属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-人类与狗狗 Human beings and dog
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-财富在哪里? The real wealth of n
1 | 爱滋病是致死的疾病。 | AIDS is a feral disease. | |
2 | 但是在太平洋西北部铅灰色的天空下,一群色彩绚丽的野生鹦鹉在苏渥公园周围盘旋。这座公园位于西雅图东南部一个面积为300英亩的绿色岛屿上,这些鸟儿们在这里“安家落户”。 | But under the Pacific Northwest’s lead-gray skies, a feral flock of colorful parakeets flies around Seward Park, a 300-acre island of green in southeast Seattle where they have taken up residence. | |
3 | 盖尔·彼得斯是苏渥公园附近一家名叫Just Parrots的商店的主人,他说这种野生的长尾小鹦鹉相当聪明,可能正是它们的智慧帮助它们在陌生的环境中生存下来。 | Gayle Peters, the owner of Just Parrots, a shop near Seward Park, said the feral parakeets are reasonably intelligent birds, which likely helps them survive an alien environment. | |
4 | 科伊狗丛林狼和野狗的杂交后代 | The hybrid offspring of a coyote and a feral dog. | |
5 | 那里从来没有牛、马或狗变成野生的,虽然他们在野生状态下成群地南去和北往。 | Here neither cattle nor horses nor dogs have ever run wild, though they swarm southward and northward in a feral state | |
6 | 拍摄地点是在二十年代洛杉矶唐人街里肮脏的红灯区一条遍布垃圾的小巷,这再现了卓别林桀骜不驯的童年所生活的伦敦南部一条简陋街道的情景。 | A garbage-strewn alley in the dirty Red Light District in Los Angeles’ Chinatown of the 1920s serves as the shooting location, re-creating a mean street from Chaplin’s feral boyhood in the slums of South London | |
7 | 佩顿估计澳大利亚大约有380万只野猫,每年杀死大约38亿只本地的动物。 | Paton estimates that Australia has about 3.8 million feral cats, which kill about 3.8 billion native animals a year | |
8 | 其他研究人员认为野猫的数目还要多,大约有1200万只。 | Other researchers put the number of feral cats higher, at around 12 million animals | |
9 | 气候与白昼长度变化对苏格兰拉姆岛上野化山羊种群日活动节律的影响 | Influence of Climate and Daylength on the Activity Budgets of Feral Goats (Capra hircus)on the Isle of Rum, Scotland | |
10 | 人工饲养和野生美洲大蠊消化酶活性差异研究 | Inquisition of the Midgut Digestive Enzyme Activity Difference between Lab Reared and Feral Periplaneta americana | |
11 | 台湾外来凤头鹦鹉(Cacatua属)野外族群现况 | Status of Feral Populations of Exotic Cockatoos (Genus Cacatua)in Taiwan | |
12 | 无人照看的家猫应列为野猫,但是有些人不同意这种论点。 | Domestic cats that are not looked after should be listed as feral cats, but some people do not agree to this argument | |
13 | 再过一分钟,群众中又爆发出一阵愤怒的吼声。 | One minute more, and the feral roars of rage were again bursting from the crowd | |
14 | 在澳大利亚的辩论中,一个悬而未决的问题是家猫同野猫之间的关系问题。 | One of the grey areas in the Australian debate is the link between domestic and feral cats | |
15 | 在昆士兰州西部,已经召集军队神枪手射杀野猫。 | In western Queensland, army marksmen have been called in to shoot feral cats | |
16 | ||1:但是,是什么让狗与狼的关系模式误导了大家? Mr Bradshaw 认为问题出在作为研究对象的狼都是眷养在极端人工的环境下,是选“错”了狼。||2:在野外,狼群都是由关系较近的祖孙三代家庭成员组成,父亲和母亲会自然而然的变成第一代子女幼仔的头狼,但在行为模式上表现的是合作关系而非统治和服从。||3:而让生物学家们得出统治权争夺的结论都是基于那些生活在非自然状态下,被人工眷养的狼群之上的。||4: Mr Bradshaw 认为,与其说狼是宠物狗的祖先,不如说野狗或“土”狗才是宠物狗的祖先。||5:因为它们之间更宽容,而且在组群关系上与不管是野生狼群或眷养狼群都相去甚远。 | ||1:But what makes the dog-wolf paradigm especially misleading, Mr Bradshaw argues, is that until recently, the studies of wolves were of the wrong wolves in extremely artificial conditions.||2:In the wild, wolf packs tend to be made up of close family members representing up to three generations.||3:The father and mother of the first lot of cubs are the natural leaders of the pack, but the behavioural norm is one of co-operation rather than domination and submission.||4:However, the wolves on which biologists founded their conclusions about dominance hierarchies were animals living in unnaturally constituted groups in captivity.||5:Mr Bradshaw says that feral or “village” dogs, which are much closer to the ancestors of pet dogs than they are to wolves, are highly tolerant of one another and organise themselves entirely differently from either wild or captive wolves. | |
17 | ||1:或许最有趣的是,实验室动物比非实验室动物表现出更为明显的体重增加。||2:这很奇怪,因为研究人员观察的各种实验室动物往往被给予大量食物,且让它们在闲暇时一点一点蚕食。||3:这种做法几十年来都没有改变。||4:尽管这样动物还在发胖,这说明发胖现象不可能是单由宠物的主人安抚他们的加菲猫引起的,或者单由野生鼠完全不吃大量富含高卡路里的加工食品引起的。||5:克利曼泰迪斯博士无法查明任何一种可以解释其研究结果的单一机制。||6:但是,这并不妨碍借用他的数据对大腹便便作出开脱罪责的解释,而不是把罪责归于餐桌。 | ||1:Most intriguingly, perhaps, the laboratory animals showed more pronounced gains than those living outside a lab.||2:This is strange because the sorts of lab animals the researchers looked at tend to be given lots of food and left to nibble at leisure.||3:This practice has not changed for decades.||4:That the animals put on weight nonetheless suggests the phenomenon cannot be caused solely by pet owners appeasing their Garfields, or feral rats rummaging through refuse composed of ever larger quantities of calorie-rich processed food.||5:Dr Klimentidis is unable to pinpoint any single mechanism that could account for his results.||6:But this does not stop his data from lending exculpatory explanations for fat tummies more credence. | |
18 | ||1:没有谁比该报告的作者更清楚它的局限性。||2:帕特爵士说:“他们的估算是对现有资本的补充性解释,并不是最 佳版本。||3:”报告的结果不免有不准确的地方,正如70多年前人们第一次约摸着估算GDP(国内生产总值)一样。||4:他希望更多经济学家能做出艰苦且有价值的工 作,为世界的无价资产标价。||5:帕特爵士还说:“这项工作在业界并非真地有利可图。||6:”不管怎样,还有经济学家为此奉献着,佛蒙特大学的泰勒·立克次和他的合著 者们甚至计算出了蜜蜂授粉的价值。||7:结果显示,哥斯达黎加两小片树林中的野蜜蜂就能为一位咖啡种植主带来62000美元的利润。 | ||1:No one is more aware of these limitations than the report’s authors.||2:Their estimates are illustrative, not definitive, says Sir Partha.||3:The calculations are inevitably crude, just as the first guesstimates of GDP were crude over 70 years ago.||4:He hopes more economists will do the hard but valuable work of pricing the seemingly priceless.||5:The profession does not really reward this work, says Sir Partha.||6:But some economists do it anyway.||7:Taylor Ricketts of the University of Vermont and his co-authors have even calculated the value of pollination, showing that one Costa Rican coffee-grower benefited by $62,000 a year from the feral honey bees in two nearby patches of forest. | |
19 | 二十多种澳大利亚哺乳动物已经被野猫灭绝了。 | More than a score of Australian mammals have been exterminated by feral cats. | |
20 | 她和她的同事在一个巨大的围场里饲养了几百只兔耳袋狸,里边还有五只野猫。 | She and her colleagues raised a couple of hundred bilbies in a huge enclosure that also contained five feral cats. | |
21 | “我们尝试解开野鸽身上关于“暴露”和“基因连接”的学说”,MsJacquin报道。 | "We tried to disentangle the ’genetic link’ and the ’exposure’ hypothesis in free-living feral pigeons Columba livia, " Ms Jacquin reported. | |
22 | Quaritch凝视墙外的森林,露出一个狂野的笑容。 | Quaritch turns from gazing out at the wall of forest, displaying a feral grin. | |
23 | 北京市区流浪猫密度的初步抽样调查 | Sampling Survey of Feral Cats in Urban Beijing | |
24 | 但是,对野性未驯的年轻人威胁正直的市民,浪费自己的大好年华的恐慌却没有消失。 | but panic about feral youths menacing upright citizens and misspending the best years of their lives has not gone away. | |
25 | 当时秃鹫数量急剧下降了95%,地上散落着正在腐败的尸体,野狗和老鼠的数量暴增。 | When vulture populations crashed by 95 percent and left land strewn with rotting carcasses, feral dog and rat populations skyrocketed. | |
26 | 倒是有一件完美、轻快活泼的缎子短大衣,夸张的衣领把黑色的阴影投向一个美洲豹印图上,优雅而野性。 | There was one perfect swingy satin pea coat, the exaggerated collar in black shading down into a leopard print, refined and feral . | |
27 | 东洞庭湖湿地野生鸟类资源调查研究 | Investigation and research of feral bird resources in wetland of East Dongting Lake | |
28 | 对冲基金的人天真地谈论他们行业的野性根源。 | People at hedge funds speak fondly of their industry’s feral roots. | |
29 | 近日,一只经常在北京大学“蹭课”的猫走红网络,被网友誉为“学术校猫”。 | A feral cat who has roamed Peking University since 2004 recently propelled to fame on the Internet as the "Academic University Cat" . | |
30 | 科学家在瑞典研究野生禽类时发现许多交配都是强迫的,因为雄禽的个头是雌禽的两倍大。 | Working with feral fowl in Sweden, the scientists found that many matings were forced, as the roosters are twice the size of the hens. |