属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-心理学 当权者都会腐化 败坏?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-旅馆卫生 当心遥控器
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-在刚果行医的女医生Lyn Lusi
1 | ||1:充斥着高墙和电网的犹太人区建立于1940年10月,用以隔离居民中的犹太人。||2:来自波兰和德国各城市的犹太人被塞进了这个4平方公里的地方。||3: 1942年4月时,有50万犹太人生活在那里,其中许多人直接生活在地上那肮脏的稻草垫上。||4:每星期大约1500人死于饥饿和疾病。||5:爱德曼说,在这种情况下,最大的希望仅仅是还活着:不是那经过的轮车上,头部上下摆动或者敲击过道的裸尸之一。||6:一种“恐怖的漠然”滋生,在漠然中,人们不再认为无处不在的恐怖是恐怖。||7:他试图唤醒他们,首先是持续、连夜打印油印报纸,然后是战斗。 | ||1:The ghetto had been established in October 1940 to cut off the city’s Jews, with a high wall and wire, from the general population.||2:Jews were crammed into its four square kilometres from all over the city, Poland and the German Reich.||3:By April 1942 half a million people lived there, many on filthy straw mattresses directly on the ground.||4:Around 1,500 were dying each week from hunger and disease.||5:In those conditions, Mr Edelman said, the most important thing was just to be alive: not to be one of the naked corpses wheeled past on carts, heads bobbing up and down or knocking on the pavement.||6:A “terrible apathy” took hold, in which people no longer saw or believed the random horrors round them.||7:He tried to rouse them, first by staying up night after night to print mimeograph newspapers, and then by fighting. | |
2 | ||1:大卫·卡多曾于不同时期在坎帕拉附近的南萨那和木叩诺居住过,那里的邻居承认他非常友好,大方。||2:他为架设当地的电线付款,解决人们的医疗费用,为无家可归的流浪者提供住宿。||3:但是,他们告诉小报,他做的所有这些都是因为他有很多外资,而其中大部分捐给他是让其在乌干达宣扬西方的邪恶文化,还有很多被他用来当做性取乐的资本。||4:跟他走的太近非常危险,因为他对屁股又特殊的喜爱。||5:他的女清洁工(负责观察记录哪个年轻男子来了,哪个走了,哪个留下过夜了)注意到被杀害那天,他很疲惫,她把这归咎于艾滋病。||6:一位医生继续了这个错误的故事:卡多先生是HIV病毒携带者,并且还到处传播,置政府的控制艾滋病政策于不顾。||7:一位叫保罗·卡嘎巴的前同性恋者声称,在卡多先生别墅路旁带有大圆柱的“白宫”里,他喝了几杯啤酒,吃了外卖,之后就被引诱做了无法弥补的邪恶事情。||8:他暗示他只是众多被引诱者之一。 | ||1:His neighbours in Nansana and Mukono, the districts near Kampala where he lived at various times, admitted that he could be generous and kind.||2:He paid for electricity wires to be put up locally, settled people’s hospital bills, took drifters in when they were homeless.||3:But this, they told the tabloids, was because he was “filthy loaded” with foreign dime, most of it donated to him for spreading a Western evil in Uganda, and a lot of the money was used as bribes for sexual favours.||4:It was dangerous to get too close to him, because of his love for bums.||5:His cleaning woman (who observed which young men came and went, and who stayed the night) noticed that he was tired on the day he was killed, and put it down to AIDS.||6:A doctor took the false story on: Mr Kato was HIV-positive, and spreading it around, despite the government’s campaign to keep AIDS in check.||7:An ex-homosexual called Paul Kagaba claimed that he had been irreparably seduced into evil in Mr Kato’s white house with the columns along Villa Road, after a couple of Guinnesses and a takeaway meal.||8:He implied he was one of many. | |
3 | ||1:之后,测试对象们收到一个代表10个"障碍"的列表,要他们说出他们选了几个(至少选1个)"障碍"给他们的评判对象必须翻越的。||2: 测试对象所不知道的是, Dr Halevy and Dr Galinsky 对另外没有参加上述实验的58个人进行了一项独立的测试,即,对这10项行为的贬抑、羞辱、跌份、尴尬、和难受的程度进行打分。 ||3:10项中有5项被评判为极其贬抑,比如像"说5遍‘我是肮脏的’"和"学狗叫3次"。||4:其它5项不被认为是特别的丢脸,包括"讲一个笑话给对方"和"拍手50次"。 | ||1: Participants were then presented with a list of ten hoops and told to select as many as they liked (but a minimum of one) for their partner to jump through. ||2: Unknown to the participants, Dr Halevy and Dr Galinsky had conducted an independent test, using 58 people not involved in the main study, to rate how demeaning, humiliating, degrading, embarrassing and uncomfortable each of the ten possible activities actually was. ||3: Five of the ten were rated as deeply demeaning. These included things like: "say ‘I am filthy ’ five times" and "bark like a dog three times". ||4: The other five were not considered particularly demeaning. They included: "tell the experimenter a funny joke" and "clap your hands 50 times". | |
4 | 可是事实真的如此吗?休斯顿大学的研究者调查了客房的洁净度,揭露了那些最肮脏的地方。 | But are they? Researchers from the University of Houston have probed the cleanliness of rooms, exposing the most—and least—filthy surfaces. | |
5 | 露丝自己也花了不少时间建立自信。她来自英国东南部风和日丽的拉姆斯盖特。首次来到拥挤、肮脏、酷热难当的金沙萨时,这位拉姆斯盖特姑娘吓坏了。 | It had taken her time, too, to build up confidence. A Ramsgate girl, from England’s soft south-east, she was horrified when she first arrived in teeming, filthy , sweltering Kinshasa. | |
6 | “你爸爸睡着了。你穿着湿胶鞋跑进来,把地板都弄脏了,这是干什么呀?” | "Your father’s asleep. Now, why do you come in here with your wet rubbers and filthy the floor? " | |
7 | 2004年的一天夜里,我发现自己身处伍尔弗汉普顿一个脏乱的旅店里的前台。 | One night in 2004, I found myself at the reception desk of a filthy hotel in Wolverhampton. | |
8 | 安气愤地瞧了他一眼。 | Ann gave him a filthy look . | |
9 | 按照同样的方式,如果中央公园不归政府所有的话,就永远不会变成眼前的垃圾场。 | In the same way, if Central Park were not owned by the government, it never would’ve become the filthy place it became. | |
10 | 肮脏、消瘦,她告诉采访者她23岁。 | Filthy and thin, she tells the interviewer that she is 23. | |
11 | 肮脏的破布╱街道 | filthy rags/streets | |
12 | 肮脏的外国人倒是更欢迎欢迎女性。 | Filthy foreigners are more female-friendly | |
13 | 备受折磨、外表肮脏的被解救工人的照片显示,他们全身到处都是打伤和烧伤。 | Photographs of the traumatised and filthy freed workers showed them with wounds and burns across their bodies. | |
14 | 并且不像来自那些污秽场所的肉,它不会污染河流和小溪,不会大量消耗地下水,也不会引起滥伐森林。 | And unlike meat from those filthy places, it will not pollute rivers and streams, deplete groundwater or cause deforestation. | |
15 | 不要再穿着满是骄傲的污秽衣服来到神面前。 | Stop trying to come to God with filthy rags full of pride. | |
16 | 厨房水池里的绿色污水几乎要溢出来,比卷心菜还难闻得多。 | The kitchen sink was full nearly to the brim with filthy greenish water which smelt worse than ever of cabbage. | |
17 | 从中国领导人的讲话来判断,他们正越来越关注空气污染、水污染和受污染影响的健康问题。 | Judging from their speeches, Chinese leaders are increasingly anxious about foul air, filthy water and unhealthy levels of pollutants. | |
18 | 当他的儿子和女儿流连于那些战争的痕迹时,“大个子”指着脏地毯上的一堆旧照片。 | As his son and daughter peered around the wreckage, Grande pointed to a pile of old photographs that were spilling across a filthy carpet. | |
19 | 对一种特殊复合重硬垢的化学清洗对策 | Chemical Clean of Some Special Compound Hardened Filthy | |
20 | 非但不值得庆贺,如今成了“有钱是肮脏的”。 | Rather than cause for celebration, it now seems "filthy to be rich" . | |
21 | 富得流油 | to be filthy /stinking(= extremely) rich | |
22 | 工作人员解释说,每天有一小时,一名女清洁工会顺便来清扫,但是之后,周围又不可避免的重新变得污秽。 | A sweeper woman stopped by for an hour a day, the functionary explained, but afterward things inevitably became filthy again. | |
23 | 何况那污秽可憎,喝罪孽如水的世人呢。 | How much more abominable and filthy is man, which drinketh iniquity like water? | |
24 | 和许多北京人一样,李雪松希望政府在奥运后把重心放在净化首都污浊空气的措施上。 | Like many Beijingers, Mr Li hopes that a post-Olympic priority for the government will be efforts to clean the capital’s filthy air. | |
25 | 还是说它纯属令人堕落的嗜好、一个人造的魔兽,所以我们就理应赋税? | Or is it a filthy indulgence, a manufactured monstrosity for which we should justifiably be taxed? | |
26 | 灰尘从钥匙孔和窗棂中穿过,气味有如散发恶臭的泥土、烟雾以及金属颗粒的混合体。 | The dust works its way through keyholes and window frames, and smells like a filthy brew of dirt, smoke and metallic particles. | |
27 | 即使你的过去是一团乱麻,你的未来也是一尘不染的。 | Regardless of how filthy your past has been, your future is still spotless. | |
28 | 结果再见面的时候,安澈带来的作品令人震惊:肮脏、赤脚的小孩在垃圾堆里找东西吃、从牛粪里捡玉米粒。 | The footage Ahn brought out was shocking: filthy , barefoot children scavenging for food, picking kernels of corn from cow manure. | |
29 | 她把手伸进布包摸出一个脏兮兮的汤匙,一小撮粉末和一根吸管。她的孩子就站在旁边。 | With her children standing by, Aziza reached into a cloth bag and produced a filthy spoon, a bit of powder and a straw. | |
30 | 她脾气暴躁。 | She has a filthy temper . |