属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-购物游戏 时装零售和社交媒体
1 | 我的孩子们喜欢异想天开。 | My children indulge in the wildest fantasy | |
2 | 我的手碰到了碎玻璃上,血流了出来。我想我还有机会启动汽车。曾经在想象中千百次成功地扮演了英雄的角色,我从不怀疑我能成功。 | My hand was bleeding from the broken glass. I figured I had one more chance to start the car. Having played hero successfully a thousand times in fantasy , I never doubted I would do it. | |
3 | 我生来畸形,我怎能自欺,竟以为知识和智能可以在年轻站娘的心目中掩盖肉体的缺陷! | Misshapen from my birth-hour, how could I delude myself with the idea that intellectual gifts might veil physical deformity in a young girl’s fantasy ! | |
4 | 我向思考不正常的内向及自我中心;接受幻想而非现实 | Abnormal introversion and egocentricity;acceptance of fantasy rather than reality. | |
5 | 侠义的作风,纯洁而不动情的女人,超自然的美:这些南方的幻想占有了他们。 | Chivalry, pure and passionless women, unearthly beauty: the high Southern fantasy possessed them | |
6 | 侠义的作风,纯朴而不动情的女人,超自然的美,这些南方的幻想占有了他们。 | Chivalry, pure and passionless women, unearthly beauty, some high southern fantasy possessed them | |
7 | 仙境,幻境想象或幻想的王国 | A realm of imagination or fantasy . | |
8 | 现实、奇幻、爱的母题-关于当代魔幻童话电影创作一些共通规律的思考 | Reality, Fantasy and Love Motif | |
9 | 现在我已不再抱那个幻想。 | I no longer have that fantasy | |
10 | 想象爱情:文学修辞的意识形态介入-修辞策略和20世纪中国文学类型史之一 | Fantasy of Love: Ideological Interposition in Literary Rhetoric-Rhetorical Tactics and a typological History of the 20th Century Chinese Literature | |
11 | 虚构用记忆中非意识的幻想来取代事实 | To replace fact with fantasy unconsciously in memory. | |
12 | 要脚踏实地去干,不要想入非非。 | Do solid work and don’t indulge in fantasy . | |
13 | 一闪而过的幻想激情(b格洛丽亚·范德比尔特)参见 | fleeting passions of fantasy (Gloria Vanderbilt)See Synonyms at transient | |
14 | 一闪而过的幻想激情(格洛丽亚·范德比尔特)参见 | fleeting passions of fantasy (Gloria Vanderbilt)See Synonyms at transient | |
15 | 一味异想天开 | Indulge in the wildest fantasy | |
16 | 以非现实世界为背景的可爱幻想. | a charming fantasy set in a dreamland | |
17 | 以人为本:由空想到现实 | Human-orientation: From History Fantasy to Reality | |
18 | 以往的经验教训已充分说明,这样做很容易陷入不切实际的空想。 | The past experience has fully proven that it will easily lead to unrealistic fantasy . | |
19 | 在紧急的时候,我们应当自行约束,推上食量的门闩,囚禁自己的妄念,并且自请处罚。 | self-control must be exercised when the matter becomes urgent,the bolt must be drawn on appetite,one must set one’s own fantasy to the violin, and carry one’s self to the post | |
20 | 这个冒险故事是想象的产物。 | The adventurous story is a fantasy . | |
21 | 这故事是想象的产物。 | The story is a fantasy . | |
22 | 这些试验中最成功的是描写幻想的那些段落。 | The most successful of his experiments are the passage of fantasy . | |
23 | 这整个故事只是一个虚构。 | The whole story is a fantasy . | |
24 | 这种天方夜谭难道你会相信? | Would you believe in this kind of fantasy ? | |
25 | 作为幻象的意识形态:齐泽克意识形态理论研究 | Ideology as the Fantasy , on Ideology Theory of Slavoj Zizek | |
26 | ||1:12岁时,这对孪生兄弟主演了一部广受欢迎的波兰奇幻电影《偷月二人行》,然而在现实生活中,两人勤奋刻苦,与他们扮演的小痞子迥然不同。||2:两人后来都成为了法学家,莱赫专攻劳动法。||3:后来证明,团结工联时代,卡钦斯基为反对派工会领导人与共产主义老板阶层谈判出谋划策之时,他所学的法律专业派上了大用场。||4:1981年12月戒严法实施后,莱赫被拘禁了10个月。 | ||1:As 12-year-olds the twins starred in a popular Polish fantasy film, “The Two Who Stole the Moon”, though in real life the swotty duo had little in common with the scamps they portrayed.||2:Both became academic lawyers, Lech specialising in labour law.||3:That proved useful during the Solidarity era, when he advised the opposition trade union’s leaders in their talks with the communist boss-class.||4:After the imposition of martial law in December 1981, he was interned for ten months. | |
27 | ||1:科迪克的绝顶高招要属去年完成的合并动视公司和威望迪游戏分支,威望迪是法国的一个媒体集团。||2:威望迪的主要游戏资产是暴雪公司,它旗下的“魔兽世界”是一款广受欢迎的网上奇幻类游戏,拥有1,200万付费玩家。||3:尽管这次交易让威望迪在合并公司中占有54%的股权,但却是由动视的管理团队来运营。||4:科迪克想插手“魔兽世界”已经有些时日了,因为“魔兽”的收费模式能保证源源不断的收益,不同于在商店里朝不保夕的游戏贩卖模式。||5:现在动视暴雪一半以上的运营收入来自“魔兽”的收费,科迪克说:“‘魔兽世界’是这一产业中最稳定的盈利方式。” | ||1: Mr Kotick’s greatest coup was the merger of Activision with the gaming arm of Vivendi, a French media conglomerate, completed last year. ||2: Vivendi’s main gaming asset was Blizzard, the firm behind “World of Warcraft”, a wildly popular online fantasy game played by 12m paying subscribers. ||3: Although the deal gave Vivendi a 54% stake in the merged firm, Activision’s management team was kept in place to run it. ||4: Mr Kotick had wanted to get his hands on “World of Warcraft” for some time, because its subscription-based model provides regular income, in contrast to the sporadic, release-driven proceeds from games sold in shops. ||5: More than half of Activision Blizzard’s operating profit now comes from subscriptions, he says: “‘World of Warcraft’ is the most stable form of profitable revenue in the industry.” | |
28 | ||1:事实证明,Larry Elliott和Dan Atkinson的记者团队在描绘被债务吹高的英国繁荣方面比他们的大多数同僚更具慧眼。||2:他们之前的两部作品《幻想岛》和《失灵的上帝》分析了其中的原因和罪魁祸首。||3:所以他们最新的这本看空英国的作品——预测英国将会即刻失去自己的发达国家地位,早已有了一个既定的读者群。 | ||1:The journalistic team of Larry Elliott and Dan Atkinson proved to be more perceptive than most of their peers in skewering Britain’s debt-fuelled boom.||2:Their two previous books, “Fantasy Island” (2007) and “The Gods That Failed” (2008), analysed why it happened and who was to blame.||3:So they will have a ready audience for their latest tale of woe, which forecasts the imminent loss of Britain’s developed-economy status. | |
29 | 西班牙和美国之间创造性的对立关系是富恩特斯偏执的意淫,并反复出现在一部叫做“Terra Nostra”的庞大历史幻想中和一篇叫做“The Buried Mirror”的拓展性论文里。“阿特米奥克鲁斯”里的叙述者想象在一个巴洛克风格的教堂里 | The creative antagonism of the relationship between Spain and America was an obsession for Mr Fuentes, recurring in “Terra Nostra”, a sprawling historical fantasy , and “The Buried Mirror”, an extended essay. The narrator in “Artemio Cruz” imagines in a baroque church | |
30 | 在这个Fantasy Shopper网站所设计的线上游戏里,赢家由玩家们自己挑选产生。 | Players of a game created by Fantasy Shopper will pick the winner. |