属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-纳米技术 生物工厂
1 | 人源抗-HBs Fab与IFN-α融合蛋白的克隆与原核表达 | Construction and Prokaryotic Expression of Fusion Protein Consisting of IFN-α and Fab of Antibody against HBsAg | |
2 | 人源日本血吸虫Fab抗体库的构建及抗独特型抗体的筛选、鉴定 | Screening and Identification of a Human Fab Antibody against Idiotypic Antibody from a phage-display Library of Schistosoma Japonicum | |
3 | 石棉垫单面潜弧焊 | flux asbesto backing welding (F.A.B.) | |
4 | 双功能螯合剂BAT与鼠IgG1 Fab’片段的点特异性交联方法的研究 | Site-Specific Conjugation of Bifunctional Chelator BAT to Mouse IgG1 Fab ’ Fragment | |
5 | 虽然辣妹们一直被与甲壳虫乐队作比较--就唱片销量而言,她们出道早期就超过了那个“绝妙的四人组合”----但是在作曲的能力方面,辣妹中却没有一个能与约翰·列农相提并论,也没有一个人能与保罗·麦卡特尼媲美。 | Although constantly compared to the beatles--in terms of records sold, early in their careers they were outselling the Fab Four-none of the Spice Girls was a John Lennon nor a Paul McCartney in terms of their ability to write music | |
6 | 台积公司目前拥有两座最先进的十二吋晶圆厂、五座八吋晶圆厂以及一座六吋晶圆厂。公司总部、晶圆二厂、三厂、五厂、七厂和晶圆十二厂等各厂皆位于新竹科学园区,而晶圆六厂以及十四厂则位于台南科学园区。此外,台积公司亦有来自其转投资子公司美国WaferTech公司、台积电(上海有限公司)以及新加坡合资SSMC公司充沛的产能支持。 | TSMC operates two advanced 300mm wafer fab , five 8-inch wafer fabs, and one 6-inch wafer fab. Fab operations are centralized in Taiwan, primarily in HsinChu Science Park and Tainan Science park. TSMC fabs are also located in Camas, Washington (WaferTech), Singapore (SSMC, a joint venture with Philips Semiconductors), and in Shanghai China. | |
7 | 特种机织物、簇绒织物、花边、壁毯、装饰带、刺绣品 | Special woven fab ; tufted tex fab; lace; tapestries etc. | |
8 | 斜纹夜盗虫(Spodoptera litura Fab.)之寄生蜂 | Hymenopterous Parasitoids of Spodoptera Litura Fab . | |
9 | 斜纹夜蛾抗溴氰菊酯品系的相对适合度和抗性遗传方式研究 | Relative Fitness and Inheritance Mode of Deltamethrin Resistance in Common Cutworm, Spodoptera litura (Fab .) | |
10 | 一步亲和纯化制备基因工程人源抗HBs单克隆抗体Fab片段 | Affinity Purification of Engineered Human Monoclonal Antibody HBs Fab Fragments | |
11 | 用聚氧乙烯浸渍、涂布、包覆或层压的其他纺织物 | Textile fab impregnatd, ctd, cov, or laminatd w polyvinyl chloride, nes | |
12 | 用其他材料浸渍、涂布或包覆的纺织物;已绘制画布(如,舞台布景等) | Textile fab impreg, ctd, cov nes; paintd canvas (e.g.theatrical scenery) | |
13 | 在不断变化又充满各种精心推销的趋势和争议的音乐界,Fab Four四人乐队是一支乐坛常青树,他们无可否认的影响力再一次发挥了作用。 | The undeniable force of the Fab Four, a musical constant in the everchanging sea of carefully marketed trends and controversy, is once again in play | |
14 | 重组人抗HBsAg Fab抗体的纯化方法比较研究 | Study on the Purification of Recombinant Human anti-HBsAg Fab Fragment | |
15 | 重组人抗HBsAg-Fab阻断肝移植后HBV再感染的体外研究 | The Recombinant Antibody HBsAg-Fab of Hepatitis B Virus to Block Hepatitis B Reinfection after Liver Transplantation: A Research in Vitro | |
16 | 重组人抗HBs-Fab抗体的纯化及结构分析 | Purification and Analysis of Structure of Fab Fragment of Recombinant Human Anti-HBs | |
17 | ||1:半个世纪以来,计算机产业发展的本质就是花钱更少,成事更多。||2:摩尔定律的著名论断是:能够放入某空间内的晶体管数量每18个月翻一番。||3:储存的数据也有着类似的增长速率,但是随着部件越来越小,它们的制造难度和成本也逐渐增加。||4: 5月10日,美国芯片巨头因特尔总裁兼CEOPaul Otellini宣布将花费上百亿美元建设新工厂。 | ||1: FOR half a century, the essence of progress in the computer industry has been to do more with less. ||2: Moore’s law famously observes that the number of transistors which can be crammed into a given space doubles every 18 months. ||3: The amount of data that can be stored has grown at a similar rate. Yet as components get smaller, making them gets harder and more expensive. ||4: On May 10th Paul Otellini, the boss of Intel, a big American chipmaker, put the price of a new chip factory (known as a fab ) at around $10 billion. | |
18 | 生物工厂 | A fab result | |
19 | 生物工厂。 | A fab result. | |
20 | 这种方法的好处就是不用像因特尔那样如此资源密集地去建造新工厂, | The advantage of this approach is that it might not be so capital-intensive as building a fab . | |
21 | 这种方法的好处就是不用像因特尔那样如此资源密集地去建造新工厂,在制造不断发展的产品时也不需要同样多的设备,所以,如果这种调整可以成功的话,"生物技术"将会有一个全新的定义。 | The advantage of this approach is that it might not be so capital-intensive as building a fab . Growing things does not need as much kit as making them. If the tweaking could be done, therefore, the result might give the word "biotechnology" a whole new meaning. | |
22 | 20世纪60年代的四无量心的主见是正确的:你所需要的就是爱;或者对爱的记忆,更或者仅仅是一些美好的故事。 | The (other) Fab Four from the 1960s were right: All you need is love; or memories of love, or even a few good stories. | |
23 | FAB与WHO对骨髓增生异常综合征的分型比较与分析 | Comparison and analyse FAB classification of myelodysplastic syndrome with WHO classification of myelodysplastic syndrome | |
24 | FAB质谱图在中药品种鉴定上的应用 | Identification of Chinese Herb Drugs with FAB Mass Spectra | |
25 | 半导体生产线群体智能调度模型研究 | Research on Swarm Intelligence Based Scheduling Model for Semiconductor Wafer Fab | |
26 | 布拉德福德·谢尔哈默Fab共同创始人兼首席创意官 | BRADFORD SHELLHAMMER Cofounder, Chief Creative Officer, Fab | |
27 | 从噬菌体抗体库中筛选D二聚体特异的Fab抗体 | Panning of D-Dimer Specific Fab Antibody From a Phage Antibody Library | |
28 | 大肠癌相关抗体Fab段噬菌体呈现库的表达和活性鉴定 | Expression and identification of phage display library for Fab fragments of colorectal cancer-related antibodies | |
29 | 但是,正如这些显微镜下的照片所展示的那样,在芯片工厂中并非只有商业。 | But it’s not all business inside a chip fab , as these microscope photos reveal. | |
30 | 该公司将在纽约州建立工厂,也许有一天在海湾国家。 | The company will build a fab in New York state and perhaps one day in the Gulf state. |