of over 10 years or life imprisonment, with a fine of over 100 percent but less than 500 percent of the evaded taxes, or forfeiture of property. | |
11 | ||1:更为严重的是艾德马和他的朋友设立私人监狱。||2:与此一起曝光的还有他的酷刑室, 8个俘虏,手脚被绑,套上头罩,一些人倒悬室内。阿富汗人说艾德马刑讯逼供,是为了领取赏金。||3:他说他的行为得到了五角大楼的同意,甚至是拉姆斯菲尔德的首肯。||4:但他却受到了审判,被判刑十年。||5:在臭名昭著的Pul-e-Charkhi监狱度过三年异常舒坦的日子,卡尔扎伊莫名其妙地赦免了他。 | ||1:Far more serious was the private prison run by Mr Idema and his friends.||2:When it was discovered, complete with torture chamber and eight captives, bound and hooded, some hanging by their feet, the Afghans said Mr Idema was trying to extract information that would lead to bounties.||3:He said it had all been okayed by the Pentagon, even by Donald Rumsfeld.||4:But he was tried nonetheless and given ten years.||5:After three, spent in extraordinarily comfortable conditions in the notorious Pul-e-Charkhi jail, he was inexplicably pardoned by President Hamid Karzai. | |
12 | ||1:尽管经济需要重振雄风,但是欧元区的中长期复苏乏力,这其中运转不佳的银行是主要原因。||2:欧洲央行最近调查预测欧元区今年的GDP增量为0.6%,低于去年,而明年的增长率也仅为0.9%。||3:微弱的复苏似乎不能使就业状况好转,尤其是在欧洲南部失业率居高不下的国家。||4:衰退的结束会鼓舞欧盟的领导人,但是谁敢说危机结束了呢?||5:疲软的增势仍然让欧元区极易陷入社会不满与政治不满中。 | ||1: Even with so much lost ground to make up, the medium-term outlook is for a lacklustre recovery in the euro area, which will continue to be held back by its dodgy banks. ||2: Forecasters recently surveyed by the European Central Bank expected on average that euro-zone GDP for the whole of 2013 would be 0.6% lower than in 2012; and that it would grow by only 0.9% in 2014. ||3: A tepid recovery is unlikely to do much for the unemployed, especially those in southern Europe where joblessness rates are extraordinarily high. ||4: The end of the recession will give fresh heart to European leaders, who can (again) proclaim that the worst of the crisis is over. ||5: But weak growth will still leave the euro area vulnerable to social and political discontent. | |
13 | ||1:尽管有上述一切措施,货币状况依然十分宽松,摩根大通表示,新兴市场的实际利率(名义利率减核心消费价格通胀率)达到2000年以来的最低点。||2:核心消费价格通胀率(不包括食品和能源价格)保持在2008年水平以下。||3:但是警惕是需要的。||4:最终,持续的经济过热和货币贬值将造成麻烦。 | ||1:For all that, monetary conditions remain extraordinarily loose.According to JPMorgan Chase, real policy rates in emerging economies—the official interest rate minus core consumer-price inflation—are at their lowest level since 2000.||2:Core consumer-price inflation (which excludes food and energy prices) remains below its 2008 levels.||3:But vigilance is needed.||4:A continuation of booming growth and cheap money will cause trouble in the end. | |
14 | ||1:新的GDP数据还表明,欧元区经济增长呈现颓势,尤其是它对德国强烈的依赖--德国在第一季度的增速为0.7%。||2:经济恶化不仅是因为这个增长速度已经不复存在了,还因为极低的通胀水平。||3:七月份的通胀水平仅为0.4%,远远低于欧洲中央银行(ECB)设立的略低于2%的目标。||4:持续的低通胀水平让人担忧欧洲可能即将进入通货紧缩期。||5:西班牙以及其他三个欧元区国家的物价早已经开始下降了。 | ||1:The new GDP figures are yet more evidence that the euro-zone economy is in a bad way, not least since it has come to rely so heavily upon Germany, which had grown by 0.7% in the first quarter.||2:It is not only that growth is evaporating; inflation is also extraordinarily low.||3:In July it was only 0.4%, far below the target of just below 2% set by the European Central Bank (ECB).||4:Consistently low inflation has prompted fears that Europe will soon slide into deflation.||5:Prices are already falling in Spain and three other euro-zone countries. | |
15 | 同时,幸亏其他发达国家的经济危机,日元非常地坚挺。 | At the same time, thanks to crises elsewhere in the rich world, the yen is extraordinarily strong. | |
16 | ‘继母’叫劳拉,那时只有18岁,非常年轻但是那种非常聪明、有能力的女人。 | His second human mother was Laura, only 18 at the time, extraordinarily young, but a very bright, capable woman. | |
17 | “它是非常幸运的,”多尔蒂说。“它是我认为一个伟大的历史环境,我们必须利用。” | "It is extraordinarily lucky, " Doherty says. "It is I think one of the great historical circumstances that we have to take advantage of. " | |
18 | 1850年的美国在各个地区有不同的政治结构,各种矛盾也不少。 | The U. S. was an extraordinarily different place politically in 1850, but it didn’t lack contradictions. | |
19 | 毕竟,一鸟在手——办公软件就是那只能获得超过60%极大利润率的鸟。 | A bird in the hand, after all -- and Office is a bird that generates extraordinarily spacious profit margins exceeding 60%. | |
20 | 程序员已经让电脑变成了相当强大的工具,虽然它不会说话,但它相当聪明。 | Programmers have turned computers from extraordinarily powerful but fundamentally dumb tools, into tools with smarts. | |
21 | 除非价格高的离谱,很难看到力拓会弃增股而选投资,而这也是艰难的。 | Unless the price is extraordinarily high, it is hard to see why Rio would prefer this to a rights issue, however arduous. | |
22 | 此外,教育水平和国家收入水平之间存在高度的同时期的特别关联。 | Moreover, education has an extraordinarily high contemporaneous relationship with national income levels . | |
23 | 大阪大学机器人学家石黑浩制造了他自己的机器双胞胎,以考察人们在面对格外逼真的机器时作何反应。 | Roboticist Hiroshi Ishiguro of Osaka University built his own mechanical twin to see how humans react to extraordinarily lifelike machines. | |
24 | 但Bosworth指出美国“仍然是一个相当富裕的社会,相对于其他国家美国人仍保持着强烈的消费欲望。” | "is still an extraordinarily rich society where Americans maintain outsize consumption ’needs’ relative to other societies. " | |
25 | 但美国航天航空局希望这个望远镜格外敏感的探测器会探测到与地球更像的世界。 | But the US space agency (Nasa) hopes that the telescope’s extraordinarily sensitive detectors will lead it to worlds ever more like our own. | |
26 | 但是销量的增长速度还是过于缓慢,取消赎回权会不断妨碍待售住房总量的下降。 | But the pace of sales remains extraordinarily low, and foreclosures will continue to prevent a faster decline in inventory. | |
27 | 但是也有非一般的技术难度以及需要很好的想象力和创意。 | But also extraordinarily difficult technically and requiring great imagination and ingenuity. | |
28 | 但这次我还想到,丽江古城堪称一个设计精美、管理完善的主题公园,有点像迪士尼乐园。 | But what occurs to me this time is that it is also an extraordinarily well designed and managed theme park. . . not unlike Disneyland. | |
29 | 但这却给美国的太阳能产品制造商带来了毁灭性的打击。 | But it’s also making it extraordinarily difficult for American solar manufacturers to compete. | |
30 | 当然了,它们是非常好的媒介,传达了我们希望公布的有关保护栖息地的信息。 | And of course they are an extraordinarily good vehicle for the messages we want to put out on habitat conservation. |