属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-伪造的美酒 美酒追捧热潮催生造假者
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-伪造的美酒 美酒追捧热潮催生造假者
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-伪造的美酒 法国酒庄拉法克红酒
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-伪造的美酒 美酒追捧热潮催生造假者
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-伪造的美酒 法国酒庄拉法克红酒
1 | 被诱骗买昂贵假货的游客. | Tourists shanghaied into buying expensive fakes | |
2 | 加强监督抽查和 " 打假 " 的力度,并会同有关执法机关对生产和销售假冒伪劣商品的企业和个人依法从严查处。 | reinforce supervision, selective examination and the action of "confiscating the fakes " and, together with the executive organs concerned, severely penalize according to the law the enterprises and individuals producing and selling fake and low-quality commodities. | |
3 | 鉴别方法主要有以下几点 | Fakes often have the following characteristics | |
4 | 街道两旁尽是电子电器店,首饰店,兜售冒牌名表、衣着时髦的年轻人以及数不清的服装店。 | The streets are lined with electronics shops, jewelers, young swells hawking designer watch fakes and countless clothing stores | |
5 | 买书画买了假的,一文不值,只等于waste paper。 | If you buy calligraphy or paintings which turn out to be fakes , they aren’t worth a cent.They just amount to wastepaper | |
6 | 违法使用公司印章或伪造工作记录、文件或发票,蓄意侵占公司资产 | Unlawfully uses the Company seal or fakes work records, documents or vouchers with the intention of misappropriating Company property | |
7 | 伪造者或制造假货的人 | One who fakes or produces fakes. | |
8 | 一个翻版光盘集团用新界猪场作掩饰,生产数以万计的翻版光盘。 | A gang making pirate compact discs churned out thousands of fakes using a New Territories pig farm as cover. | |
9 | 战国燕王戈器铭特征及其定名辨伪问题 | "Yen-Wang-Ge" of the Warring States Periods: A Study on the Features of Implement and the Inscription, Naming, and the Differentiation of Fakes | |
10 | 专家们在这批艺术收藏品中发现了几件赝品。 | The experts discovered several fakes in the art collection. | |
11 | 酒商及拍卖行表示他们正尽一切所能筛选出假货。 | Wine merchants and auction houses say they are doing everything they can to filter out the fakes . | |
12 | 科赫先生说:"业界存在着一套潜规则,即买到假酒也要毫不声张"。他拥有43000瓶上好葡萄酒,但用于购买假酒的钱估计也在4-5百万美元左右。 | "There is a code of silence in the industry," says Mr Koch, who owns 43,000 bottles of wine and estimates that he has spent $4m-5m on fakes . | |
13 | 科赫先生说:业界存在着一套潜规则,即买到假酒也要毫不声张。 他拥有43000瓶上好葡萄酒,但用于购买假酒的钱估计也在4-5百万美元左右。 | There is a code of silence in the industry, says Mr Koch, who owns 43,000 bottles of wine and estimates that he has spent 4m-5m on fakes . | |
14 | 因此他们不会将事情张扬,而是"将假酒转手到拍卖会或出售给其它私人收藏者",科赫先生如是说。 | So instead of speaking out, "they dump their fakes into auctions or sell them to other private collectors," says Mr Koch. | |
15 | 因此他们不会将事情张扬,而是"将假酒转手到拍卖会或出售给其它私人收藏者",科赫先生如是说。 | So instead of speaking out, they dump their fakes into auctions or sell them to other private collectors, says Mr Koch. | |
16 | “我们阳澄湖大闸蟹的价格本来还能再高点,但是冒牌货把价格拉下来的,”她说。 | "The price for our Yangcheng Lake crabs could have been higher, but the fakes ones keep the price the down, " she says. | |
17 | “政府需要引导群众少买假货,提高整体道德素质,同时修订法律以提高罚款。”韩飞说。 | "The government must educate the public to buy less fakes , improve overall moral quality, and revise the laws to raise fines, " he says. | |
18 | 2009年,尽管中国有作为世界上的假货工厂的名声,中国仍超过美国成为世界第一的高档手表市场。 | In 2009 China, despite a reputation as the world’s factory for fakes , overhauled the USA as the world’s number one luxury watch market. | |
19 | 按照中国法律,阿里巴巴已经投入很多在打击假冒伪劣方面,多到以至最近美国政府向淘宝网发出官方的感谢 | By Chinese standards it has done a lot to fight fakes , so much so that the American government recently gave Taobao its official blessing | |
20 | 不过,丸红当日没有进行任何付款,然后还宣称这项投资所依据的文件都是伪造的。 | Yet, Marubeni failed to pass on any payments on that date and then claimed the documents governing the investment were fakes . | |
21 | 此外,中国拍卖市场一个特别严重的问题是存在大量赝品。 | Furthermore, the Chinese auction market suffers particularly badly from a large numbers of fakes and forgeries. | |
22 | 从赝品看艺术品收藏中的三方博弈 | The Three Game Players and the Fakes in the Arts Collection | |
23 | 但某些消费者看重的是脸面,而不是质量。假货可以让顾客去“消费”倍增脸面的品牌 | But some consumers value prestige, not quality. Fakes allow shoppers to "consume" the prestigious brand without buying the high-quality good | |
24 | 但是最新一批假黄金只有经过高温和化学制剂等更为复杂的检测,才能被识破。 | But the new batch of fakes can only be revealed by more sophisticated tests involving high temperatures and chemicals. | |
25 | 但在一个充斥着假货的市场,富裕的中国人愿意为正牌产品支付溢价(额外的金额),只是为了炫富。 | But in a market loaded with fakes , wealthy Chinese are willing to pay a premium for authentic products they can show off. | |
26 | 对非洲和东南亚的抗感染药物所做的研究发现,15-30%的药物都可能是假货。 | Studies of anti-infective treatments in Africa and South-East Asia have found that perhaps 15-30% are fakes . | |
27 | 对苹果产品需求非常强烈,以至于水货iPhone和山寨iPhone的销售额都在增长。 | Demand is so strong in China that smuggling of real iPhones and sales of fakes are on the rise. | |
28 | 仿冒的零售店和餐馆超越了在中国早已众多的简单假冒商品。 | The imitation retailers and restaurants go beyond the simple fakes of consumer goods that have long been abundant in China. | |
29 | 复杂的射频标签和数据库软件在这些小贩不受惩处地沿街叫卖假货的地方使用非常有限。 | Sophisticated radio tags and database software are not much use in places where street hawkers peddle fakes with impunity. | |
30 | 高涨的价格也令赝品交易火上浇油,还引起更多盗墓行径。 | Rising prices fuel the trade in fakes and also lead to more grave-robbing. |