属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-讣告:著名评书艺术家单田芳逝世 享年84岁(2)
1 | 〞我不能去看电影,我很忙很忙。〞 | I can’t go to the movie--I’m up to my eyebrow . | |
2 | 餐厅是为12个人摆设的(虽然很明显,只须主人一个眼色,穿梭于铺着地毯的各厅之间的一批佣人可以为多出一倍的人作好摆设)。 | The dining room is laid for a dozen (although it’s clear that the legions of servants who glide through the carpeted hails could set up for twice that number at the raising of an eyebrow ) | |
3 | 成人眼睑毛发编织瘤 | Pilomatricoma of the Eyelid and Eyebrow in an Adult Male | |
4 | 呈拱形的扬起的眉毛 | The arch of a raised eyebrow . | |
5 | 假眉,人或动物毛发或纪念品物制(不包括欢庆用物品) | false eyebrow ,of human or animal hair or of textiles (excl. carnival articles) | |
6 | 她的眉毛画得很好。 | Her eyebrow is well penciled. | |
7 | 眉埋线结合重睑术治疗中青年上睑皮肤松弛 | Thread-burying in Eyebrow Combined with Double Eyelid Construction in Treatment of Upper Eyelid Cutis Laxa in the middle-aged and Young | |
8 | 眉延:伸于眼睛上弓的骨骼突出的隆起. | Eyebrow :The bony ridge extending over the eye. | |
9 | 女推销员疑惑的扬扬眉毛,提高了嗓门。 | The saleswoman raised an eyebrow skeptically; her voice sharpened | |
10 | 他扬起眉头表示不赞成。 | He showed his disapproval by raising an eyebrow . | |
11 | 他一只眉毛扬了扬,似乎既感到吃惊,又觉有趣。 | With an eyebrow raised, he seemed divided between surprise and amusement | |
12 | 他一只眉毛扬了扬,似乎既感到吃惊,又觉有趣。 | With an eyebrow raised,he seemed divided between surprise and amusement. | |
13 | 抬起眉头回应这个愚蠢的问题 | cocked an eyebrow in response to a silly question. | |
14 | 痛苦,羞耻,愤怒,烦躁,嫌恶,憎恨,似乎一下子都在他那浓眉下扩大的瞳孔里战栗地冲突起来。 | Pain, shame, ire, impatience, disgust, detestation, seemed momentarily to hold a quivering conflict in the large pupil dilating under his ebon eyebrow | |
15 | 托罗多夫一开始打得不错,在第一回合将莫亚眉毛处打裂了一个口子。 | Todorov got off t0 a good start,splitting Moya’s eyebrow in the first round. | |
16 | 威尔逊太太不屑地把眉毛一扬,否定了这句恭维话。 | Mrs. Wilson rejected the compliment by raising her eyebrow in distain | |
17 | 我不能去看电影,我很忙很忙。 | I can not go to the movie--I am up to my eyebrow . | |
18 | 我可以毫不费力地囊括十墩牌。 | I can wrap up 10 tricks without lifting an eyebrow . | |
19 | 伊罗费洛夫被裁判判赢。他的眉毛上贴了胶布。 | Erofailov is awarded the Bout by the referee. He has a Bandage on his eyebrow . | |
20 | 疑惑地耸起了眉毛 | raised a speculative eyebrow . | |
21 | 以颞岛皮瓣重建眉部因转移性食道癌切除后之缺损-病例报告及文献回顾 | Reconstruction of Eyebrow with Temporal Island Flap after Excision of Metastatic Esophageal Carcinoma-A Case Report and Literature Review | |
22 | 用切、提眉术修复不良文眉及改善眉周皮肤老化症的体会 | Resecting and Lifting Eyebrow Can Retain the Face Aging and the Failure of Tattooing on the Eyebrows | |
23 | 这个人身材瘦小,头发已经灰白,那大概是受苦和忧虑的结果而不是由于年龄的原因,眼睛深陷有神,几乎被那灰色的眉毛所掩没了,一把又长又黑的胡子一直垂到胸前。 | He was a man of small stature, with hair blanched rather by suffering and sorrow than by age and he had a deep-set, penetrating eye, almost buried beneath the thick gray eyebrow , and a long (and still black)beard reaching down to his breast | |
24 | 重建眉毛及上眼睑的新方法:带鬓毛的耳前游离皮瓣 | A New Method of Extensive Eyebrow and Upper Eyelid Reconstruction: The Hairy Pre-auricular Cutaneous Free Flap | |
25 | 作为我们这个旅行团中第一个尝试的人,我被安排坐在一个拍照亭里,我按摄影师的要求将脑袋扭向了合适的角度并抬了抬眉头,他按动了快门儿。 | The first in our group to have a go, I was seated in a photographic booth and, after tilting my head at an appropriate angle and lifting an eyebrow at the cameraman’s request, he snapped away | |
26 | 《白眉大侠》中的公正无私的包公, | or the "White-Eyebrow Hero" Lord Bao, China’s most righteous judge, | |
27 | ||1:Tom Fort的书以一条常被使用的英国公路命名,并且有着更为流畅的内容:优雅的笔触,带着些冷幽默,使读者在读到交通部长失败的“聪明解决方案”时扬起眉毛。||2:他的目的是为了展现了风景的特殊的美丽,特别是索尔兹伯里原野和巨石阵。||3:Fort是一个富有魅力且极具知识的向导,他可以与牧羊人一起居住在山丘上,也可以与性情古怪的古玩收藏家一起居住在庄园中。他也可以向你讲述无边草甸的古老制度或是喜钙的花朵或蝴蝶的常用名。||4:这些都足够使威尔特郡成为你下一次度假的目的地。 | ||1:Tom Fort’s book, named for a well-used English road, is a smoother ride: elegantly written, with a dry humour and an eyebrow raised at the failed “smart solutions” of transport ministers.||2:His object is to reveal the special beauty of the landscape, particularly Salisbury Plain[ and Stonehenge (pictured).||3:Mr Fort is a charming and knowledgeable guide, who can people the hills with shepherds, and the manors and rectories with eccentric antiquarians; who can tell you about an ancient system for flooding water meadows or the common names of chalk-loving flowers and butterflies.||4:It is enough to make Wiltshire your next holiday destination. | |
28 | ||1:美容杂志《吸引》报道,心形成为新一轮化妆热潮。||2:许多艺术家在眉毛上修出心形,将创意眉毛艺术带上新台阶。||3:《吸引》杂志表示,“我们说不清是喜欢还是……没那么喜欢”。||4:这项技术需要“眉毛精心修饰过,并在眉峰修出一个心形的小洞。”||5:据报道,心形眉是一种时髦装饰设计,这种设计还包括花体眉毛,羽毛眉毛,铁丝网眉毛。 | ||1:According to Allure, one of the newest makeup trends involves a matter of the heart.||2:Some artists have taken creative eyebrows to another level by carving heart shapes into their brows.||3:Allure admits, "We can’t decide if we love or...not so much?"||4:The technique involves a "perfectly groomed eyebrow with a little heart-shaped hole carved into the peak of the arch."||5:According to reports, heart brows are part of a growing list of trendy, decorative designs that include squiggle, feather and even barbed wire eyebrows. | |
29 | “是什么?”老接生婆问,拱起眉毛。 | "What is that? " asked the midwife, arching her eyebrow . | |
30 | 25年前如果一个外国人与中国人谈恋爱简直就是不可想象的,将会是非常稀奇和招致非议的事情,可是现在这都很常见了。 | Just 25 years ago a foreigner dating a Chinese citizen would have been unthinkable and was a rare, eyebrow -raising event. Now it’s common. |