1 | 于是乎我们奔向布林迪西街头,领船票,缴税,买吃的,验关……然后是等待。 | So we rush around the streets of Brindisi, collecting ferry tickets, paying taxes, buying food, getting through Customs... and then waiting | |
2 | 欲渡黄河冰塞川,将登太行雪满天,闲来垂钓碧溪上,忽复乘舟梦日边 | I would cross the Yellow River, but ice chokes the ferry ; I would climb the Tai-hang Mountains, but the sky is blind with snow. I would sit and poise a fishing-pole, lazy by a brook--but I suddenly dream of riding a boat, sailing for the sun... | |
3 | 在公共汽车终点站乘客转上渡轮。 | The passengers were transferred to a ferry at the bus terminus. | |
4 | 在靠近香港岛星星轮渡的渣打公园,我撞上了一帮兴奋的摄影师、记者和游客。 | At Chater Garden, a public park near Hong Kong Island’s Star Ferry , I came upon an excited crowd of photographers, newsmen, and tourists | |
5 | 战争期间改作运兵船的渡轮 | A ferry that was converted to carry troops during the war | |
6 | 这艘船已几乎不适于航海了。 | The old ferry is scarcely seaworthy. | |
7 | 只有一个木筏,乃木居士掌舵,灰侍者撑篙,不受金银之谢,但遇有缘者渡之. | Nothing but a wooden raft steered by Master Wood and punted by Acolyte Ashes, who accept no payment in silver or gold but ferry over those who are fated to cross. | |
8 | 卓越的员工是达至优质服务及令乘客认同的重要因素。新渡轮重视每一位员工,每位员工各展所长,同心协力服务市民。 | Quality people are key to quality service and customers’ satisfaction. First Ferry values our people; they are our ambassadors to serve the commuting public with their best in different aspects. | |
9 | 自2000年,新渡轮及新渡轮(澳门)共投资超过港币四亿购置13艘全新高速双层双体船队,从而提升船队质素。 | To upgrade our vessel fleet, First Ferry has committed over HK$400 million to acquire a new fleet of 13 high-speed catamarans since 2000. | |
10 | 自二零零零年初接办以来,新渡轮及新渡轮(澳门)投资超过一亿五千万元购置15艘船只及配套设施,并进行一连串的服务提升计划。 | Upon commencement of service in early 2000, First Ferry and First Ferry (Macau)invested over HK$150 million to acquire a fleet of 15 vessels and auxiliary assets and to implement a series of service enhancement programmes. |