属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 印巴冲突升级 荷兰召回驻伊朗大使 朝鲜或重建
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-菩提 法律的长臂
1 | 船身装饰:在船舶的某些重要部位如船首的装饰性表记或图像。 | Figurehead : Ornamental symbol or figure placed on a prominent part of a ship, usually at the bow. | |
2 | 否则米勒就会变成可有可无的傀儡。 | Otherwise Miller would become a dispensable figurehead | |
3 | 该市长只不过是个傀儡,市政会才是真正决定一切的。 | The mayor is just a figurehead ;it’s the council that makes all the real decisions. | |
4 | 挂名首脑,傀儡没有实权的名义上的领导;傀儡 | A nominal leader lacking in real authority;a figurehead . | |
5 | 国王仅仅是挂名的首脑,总统 | king is just a figurehead ; it’ s the president who has the real power | |
6 | 国王仅仅是挂名的首脑,总统才真正握有实权。 | King is just a figurehead ;it’s the president who has the real power. | |
7 | 那个国家的女王只是个有名无实的首脑。 | The queen of that country is only a figurehead . | |
8 | 那皇帝是有名无实的首脑。 | The emperor is a figurehead . | |
9 | 那是个傀儡皇帝。 | The emperor is a figurehead . | |
10 | 他经常悲哀地称自己是美国在线-时代华纳公司的类似"日本天皇"的傀儡,庆典时才被推出来。 | He often refers ruefully to himself as an"emperor of Japan"figurehead for AOL Time Warnerwheeled out for ceremonies | |
11 | 维京人建造的船只,其船首较高,伸出的船首有着吓人的装饰物,与拜约挂毯上所见到征服者威廉一世的船只类似。 | The Vikings built ships with high bows and a projecting stem bearing a menacing figurehead , similar to the ships of William I the Conqueror as seen in the Bayeux Tapestry. | |
12 | 总统仅仅是挂名的首脑,党的领导人才真正握有实权。 | The president is just a figurehead ;it’s the party leader who has the real power. | |
13 | 作为一个州里的发言人和象征,他和报纸,无线电台和电视台都有特别的接触,并尽力利用这些接触来达到他自己的目标。 | As the state’s spokesman and figurehead , he has special access to the press, radio, and TV, which he fully uses to accomplish his aims | |
14 | ||1:阿尔及利亚总统阿卜杜拉齐兹·布特弗利卡(AbdelazizBouteflika)不顾抗议者的反对,宣布竞选第五个总统任期。||2:这位身体状况堪忧的耄耋老人被广泛认为是掌握实权的将军与商人集团扶持的傀儡领袖。||3:他们承诺,如果布特弗利卡先生再次当选,他将提前举行大选,而布特弗利卡不会参加竞选,以此来缓和批评者的不满。 | ||1:Abdelaziz Bouteflika, the president of Algeria, defied protesters by registering to run for a fifth term in office.||2:The ailing octogenarian is widely seen as a figurehead for a cabal of generals and businessmen, who hold real power.||3:They have sought to assuage critics by promising that if Mr Bouteflika is re-elected, he will hold an early election, which he would not contest. | |
15 | ||1:但艾森豪威尔需要尼克松来充当他在政治方面的喉舌。||2:尼克松猛烈抨击艾森豪威尔政府的反对者,这样艾森豪威尔就能成为一名政治中立的国家名誉总统。||3:一名助手称这是艾森豪威尔的“肮脏把戏”。||4: 当共和党参议员约瑟夫-麦卡锡过分地从公众生活中抓捕共产党员时,被指定为伊利诺伊州州长的民主党派阿德莱·史蒂文森(Adlai Stevenson)对此直言不讳:“一个内部分裂的政党—一边是麦卡锡、一边是艾森豪威尔——是不能促进国家团结统一的”。 ||5:因此艾森豪威尔决定,是时候让麦卡锡收敛收敛了。||6:尼克松——这名狂热的反共分子、天才的演说家—正适合这一角色。||7:在周六晚的电视节目上,尼克松把麦卡锡劈头盖脸地一顿骂,条理明晰地一一击破了对方的狭隘论点。||8:艾森豪威尔在电话中对尼克松说:“尼克松,干得好”。 | ||1: But Ike needed Dick to be his political hound dog. ||2: Nixon savaged the administration’s opponents, which allowed the president to be an apolitical, national figurehead . ||3: An aide called this Eisenhower’s “dirty work”. ||4: When Joseph McCarthy, a Republican Senator, overreached in his crusade to hunt communists from public life, Adlai Stevenson, a targeted Democratic governor of Illinois, pointedly declared that a “political party divided against itself, half McCarthy and half Eisenhower, cannot produce national unity.” ||5: Eisenhower decided it was time to restrain McCarthy. ||6: A fervent anti-communist and talented orator, Nixon was well placed for this. ||7: He laid into McCarthy on Saturday-night television, logically unweaving his illiberal argument. ||8: “It was just right, Dick,” Eisenhower said over the telephone. | |
16 | ||1:上个月巴拉克·奥巴马访问马来西亚时,现任总理纳吉·阿都拉萨强调了安华案只是一起司法事件,政府没有参与其中。||2:但正是政府的压力使得早先对安华的无罪裁决被推翻。||3:安华是将反对派团结在一起的精神领袖,如今反对派内部四分五裂,原因是其中一家伊斯兰政党计划在其治下的吉兰丹州引入可怕的固定刑惩罚,而各反对派政党对此意见不一。||4:安华入狱将重创反对派联盟。 | ||1:When Barack Obama visited Malaysia last month, Najib Razak, the prime minister, stressed that the Anwar case was a judicial matter in which the government had no part.||2:Yet it was the government’s own appeal which led to Mr Anwar’s earlier acquittal being overturned.||3:He is the figurehead who unites a diverse opposition torn at present by disagreement over the plan of one of its components, an Islamic party, to introduce fierce hudud punishments, such as amputations, in Kelantan, a state it governs.||4:His disappearance into jail would be most damaging. | |
17 | ||1:总统奥巴马与竞选人奥巴马这两个头衔的区别就在于衬衫袖的不同。||2:当奥巴马作为国家元首时,他身着单件西装,集沉着冷静于一身。||3:而当他作为党派领袖以候选人的身份讲话时,他激情四射——此时他就褪去西装并挽起衬衫袖子。||4:别人还以为他会西装笔挺地进行经济政策的演说,然而他在4月10日发表的激动人心的演说中敦促国会通过“巴菲特规则”时,自始至终都是挽着袖子,裸露着前臂。 | ||1:THE difference between Barack Obama, leader and Barack Obama, campaigner is in the sleeves.||2:When Mr Obama speaks as the president—sober, calm, head of a nation—he tends to encase them in a suit jacket.||3:When he speaks as a candidate—fiery, enthusiastic, figurehead of a party—he loses the jacket and rolls up his shirtsleeves.||4:One might expect him to deliver a speech on economic policy besuited.But for his barnburner on April 10th, during which he urged Congress to pass the Buffett rule, it was bare forearms start to finish. | |
18 | 奥娜拉指定吉迪安·达纽接替勒诺昂。她误以为达纽会成为一名顺从的政治傀儡。 | Onara appointed Giddean Danu as Lenoan’s replacement, erroneously thinking him to be a malleable political figurehead . | |
19 | 不过,卡扎菲被打死至少有一个好处,那就是使旧政权的余党失去了一个可以拥戴的挂名首脑。 | However, Col Gaddafi’s death at least has the merit of depriving the remnants of the old regime of a figurehead to rally round. | |
20 | 对一群将军和其他权贵们而言,新领袖可能只是一个有名无实的领导人。 | The new leader may emerge as a mere figurehead for a cluster of generals and other bosses. | |
21 | 分析人士常发表意见称,谁是朝鲜下一位名义上的领袖其实无关紧要。 | Analysts have often commented that it does not really matter who the next figurehead is in North Korea. | |
22 | 荷兰国王几乎没有政治权力,他主要作为正式场合代表国家的领袖。 | The Dutch monarch has little political power, but serves mostly as a ceremonial figurehead to represent the nation. | |
23 | 尽管一些资深官员说他只是个有名无实的人物。 | Even some senior officials now say he is a mere figurehead . | |
24 | 利比亚可能回到卡扎菲以前的时代,当时她是由英国管理的傀儡国王-步履蹒跚的伊本·伊德里斯统治。 | Libya would return to pre-Gadaffi days when it was ruled by a British-managed figurehead king, the doddering Ibn Idris. | |
25 | 媒体后来质问,里根究竟是一个首脑,还是个傀儡。 | The media demanded to know whether Reagan was in charge or was just a figurehead . | |
26 | 穆沙拉夫星期二将主持一位经过民主投票选举的总理的就职仪式,以取代他指定的傀儡领导人。 | Mr. Musharraf will swear-in a democratically-elected prime minister on Tuesday replacing the figurehead he had appointed. | |
27 | 其首要目标是,在半年内将吉转变为议会制共和国,总统在其中仅发挥象征性作用。 | The priority is to turn the country into a parliamentary republic with a figurehead presidency within six months. | |
28 | 他表示,下一位国王只有成为欧洲式的虚位之君,才能坐稳王座。 | Only by becoming a European-style figurehead can a future monarch survive, he argues. | |
29 | 他很可能被架空,无法充分发挥自己的能力或者实现自己的梦想。 | He was likely a mere figurehead , unable to capitalize upon his abilities or realize his dreams. | |
30 | 一旦陷入球荒,又不在最适合自己的位置踢球,他会失去组织进攻和主导比赛的自信。 | When he isn’t scoring goals and playing in his best positions, he loses the confidence that comes with being the playmaker and figurehead . |