属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-加州旱情 把草坪喷绿
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-家庭酿造 一品脱制作精良的好酒
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-3D印刷 印刷未来
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-印刷未来 世界龙头机器制造商
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-加拿大零售业 药品生意
1 | ||1:仿真园艺热潮给草坪画家大卫·巴特利特带来了商机,他是Xtreme Green Grass的老板,今年工作量增加了75%。||2:同期,吉姆·鲍尔名下的草坪喷漆供应公司LawnLift销售量翻了两翻。||3:“给你的草坪喷漆已经被大家接受,”吉姆说道,“特别是在这个时候,给你的草坪浇水,是很可耻的一件事。”||4:与此同时,种植草皮的Jurgen Gramckow表示,越来越少的加州居民购买草皮,而且他在奥克斯纳的公司今年销售量下降20%。 | ||1:The fad for trompe l’oeil gardening has been a boon for lawn-painters such as David Bartlett, the owner of Xtreme Green Grass, whose business has grown 75% this year.||2:Over the same period Jim Power, who runs a lawn-paint supply company called LawnLift, has seen sales triple.||3:“It has become more socially acceptable to paint your lawn,” he says, “especially as it’s become more socially shameful to water it.”||4:At the same time, fewer Californians are buying new turf, says Jurgen Gramckow, who grows the stuff and says sales at his farm in Oxnard are down 20% this year. | |
2 | ||1:家庭酿造曾是令人心生恐惧的一个短语。||2:在20世纪70年代,如果一个朋友提议开一瓶在楼梯底下的碗柜里酿造的劣质酒,这是一个普通的威胁,也是一场可怕宿醉的序曲。||3:但这一时的狂热竟就地生根了,因为当时的选择寥寥无几,而且起码自酿酒很便宜。||4:如今时代变了。全国家庭酿造比赛的优胜酒于10月在名为维特罗斯的高档超市上架,售价为每瓶2.5镑。 | ||1:HOME brew was once a phrase that struck terror into the heart of the civilised drinker.||2:In the 1970s, a friend offering to crack open a bottle of foul muck made in a cupboard under the stairs was a common threat and the prelude to an appalling hangover.||3:But the fad took hold because of the dull alternatives and the fact that it was, at least, cheap.||4:Times have changed. The winning entry in a nationwide home-brewing competition went on sale in October in Waitrose, a fancy supermarket, at 2.50 a bottle. | |
3 | GE在纽约Niskayuna地区的研发中心新成立了一个实验室,目前该实验室正本着理性实际的态度(非一时狂热)对该项技术进行研发,力图找到哪些产品用‘对比添加式’而非‘对比相减式’的技术流程加工生产更加适合。一些人认为,对该项技术的研发只不过是一时狂热。 | A new laboratory at the firm’s research centre in Niskayuna, New York, is taking a hard-headed look at the technique, which some see as a fad and others as the future, | |
4 | GE在纽约Niskayuna地区的研发中心新成立了一个实验室,目前该实验室正本着理性实际的态度对该项技术进行研发,力图找到哪些产品用对比添加式而非对比相减式的技术流程加工生产更加适合。一些人认为,对该项技术的研发只不过是一时狂热。还有一些人声称,目前的时机并不成熟,对该项技术的研发仅仅具有将来时的意义罢了。 | A new laboratory at the firms research centre in Niskayuna, New York, is taking a hard-headed look at the technique, which some see as a fad and others as the future, and working out which products might be made more efficiently by addition rather than subtraction. | |
5 | 这个决议标志加拿大另一个全球风尚的到来。 | The deal will mark the arrival in Canada of another global fad . | |
6 | “passingfad”就是现在正在流行的东西,但是在很短时间内就失宠。 | A passing fad is something that is very popular right now, but will lose its popularity in a short time. | |
7 | 不过,台湾的骑行革命远不止是由一次机智的公关活动引发的时尚。 | But Taiwan’s cycling revolution is much more than a fad triggered by a smart PR campaign. | |
8 | 不过消费者都追求时尚。 | But consumers swing from fad to fad. | |
9 | 查理拾着掉在地上的枝叶说,“当我还是孩子的时候,我们有个时髦的词叫‘玉米拍’。” | Charlie said, collecting the heads off of the ground. "When I was a little boy, our group of boys had a little fad called Johnny pie. " | |
10 | 从那以后,这种狂热的时尚黯然褪色的速度远远超出了记者的预期。 | Since then, the fad has faded even faster than your correspondent expected. | |
11 | 从最新的3D时尚浮现出的好处之一是,它促使设置决策者生产更高分辨率的电视。 | One of the few benefits to emerge from the latest 3D fad is the way it has spurred set-makers to produce televisions with higher resolution. | |
12 | 大脑保健不只是一时的流行,市场要比任天堂深广得多。 | [Brain fitness] is not just some fad . The market is much deeper than Nintendo. | |
13 | 但NoSQL看起来不太像一种时尚,更像是高度可伸缩的Web应用程序开发的一个新兴基础。 | But NoSQL looks less like a fad , and more like an emerging foundation for highly scalable Web application development. | |
14 | 但是甚至一个小小的合作也能让这些开放的努力避免成为昙花一现的时尚。 | But even a little cooperation could make these recent open efforts more than just some passing fad . | |
15 | 但斯图尔特提出了一个很好的观点:生活方式app是崭新的也许也是唯一能够让app狂热持续下去的东西。 | But Stewart makes a good point: lifestyle apps are the new thing, and perhaps the only thing that will make the fad for apps endure. | |
16 | 地下室生活是一时的流行还是一场深刻的文化变革? | Is basement living a fad , or an entrenched cultural shift? | |
17 | 多年以来,被恭称为“负热量食品”的柑橘类水果和芹菜,一直受到了“时尚减肥”(FadDiets)的推崇。 | Dubbed "negative-calorie foods, " citrus fruits and celery have both basked inthis flattering light in fad diets over the years. | |
18 | 共产主义革命成为消费驱动的热潮。 | The communist revolutionary became a consumer-driven fad . | |
19 | 韩国的投资者最近都为这个国家最大牌的组合变得狂热无比。但他们仅仅只是为一时兴起的潮流而压下赌注么? | Korean investors are going crazy for the country’s biggest music labels. But are they just betting on a fad ? | |
20 | 号称“负热量食品”的柑橘类水果和芹菜带着谄媚的笑容多年来占据着时尚减肥食谱。 | Dubbed "negative-calorie foods, " citrus fruits and celery have both basked in this flattering light in fad diets over the years. | |
21 | 将产品定位于流行方面是一个常识错误。 | Positioning a product to leverage a fad is a common mistake. | |
22 | 举例说明,更多的人在家办公是一种潮流,而他们整天围着袖毯则是一种流行。 | The fact that more people are working from home is a trend. That many of them wear Snuggies all day long is a fad . | |
23 | 看来Facebook不仅仅是一个引领时尚的互联网品牌罢了。 | Facebook is much more than an internet brand that’s managing to ride the fad wave. | |
24 | 乐观主义者却认为,对于货币无足轻重也许会受益于今天的主导趋势。 | Optimists, however, argue there may be benefits from today’s fad for currency fiddling. | |
25 | 历史经验表明这可能只是一次短暂的潮流。作为进入中国市场的门户,香港已经成了全球最红火的金融市场之一。 | History suggests a fad , as Hong Kong becomes one of the world’s hottest financial markets because of its position as a gateway to China. | |
26 | 廖医生表示,整容手术真正开始在中国流行是在5年前,自那时起,该行业一直以每年15%的速度增长。 | Dr Liao says plastic surgeries have grown by 15 per cent a year since the fad really took off in China about five years ago. | |
27 | 绿色植物的风靡催生了首席可持续发展官和绿色大使。 | The fad for greenery is producing legions of chief sustainability officers and green ambassadors. | |
28 | 那只是他们一时心血来潮而已;他不过是个冒险家,趁着诸神打盹的时候冲上了帕纳萨斯山而已。 | He was the fad of the hour, the adventurer who had stormed Parnassus while the gods nodded. | |
29 | 你可以把这种设计叫做诡计,但Ty收集了所有时期最疯狂的时尚玩具。他现在坐拥数十亿美元资产。 | Call it a scam, but Ty’s line of collectibles created the most insane fad frenzy of all time, and he now sits on billions. | |
30 | 你可以将iPod的流行(以及无处不在的、标志性的白色耳机)看作是一种时尚。 | You could term the popularity of the iPod (and its ubiquitous, iconic white headphones) a fad . |