属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-梦之味 Scent of dreams
1 | 它能激荡撒克逊人传统的战斗热血,就像学童时代“与厄运抗争的骑士”的故事一样使我们童心振奋。 | It stirs one’s old Saxon fighting blood, like the tales of "knights who fought against fearful odds" thrilled us in our schoolboy days. | |
2 | 倘若她知道博尔德伍德的脾性,她对自己的谴责将是极其强烈的,留在心头的斑痕也将是无法去除的。 | Had he known Boldwood’s moods her blame would have been fearful , and the stain upon her heart ineradicable | |
3 | 听了这件事,她觉得非常可怕。 | She felt very fearful after hearing this. | |
4 | 通过一次又一次暴行,他们希望美国害怕,从而背弃我们的朋友,从世界各地后退。 | With every atrocity, they hope that America grows fearful , retreating from the world and forsaking our friends. | |
5 | 为了个人安危,为了不被批斗,不少家庭逼不得已把宝贵的宗谱家谱毁灭。 | Fearful of persecution, numerous families, perforce, had to destroy their cherished family genealogical records for safety reasons. | |
6 | 畏惧,焦虑的一瞥 | a fearful , nervous glance. | |
7 | 我的旅程充满惊吓:昨天凌晨4时才抵达此地。由于马匹不够,邮车只好改道,但这条路线非常可怕。 | My journey was a fearful one: I did not reach here until 4 o’ clock yesterday morning. Lacking horses the postcoach chose another route, but what an awful one | |
8 | 我滑冰的时候很害怕那闪耀的冰. | When I skate, I`m fearful of the sparkling ice. | |
9 | 我滑冰的时候很怕那闪亮的冰。 | When I skate, I’m fearful of the sparkling ice | |
10 | 我紧紧地抱着可乐瓶,生怕他让我把可乐倒在杯子里,毁掉我的梦想。他没有。我咕噜噜长长地吞下一口冰凉的可乐,冒汗的身体顿觉清爽无比。我认为自己再也没有讨当时那样的自豪. | I held the Coke bottle tightly, fearful he would make me pour it into a cup, ruining this dream come true. He didn’ t. One long swallow of the cold beverage cooled my sweating body. I don’t think I ever felt so proud. | |
11 | 我看到了一个哨兵的军帽和毛瑟枪的枪管,所以我才赶紧地把头缩回来,我怕他会看见我。” | I saw the soldier’s shape and the top of his musket; that made me draw in my head so quickly, for I was fearful he might also see me." | |
12 | 我们担心在森林里迷路。 | We were fearful of losing our way in the forest. | |
13 | 我们害怕下次的攻击。 | We are fearful of further attacks. | |
14 | 我让你认识一些上流人士,他们都是势利鬼。 | I want you to know nice people, and they are fearful snobs | |
15 | 我听到一声可怕的爆炸。 | I heard a fearful explosion. | |
16 | 我想我是唯一幸存的。我看到了你们的船,我是怕留在这个孤岛上饿死,所以我就抱住一块破船上的木头游到你们船上来。 | I saw your vessel, and fearful of being left to perish on the desolate island, I swam off on a piece of wreckage to try and intercept your course | |
17 | 许多人因为担心自己的工作,正在努力抹去和其他公司接触的痕迹。 | Many people,fearful for their jobs,are trying to burnish their contacts at other firms. | |
18 | 一个孩子本有许多烦扰的观念,这是随着岁月在增长的,而冒险用这来破坏她的坚强的爱情,真是亨察尔太太连想也不敢想的事。 | The risk of endangering a child’s strong affection by disturbing ideas which had grown with her growth was to Mrs. Henchard too fearful a thing to contemplate | |
19 | 因害怕而发抖特别是由于可怕的预感而引起的不适感觉或轻度的恶心呕吐 | A feeling of unease or mild nausea caused especially by fearful anticipation. | |
20 | 因为我天生憎恶那些魔鬼似的食人畜生,所以害怕看到他们,就像害怕看到魔鬼一样。 | For the aversion which nature gave me to these hellish wretches, was such, that I was fearful of seeing them, as of seeing the devil himself | |
21 | 由于担心和害怕自己的人民,统治集团只能靠实行暴政来维护其统治。 | insecure and fearful of its own people, the oligarchy preserves itself through tyranny | |
22 | 在第一次世界大战期间,为了发动巨大的攻势,我们不得不付出许多人的生命和鲜血,这种可怕的代价至今仍然铭记在我们的心中。 | The fearful price we had had to pay in human life and blood for the great offensives of the First World War was graven in my mind | |
23 | 在这种可怕的环境中,一方面因为吉特的突然出现使他意志纷乱,一方面又因为牧师的眼睛使他丧魂失魄,可怜的雅各只好直挺挺地坐在那里。 | In this fearful state of things, distracted by the sudden appearance of Kit, and fascinated by the eyes of the preacher, the miserable Jacob sat bold upright. | |
24 | 这两人,在冷眼旁观的人看来,构成了奇又可怕的景象。 | The two, to a cool spectator, made a strange and fearful picture | |
25 | 这声音起初很清晰,不过嘉莉从来没有完全信服过,因为她总有话回答:22月严冬的威胁啦,她很孤单啦,她有需求啦,她怕呼啸的寒风啦等等。贫困的声音替她作了回答。 | It was somewhat clear in utterance at first, but never wholly convincing. There was always an answer, always the December days threatened. She was alone; she was desireful; she was fearful of the whistling wind. The voice of want made answer for her. | |
26 | 这样浪费时间和金钱真是不得了! | What a fearful waste of time and money ! | |
27 | 真是糟糕透了! | What a fearful mess ! | |
28 | 中心负责人担心它会意外伤着住宿的老人,决定禁止它出入。 | Fearful he might accidentally injure a resident, the supervisor decreed banishment. | |
29 | ||1:但是故事本身就有很多亮点贯穿始终。帕格沃什(早期会议在新斯科舍省召开时,以一偏远小村庄的名字命名)会议的主旨是让科学家们与他们亲手建起的核武器世界斗争,尤其是这些核专家再适合不过了。||2:因为这些专家对核制造了如指掌,而且他们想法奇特大胆。||3:参会代表们一起讨论核威慑的理论,思考核战争的潜在危险,并倡导核裁军和销毁核武器。||4:作为一个国际科学小组,帕格沃什会议成为恐怖的民族主义塑造政治的有用对口。 | ||1: But the story itself is good enough to shine through. The idea behind Pugwash (named for the remote hamlet in Nova Scotia where the early meetings were held) was that scientists—particularly nuclear scientists—were uniquely suited to grapple with the problems of the nuclear-armed world which they had helped bring into being. ||2: They understood the details and were prone to thinking bold thoughts. ||3: Delegates debated the theory of nuclear deterrence, pondered the potential damage of a nuclear war, and agitated for disarmament and the abolition of nuclear weapons. ||4: As an international scientific group, Pugwash was a useful counterpart to the fearful nationalism shaping politics. | |
30 | ||1:这本书的大部分内容集中在巴尔古提努力把出生在埃及的儿子带到他出生的村庄哈暂纳村。||2:当他站在自己出生的房间里,可以说着“我出生在这里”,而不是那里的那一刻,这次返乡达到了高潮。||3:他和儿子在耶路撒冷的老城漫步,每到一个地方都抓拍照片。||4:他们的行为让巴尔古提感到不安。||5:谁会拍下这么多自己家园的照片呢?||6:长大后,“苦路恰是我们惯走的那条街”。||7:相机通常属于游客,因为游客渴望留住那些再也不会光顾的地方。||8:害怕把所看到的记录下来这种非常的行为会坐实这些东西将要失去,他和儿子把相机扔在一旁,绝望地重新建立自己的归属权,把这个城市称为家园。 | ||1: Much of the book concentrates on Mr Barghouti’s efforts to take his Egyptian-born son to Deir Ghassanah, the village of his birth. ||2: That homecoming culminates in the moment he stands in the room where he was born; when he can say, “I was born here,” not there. ||3: He and his son wander through the Old City of Jerusalem, snapping photos as they go. ||4: Their actions unsettle Mr Barghouti. ||5: Who takes photographs of their own home? ||6: Growing up, “the Via Dolorosa was just a street we used.” ||7: Cameras normally belong to tourists, who are anxious to hold onto places they may never see again. ||8: Fearful that the very act of recording what they see will ensure its loss, he and his son toss their cameras aside, desperate to re-establish their right to belong and to call this city home. |