1 | 本宾馆位置优越,设施一流,服务温馨,让您享受家的温暖。 | Our hotel in a favorable location has first-class facilities and gives attentive service. all this will make you feel at home. | |
2 | 本餐厅新开张,优惠三天。三口之家,一米二以下儿童,可免费就餐。 | At the opening of this dining room, we charge favorable prices for three days. and for a family of three persons, a child under 1.2 meters can have a free meal. | |
3 | 本店开张大吉,六十岁以上老人凭身份证对折优惠购买人参补膏一瓶。 | To celebrate the auspicious opening of our shop, we offer each aged buyer of 60 or over, one bottle of ginseng tonic on production of his or her identification card at a favorable price with 50% discount. | |
4 | 本房产公司成立一周年,特价优惠十套商品房,花费不多,便能实现您梦中所求。 | In celebrating the 1st anniversary of the founding of this real estate company, we offer 10 commodity houses at special favorable prices. It doesn’t cost you much but will let your long-cherished dream come true. | |
5 | 本俱乐部将为会员创造一个良好的英语学习与交流的环境,为会员提供更全面、更实用的服务。 | The club,which emphasizes practice and generalization,will give you a favorable English learning circumstance. | |
6 | 本开发区在遵守本国法律的前提下,保护外国投资者的利益,并为他们提供良好的投资环境。 | Based on the laws and regulations of our state, this development zone protects the interests of foreign investors and provides favorable investment environment for them. | |
7 | 本银楼优惠价供应金银珠宝。 | Our jewelry shop provides gold, silver and jewelry at favorable prices. | |
8 | 不低于原来的标准 | ON terms no less favorable than before | |
9 | 采取提高出口退税率和严厉打击走私等措施,千方百计扩大出口,以平衡国际收支,稳定人民币币值。 | It also adopted such measures as raising the export tax rebate rate and cracking down on smuggling in order to expand exports, achieve a favorable balance of international payments, and keep the value of RMB stable | |
10 | 产品要质好价优,包装要新颖美观,两者俱全才是“完美”。 | Products are "perfect" only when they are not only good in quality and favorable in price,but also in a fashionable and attractive package. | |
11 | 处于有利地位 | In a favorable position | |
12 | 船因顺风而走得很快 | As the wind was favorable , the ship made fast time. | |
13 | 当他错误判断国际形势对他有利时,就不再商谈。 | When he mistakenly judged that the international situation was favorable to him, he rejected negotiation | |
14 | 电子间的排斥有力地促使电子互相回避。 | The repulsion between the electrons makes it energetically more favorable for the electron to each other | |
15 | 杜绝学术腐败,除了道德自律外,建立一个良好的学术机制应该更为重要 | It’s far from enough to depend only on moral self-discipline to eliminate academic corruption; what is more important is to establish a favorable academic mechanism | |
16 | 对他们不利的新闻,他们就扣留下来。 | They suppressed news that was not favorable to them | |
17 | 对外资企业有优惠政策 | Have preferential policies for (give favorable treatment to) | |
18 | 二十一世纪初中国的扶贫开发存在着许多有利条件,而且一些条件较之过去更为有利。 | China today is blessed with many favorable conditions, some of them much more favorable than in the past, in its poverty alleviation drive | |
19 | 发展中的中国需要一个和平的国际环境和良好的周边环境,中国的发展将对世界和平和人类进步事业做出更大贡献。 | A developing China needs a peaceful international environment and a favorable climate in its periphery. And its development will make even greater contributions to world peace and human progress | |
20 | 反气旋天气情况比气旋天气情况更有利些。 | The anticyclone weather situations are more favorable than the cyclonic ones | |
21 | 反之,如果教学环境很糟糕,那么就会影响正常的教学活动,使教学难以获得应有的效果。因此,在教学过程中创设良好的教学环境就显得尤为重要。1.优化教室环境2.合理安排教室座位 | On the contrary, a poor environment will affect the teaching activity negatively and give poor result. Henceforth, to build a favorable environment is essential in teaching. 1. Optimize the classroom facilities. 2. Arrange the seats properly. | |
22 | 仿真机已主要用于运行人员的培训,并由于增强了运行人员的综合能力以装而在安全经济运行方面收到良好的效果。 | Simulators have been mainly applied in the training of the operators and have obtained the favorable results in the safe and economical operation due to the enhancement of operator’s comprehensive ability2. | |
23 | 分区供暖设计的趋势有利于采用塑料管,特别是管径在100毫米范围内更是如此。 | Trends in district heating design are favorable to the all plastics solution, particularly in sizes up to 100 mm | |
24 | 风和日丽,正是扬帆出海的黄道吉日。 | With favorable weather conditions it was an auspicious moment to set sail | |
25 | 各级人民政府应采取措施制止不正当竞争行为,为公平竞争创造良好环境和条件。 | People’s governments at all levels should adopt measures to curb unethical behavior in competition, and create a favorable environment and conditions for fair competition. | |
26 | 各种条件有利于开办新企业。 | The conditions are favorable for opening a new business. | |
27 | 给某人以好的印象 | Make a favorable impression on sb | |
28 | 购买吉祥物小挂件会给您的孩子带来大吉大利。 | buying lucky ornamental pendants for your children will bring the most favorable auspices to them. | |
29 | 孩子的病情有好转。 | The child’s condition took a favorable turn. | |
30 | 很多外国游客,由于遭遇到这种公然的不平等待遇而忿忿不平,没能怀着本可以是良好的印象离开了中国。 | Many travelers, embittered by encounters with this flagrant discrimination, left China with impressions that were not as favorable as they might have been |