1 | 海洋运输船舶机修设备配备基本定额 | Standard of machine tools facility and outfits for the machinery of ships | |
2 | 缓冲储存资金供应办法;缓冲储存贷款 | buffer stock financing facility | |
3 | 会话服务的一种设施,该设施可使表示层实体定义和标识同步点,将话路连接复位到预定状态以及在重新同步点同步。 | A facility of the session-service which allows presentation-entities to define and identify synchronization points and to reset a session-connection to a predefined state and to agree on a resynchronization point | |
4 | 将产生严重污染的生产设备转移给没有污染防治能力的单位使用的。 | Tansferring a production facility that causes severe pollution for use by a unit that is unable to prevent and control pollution. | |
5 | 交互计算和控制设备;交互计算与控制程序 | interactive computing and control facility (ICCF) | |
6 | 她学外语学得很熟练。 | She learn foreign language with great facility . | |
7 | 她在语言方面的才能令人吃惊。 | Her facility with/ in languages is surprising. | |
8 | 金融:业务扩展对于新的和现有的贷款协议的影响 | Financial: implications of business expansion on new and existing loan facility agreements | |
9 | 金属加工机床,多功能型,装有程序自动工具变换装置 | multifunction metalworking machine tool with programmed automatic tool change facility | |
10 | 金属加工机床,多功能型,装有自动多工位线性传送装置 | multifunction metalworking machine tool with automatic multi-station linear transfer facility | |
11 | 禁止引进不符合我国环境保护规定要求的技术和设备。 | A ban shall be imposed on the importation of any technology or facility that fails to meet the requirements specified in the regulations of our country concerning environmental protection. | |
12 | 精神病院一种精神康复设施 | A mental health facility . | |
13 | 决定一个系统总生产率的两大要素之一。另一个要素是设施。性能本身大体上由吞吐量、响应时间及可用性等三项因素所确定。 | Together with facility , one of the two major factors on which the total productivity of a system depends. Performance is largely determined by a combination of three other factors: throughput, response time, and availability | |
14 | 控制的方法与程度和与法规的一致性是终端用户的根本责任。如果你的设备要实施一项消除策略,请同Air Products的代表联系,寻求具体的建议。 | The method and degree of control, and regulatory compliance, is the ultimate responsibility of the end user. If your facility implements an abatement policy, please contact your Air Products representative for specific recommendations. | |
15 | 立法也规定如果研究表明确有必要的话,能源部应选择一个合适的场址,建立一个中间的贮存设施,称为监视的弥补性的贮存设施。 | The legislation also directed DOE to seek a suitable site for construction of an intermediate storage facility , known as a monitored retrievable storage facility, if studies indicate the need for one | |
16 | 门诊部治疗门诊病人的医院或保健设施的部门 | The department of a hospital or health care facility that treats outpatients. | |
17 | 门诊所通常与医院或医学院有关的诊所,用于诊断及治疗门诊病人 | A facility ,often associated with a hospital or medical school,that is devoted to the diagnosis and care of outpatients. | |
18 | 南加利福尼亚爱迪生(提出诉讼的一方),在伊利诺伊州通过法律以前,已经用船把核废料运到了莫雷斯,并签订了一份合同,在法令制定期间,再运一批核废料到莫雷斯的核废料贮存地。 | Southern California Edison, a party to the suit, had shipped nuclear fuel to Morris before the Illinois law was passed and had a contract to ship additional amounts to the facility at the time of the statute’s enactment | |
19 | 能量为300keV~25MeV电子束辐射加工装置剂量学导则 | Guide for dosimetry in an electron beam facility for radiation processing at energies between 300keV and 25MeV | |
20 | 起止式数据终端进入本国公用数据网的分组装拆(PAD)设施的DCE/DTE之间的接口 | DCE/DTE interface for a start-stop mode data terminal equipment accessing the packet assembly/disassembly facility (PAD)in a public data network situated in the same country | |
21 | 起止式数据终端进入本国公用数据网的分组装配/拆卸设施的DCE/DTE之间的接口 | DCE/DTE interface for a start-stop mode data terminal equipment accessing the packet assembly/disassembly facility (PAD)in a public data network situated in the same country | |
22 | 全厂占地面积10万平方米,建筑面积5万平方米 | The facility covers an area of 100,000 square meters with a floor space of 50,000 square meters. | |
23 | 全球环境基金大会将召开中国已获赠3亿美元 | Global Environment Facility Meeting will be held; China has received 300 million US dollars. | |
24 | 任何单位不得将产生严重污染的生产设备转移给没有污染防治能力的单位使用。 | No unit shall be permitted to transfer a production facility that causes severe pollution for use by a unit that is unable to prevent and control pollution. | |
25 | 沈阳统一企业有限公司成立于1995年6月16日,于96年11月2日正式投产,成为统一企业集团在中国大陆营运的第17家子公司。 | Shenyang President Enterprises Corporation Limited, t he seventeenth subsidiary of Uni-President Group, was incorporated on June 16, 1995 with its first facility built on 2 November 1996 . | |
26 | 生产厂区面积5000平方,包括两个机器组装厂 | Our 5,000 square meters facility comprises of two large machine assembly shops. | |
27 | 实验室是可包括化学、冶金、空间、物理、电气或可靠性试验或试验确认的试验设施 | The laboratory is a facility for inspection, test or calibration, which may include, but is not limited to, chemical, metallurgical, dimensional, physical, electrical or reliability testing. | |
28 | 食品加工用γ辐照设施剂量测量的实施方法 | Practice for dosimetry in gamma irradiation facility for food processing | |
29 | 使用单个宽带设备传送许多窄带信号的方法。它是通过细分宽带通道上的频谱来实现的。 | The method of using a single wideband facility to transmit many relatively narrow-bandwidth signals by subdividing the frequency spectrum used in the wideband channel. | |
30 | 收容计划一种向住院的或在家的晚期病人提供缓和性关心与照顾,以满足其感情、精神、社会和经济各方面需要的计划 | A program that provides palliative care and attends to the emotional,spiritual,social,and financial needs of terminally ill patients at an inpatient facility or at the patient’s home. |