属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-三天周末!谢天谢地 终于星期四了(2)
1 | 这一条迷信也是能够完全破除的。 | This fallacy can also be exploded | |
2 | ||1:或许有不少人认为年龄大的工人做得比较好是以牺牲年轻人为代价换来的。||2:这种观点是不正确的。||3:认为一个人上岗就意味着另一个人下岗,纯属谬误;“劳动总数”并不是固定的。||4:据报道称,在工作中年轻人和年长的人在大多数情况下并不是替换的关系。||5:不同的工作岗位,给二者分配的任务也是不同的:举个例子,年轻人就比较青睐信息技术公司,而老一点的人就倾向于在较为传统的工厂工作。||6:当然,帮助新人摆脱失业困境的方法有千千万,但是把老人赶走绝不是其中之一。 | ||1: Many will argue that older workers have done better at the expense of the young. ||2: That view is wrongheaded. ||3: First, it is a fallacy that a job gained for one person is a job lost for another; there is no fixed “lump of labour”. ||4: And second, as the report shows, young and old people are by and large not substitutes in the workplace. ||5: They do different types of work in different types of occupation: younger people gravitate to IT firms, for example, whereas older folk tend to be employed in more traditional industries. ||6: There are plenty of things that should be done to help the young jobless, but shunting older workers out of the workplace is not one of them. | |
3 | ||1:沙尔曼还笃信一个老掉牙的谬论:国家间的竞争和企业间的比拼一模一样。||2:他写到:“发展的游戏规则永远是打击对手、超越预期”。||3:可是一国的成功并不会灭亡他国,反而会为他国提供更大的潜在商品市场。||4:沙尔曼的看法也许受他的职业影响甚大,作为一名基金管理人,他必须发掘那些可能会超越预期、潜能无限的国家。||5:如果一国的崛起众所周知,那么这项荣誉无形中已经成为了它的资产。||6:2009年,巴西经济起飞的新闻登上了本杂志的封面,沙尔曼紧接着指出,用美元来计算,巴西的股市已经跌落。 | ||1: Mr Sharma falls for the hoary fallacy that economies compete with each other in the same way that companies do. ||2: “The growth game is all about beating expectations, and your peers,” he writes. ||3: But one country’s success does not put its peers out of business; on the contrary, it creates a bigger potential market for their goods. ||4: His view may be warped by his role as a fund manager, watching countries compete with each other for his funds. As an investor, he must also look for countries that might beat expectations. ||5: If a country’s success is widely recognised, the good news will already be priced into its assets. ||6: In the period since Brazil’s economy featured on the cover of this newspaper in 2009, Mr Sharma points out, its stockmarket has fallen in dollar terms. | |
4 | ||1:事实上,很少有有趣的词能如此稳定。||2:当词汇被使用时,意思会发生变化。||3:此外,它们不必忠于词源学的根源,语言学家将这种认知称为“词源学谬误”。||4:例如,“person”一词来自拉丁语,意为“面具”;“悲剧”一词可能源于希腊语,意为“山羊之歌”。||5:随时间的推移,词汇含义也不断演变。 | ||1:In fact, very few interesting words are quite so stable.||2:As they are used, their meanings drift.||3:Furthermore, they need not remain true to their etymological roots, a belief known to linguists as the “etymological fallacy ”.||4:The word “person”, for instance, comes from the Latin for “mask”; the word “tragedy” may derive from the Greek for “goat-song”.||5:Over time, words evolve. | |
5 | 无情的谬误 | Apathetic fallacy | |
6 | 这些人是深受“劳动力臃肿谬论”这一观点困扰;其含义是,需要完成的工作总量是固定的,不过这可以通过不同的方式增加或减少就业机会。 | They thus fall prey to the “lump of labour fallacy ”, the notion that there is a fixed amount of work to be done which can be shared out in different ways to create fewer or more jobs. | |
7 | “垂直领导”:法院体制改革的重大误区 | "Vertical leadership" : A Serious Fallacy in Judiciary Reform | |
8 | “到达谬论”认为一般某种”到达“让我们的快乐程度不会和我们预计的一样; | The arrival fallacy holds that we generally aren’t made as happy by that kind of "arrival" as we expect. | |
9 | “公正世界信念”同样会造成一种虚假的安全感。 | The Just-World Fallacy can also lead to a false sense of security. | |
10 | “有人认为解决气候变化问题需要成本,将破坏经济发展进程,而且将造成失业。我们不应纵容这种谬论。” | ’’It is wrong to indulge in the fallacy that the cost of tackling climate change will disrupt economic progress and will cost jobs. ’’ | |
11 | “政治无道德”谬论及其影响 | Harmful Effects of the Fallacy "Politics without Political Integrity" | |
12 | Johnny和Lee花了一个多小时讲了如今我们确立目标时各种荒唐的例子。 | Johnny and Lee spend a good hour plus going through various examples of the fallacy of how we build our goals today. | |
13 | 把经济实力与政治或军事实力混为一谈,是一例流传久远的谬论。 | The analogy drawn between economic power and political or military power is a persistent example of a popular fallacy . | |
14 | 驳谢韬先生否定共产主义大目标的谬论 | Refuting Mr. Xie Tao’s Fallacy of Denying the Communist Bright Goal | |
15 | 布莱恩特表示理解,但同时提醒人们,湖人队是卫冕冠军,热火要想夺冠必须过湖人这道坎。 | Bryant understands that, but points out the fallacy of the argument, saying the Lakers - the defending champs - are still the team to beat. | |
16 | 从广义上说,认为一切进化后的产物都经过了精心的设计是人们的谬论。 | Broadly speaking, it’s a fallacy to presume that all of evolution’s products are intelligently designed. | |
17 | 从远处看,蓝精灵们似乎是戴着一顶帽子,穿着裤子的,但是仔细看就会发现其实不是这样的。 | From a distance, Smurfs seem like they are wearing a hat and pants but as you can see this is a fallacy . | |
18 | 但认为人们需要知晓整个市场的全部信息才能有效工作,这就不对了。 | But it is a fallacy to believe that everybody needs to be aware of all information for the market as a whole to work efficiently. | |
19 | 但是布斯曼也认为把人际交往限定在一个房间里面是不太明智的。 | But Boothman also maintains that working a room is a fallacy anyway. | |
20 | 但是即便你躲过了这个陷阱,您仍有可能碰到另一个谬论陷阱,它也是破窗谬论的另一个形式。 | But if we get past this point, there is a chance for another fallacy , and the broken-windowites usually grab it. | |
21 | 第三,千万别陷到错置主体的谬误里。 | Third, it’s really important not to get caught up in the fallacy of misplaced concreteness. | |
22 | 第三医疗成本谬误 | The third health care cost fallacy The third health care cost fallacy | |
23 | 定义:这是一个比较复杂的谬误;它有几种形式,比较难以被察觉。 | Definition : A complicated fallacy ; it comes in several forms and can be harder to detect than many of the other fallacies we’ve discussed. | |
24 | 独立董事的“独立性悖论”和有效行权的制度设计 | The "Independency Fallacy " and Institutional Design of Independent Directors | |
25 | 反行政垄断悖论及其消解 | The Fallacy of Anti-administration Monopoly and Its Vanishing | |
26 | 格林伯格诉讼中的根本错误观点是,AIG当时只存在流动性问题,而不存在资产负债表问题。 | The essential fallacy in Mr Greenberg’s suit is that AIG had a liquidity problem, not a problem in its balance sheet. | |
27 | 好了,我们已经了解了破窗谬论,这一基本谬论。 | So we have finished with the broken window. An elementary fallacy . | |
28 | 价值不可能用非评价性的词来定义,否则就会犯自然主义的错误。 | Value can never be defined in non-evaluative terms, hence the naturalistic fallacy . | |
29 | 假如你不签署这个声明,你将会犯第三医疗成本谬误。 | If you do not sign on to this claim, you are committing the third health care cost fallacy . | |
30 | 科斯定理、合成谬误与囚犯难题 | Coase Theorem, Fallacy of Composition and Prisoner’s Dilemma |