属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-军装 真正隐形
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-婴儿的离奇流失 揭开持久生育低谷的谜团(下)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-货币的半衰期 (1)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-两大高面值现钞被禁 印度陷入货币兑换恐慌潮(下)
1 | ||1:海军预备役成员肖恩说:“迷彩让我觉得安全。||2:”他始终不能理解,为何根据军种的不同,作战的陆军、空军和海军的作战服样式不同。||3:但这种现状即将改变,在数年荒唐可笑、花费巨大的设计竞赛之后,2014年国防拨款严禁军队设计新制服,除非该种制服能够用于全军。 | ||1:“I WEAR camo so I can feel safe,” says Sean, a member of the navy reserve.||2:He cannot quite fathom why his combat uniform is different from that of other American servicemen in the field, depending on whether they are members of the army, the air force or the marines.||3:And soon it may be different no longer; for after years of ludicrously expensive design rivalry, the defence appropriation for 2014 prohibits the services from designing new uniforms, unless they will be used by all members of the armed forces. | |
2 | ||1:如果说一些国际趋势很难准确探寻,那么对于国际间奇怪的一致性也很难了解清楚。||2:一位来自挪威名叫褚德兰培格的人口统计学家说道,该国的生育低谷已经持续六年,这可能很容易的解释成是否是特别严重的冲击了某个阶层的女性。||3:但恰恰相反,不同年龄层及受教育程度不同的女性所生育的孩子都越来越少。 | ||1:If some of the international trends are hard to fathom , so is the strange uniformity within countries.||2:Trude Lappegard, a Norwegian demographer, says that her country’s baby bust, which has been going on for six years, might be easy to explain if it had hit one group especially hard.||3:Instead, women of all ages and all levels of education are having fewer children | |
3 | ||1:一旦用户迷上一个受欢迎的游戏,腾讯就会劝说他们为增值服务付钱,比如更花哨的武器,他们卡通形象时髦的衣服还有在线VIP房间。||2:鉴于其通航扔人通过广告赚钱,一家调查公司Fathom China认为腾讯通过上述工具的收益占到总收益的80%。 | ||1:Once users are hooked on a popular game, Tencent then persuades them to pay for “value-added services” such as fancy weapons, snazzy costumes for their avatars and online VIP rooms.||2:Whereas its peers are still making most of their money from advertising, Fathom China, a research firm, reckons Tencent gets 80% of its revenues from such kit (see chart). | |
4 | 对于那些没经历过的人而言,恶性通货膨胀似乎是一个令人费解的抽象概念。这些数字很难理解。 | For those not enduring it, hyperinflation can seem mind-bendingly abstract. The numbers are hard to fathom . | |
5 | 这个计划的一些方面是难以揣测的。 | Some aspects of the plan are difficult to fathom . | |
6 | “我可宁愿我们计算机哪天会丢了。现在,我们关心的全部是这些怪诞的市场,对它,我们甚至还不能完全搞清楚。” | "I would love to lose mine. Now, it’s all about penetrating these weird markets that we can’t even fully fathom yet. " | |
7 | 96%的宇宙都以一种人类目前无法彻底了解的形式存在着。 | Ninety-six per cent of the universe is in a form we can’t fathom . | |
8 | KimRyan开发的Lingua::EN::Fathom可以分析一个文件或一个文本块,并产生有关其输入的各种统计信息。 | Lingua: : EN: : Fathom , by Kim Ryan, can analyze a file or a block of text, and produce various statistics about its input. | |
9 | 北韩政治领导权的内部运作和造神运动,外界一直是猜测不透,确认不了。 | The inner workings of North Korea’s political leadership and mythmaking have never been easy for the outside world to fathom or confirm. | |
10 | 从旁观者的角度来看,我们几乎不可能理解为什么一个女人会回到受虐的恋爱关系中去。 | From an outsider’s point of view, it is nearly impossible to fathom why a woman might return to an abusive relationship. | |
11 | 当某人做了的事情你不理解,试着捉摸他们行为中的意图。 | d. When someone does something that you do not understand, try to fathom his or her intentions in the actions. | |
12 | 对于我来说,我的生活改变了,我接受了耶稣是我的救主这件事,而我父母却不能理解。 | For me, my life had changed and I had accepted Jesus as my Savior, but my parents could not fathom that. | |
13 | 法腾估计,这将制约衰退的规模,但代价是到2013年将通胀率推高到8%。 | This would limit the size of the recession but at the cost of pushing inflation up to 8% by 2013, Fathom estimates. | |
14 | 好像那时候我八岁,想不明白要怎样让我的头先入水。 | I may have been about 8 at the time and I couldn’t fathom letting my head hit the water first. | |
15 | 很难去探究美国品牌的自身特色遭到了多么严重的损害。 | t’s hard to fathom just how badly these signature features of the American brand have been discredited. | |
16 | 考虑到伊朗政治的不透明性,这些野心究竟到了何种程度尚难知晓。 | Given the opacity of Iran’s politics, the extent of those ambitions is hard to fathom . | |
17 | 其盘算和行动难以靠理性思维理解。 | Its calculations and its actions are difficult to fathom in rational terms. | |
18 | 然而将来也有那么一天我们同样难以理解今天为何如此恐惧。 | A time will come when today’s fear is equally hard to fathom . | |
19 | 实际上,大脑研究的核心是弄明白,当记忆缺失,信息加工出错时,究竟发生了什么。 | Indeed, at the core of brain research is the desire to fathom what happens when memory fails and information processing goes awry. | |
20 | 我们的大脑能够洞悉时间的开始和宇宙的终结,但是它能够理解自己吗? | Our brains can fathom the beginning of time and the end of the universe, but is any brain capable of understanding itself? | |
21 | 我们很难了解它缘何能发表在全国最重要的科学期刊上。 | How it found its way into one of the nation’s premier science journals is hard to fathom . | |
22 | 我无法理解开发人员为何用下方所示方式编写存在检查(existentialcheck),但是因为他们这样做了,所以我们就来讨论它。 | I cannot fathom why developers write existential checks in the way I show below, but since they do, I will discuss it. | |
23 | 我形容自己的经历所使用的字句带有我能意识到的更大的威力。 | The words I use to describe my experiences carry with it more power than I can consciously fathom . | |
24 | 炎热的夏天我只能用诡异的思想去揣测未来的迷茫。 | Burning hot summer, I can only use weird thought to fathom the future. | |
25 | 要想透彻了解这些转播商中的胜败得失,得花些时间。 | The pecking order of winners and losers among the broadcasters will take a while to fathom . | |
26 | 已经很难弄得清楚,究竟为什么格鲁吉亚总统萨卡什维利在去年八月会认为,俄国会容忍它的同盟国被入侵。 | Exactly why President Saakashvilli thought that Russia would allow its ally to be invaded in August last year is hard to fathom . | |
27 | 因此,“deep-six”指的就是最深最长的英寻,也就是距海底最近的6英尺。 | Thus, the deep-six is the deepest fathom , the final 6 feet at the bottom of the ocean. | |
28 | 与掩盖伴行的当然是过度保密,档案中记录的某些行为令人费解。 | Cover-ups go hand in hand with obsessive secrecy, of course, and the archives reveal some behavior that is hard to fathom . | |
29 | 在安大略省的五尺深国家海洋公园里,海皮艇穿越了花盆岛周围的岩石。 | A sea kayaker navigates the rocks around Flowerpot Island in Ontario’s Fathom Five National Marine Park. | |
30 | 在谈起5月那场可怕的灾难时,村民互相打趣,不时引发哄笑,这一情景让我难于理解。 | The villagers joked with each other and smiled frequently in a manner I found hard to fathom as they described the horrible events from May. |