1 | GB14196-1993普通照明灯泡的安全要求 | Safety requirements for tungsten filament lamps for domestics and similar general lighting purposes | |
2 | GB5948-1998摩托车白炽丝光源前照灯配光性能 | Photometric characteristics of motorcycle headlamps equipped with filament light sources | |
3 | 爱迪生不相信碳可作灯丝用,所以一开始就用铂合金作灯丝。 | Originally Edison used platinum alloys for the filament , in the belief that carbon was impracticable | |
4 | 白炽灯(闪光灯、红外线和紫外线灯以及聚光灯组除外) | filament lamp (other than flash bulbs,infrared and ultraviolet lamps and sealed-beam lamp units) | |
5 | 白炽电灯(泡),手电筒,电池灯或磁电灯用 | electric lamp (bulb),filament for portable flashlights,battery or magnetolamps | |
6 | 包缠纺纱的一种改进型包括三种组分,芯部采用长丝,长丝外由短纤维包缠,最外面的一层由长丝包缠而成。 | A modification of the process involves three components, a center core of filament fibers encircled by staple fibers then wrapped by filament fibers. | |
7 | 包缠纺纱线可以描述为:由短纤维构成的纱芯被长丝包缠的一种双组分纱线,长纤维起捆扎作用。 | Coverspun is described as a bicomponent yarn made of a center or core of staple fibers that are wrapped with filament fibers that serve as the binder. | |
8 | 变形纱主要由长丝纤维构成。 | Textured yarns are composed primarily of filament fibers. | |
9 | 蚕丝的强度很高,其强力范围3-5克/旦尼尔。湿强度是干强度的80%-85%。在正常条件下,蚕丝的伸长率为25%,在相对湿度100%时为35%。 | Silk is very strong with a tenacity usually ranging from 3~5 grams per denier. The wet strength is 80%~85% of the dry strength. The elongation of silk filament is 25% under normal conditions and is 35% at 100% R.H. | |
10 | 蚕丝是蚕制作出来的.蚕作茧时,从嘴里的两个吐丝口吐出蚕丝。蚕丝由蛋白质构成,其表面包覆有一层可溶于碱的被称为丝胶的物质。 | Silk is produced by silk worm. The silk worm extends the filament from its twin spinnerets when making its cocoon. The filament, consisting of protein, is coated with an alkali-soluble substance called sericin. | |
11 | 长丝的直径还与导丝盘从喷丝头孔引离长丝时的速度有关。 | The size of the filament is also controlled by varying the rate at which the filaments are pulled away from the hole by the godet wheel. | |
12 | 长丝经过蒸发仓内被加热的壁板,再经过清洗、拉伸、卷曲、定型,然后以丝束状卷绕到卷装上或被切成短纤维。 | After the filament passes through the heated wall evaporation chamber, it is washed, stretched, crimped, set, and then either packaged in tow or cut into staple. | |
13 | 长丝纱的一段为S捻,一段为Z捻,两种捻向交替排列。 | The filament strand alternates S and Z twist. | |
14 | 长丝纱可以按用户要求加捻,之后卷绕到纸制圆锥筒子上。目前的一种趋势是使用的筒子在退绕纱线时不给纱线加捻,这样纱线在使用时可以保持较低的捻度。 | Filament yarn may be twisted to the level of consumer requirements and packaged on paper cones. One trend is the development of packages which will deliver a zero twist yarn, and the utilization of the yarn at low twist levels. | |
15 | 长丝纱中的纤维类型和长丝纱是否经过变形处理这两点会影响织物的外观、舒适性、维护要求以及耐久性。 | Filament yarns can, depending upon fiber type and whether or not they are textured, affect the appearance, comfort properties, maintenance requirements, and durability of cloth. | |
16 | 长丝体的传动部分包括:一个拖拉重锤和一个预热器。 | The filament drive included a trailing weight and a preheater | |
17 | 长丝纤维可用来生产某些类型的非织造布。 | Filament fibers may be used in making some types of bonded fiber fabrics. | |
18 | 长丝自捻纱比环锭纱条干要均匀一些,同时,由于长丝的包缠,其强度也要高一些。 | Selfil yarns are slightly more even than ring-spun and are much stronger because of the filament wrapping. | |
19 | 常用的自捻纱是长丝自捻纱,它包括一根具有一定捻度的短纤纱,还有一根缠绕在短纤纱表面的长丝纱。 | A common type is the Selfil yarn, which is composed of one strand of staple fibers with some twist and a filament strand wrapped around the staple strand. | |
20 | 敞口玻璃灯泡[不带配件,用于白热丝电灯和气体放电灯] | open glass bulb[without fittings,for electric filament lamps and vapour discharge lamps] | |
21 | 但是也有例外,棉经面缎纹和长丝纬面缎纹也已经问世。 | There are, however, exceptions; cotton satins as well as filament yarn sateens have been made. | |
22 | 弹力长丝无跟袜,只有一种尺寸但伸缩自如。 | Stretch filament socks, available in one size which, however, fits everyone. | |
23 | 弹丝一条小长丝结构,通过吸收水分促使孢子分裂。可以是连接到孢子上的一个丝圈,如长在杉叶藻内的,也可以是各孢子间的一条长丝,如在苔藓内的 | A tiny elongated structure that forces the dispersal of spores by the absorption of moisture.It is either a band attached to the spore,as in horsetails,or a filament occurring among the spores,as in liverworts. | |
24 | 电灯光亮来自白热的灯丝。 | The light of an electric lamp comes from an incandescent filament . | |
25 | 而且芯部和表层一个可以使用长丝,另一个可以使用短纤维。二者也可以都是长丝或短纤维。 | Further, one part may be of filament fibers while the other is of staple fibers; or both parts may be of either filament or staple-length fibers. | |
26 | 纺织玻璃纤维连续纤维和定长纤维纱平均直径的测定 | Textile glass-Continuous filament yarns and staple fibre yarns-Determination of average diameter of fibre | |
27 | 纺织玻璃纤维连续纤维纱、定长纤维纱和无捻粗纱线密度的测定 | Textile glass--Continuous filament yarns,staple fibre yarns and rovings--Determination of linear density | |
28 | 纺织玻璃纤维连续纤维纱和定长纤维纱捻度的测定 | Textile glass--Continuous filament yarns and staple fibre yarns-Determination of twist | |
29 | 缝纫线是用短纤纱或长纤纱制成。 | Spun and filament yarns are used in the making of sewing threads | |
30 | 高取向度长丝与低取向度长丝的区别与精梳棉纱和不良的粗梳棉纱的区别类似。 | A highly oriented filament and one that is not so oriented is similar to the difference between a combed cotton yarn and a poorly carded cotton yarn. |